Prometheus - Star Trek

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Prometheus - Star Trek

Post by NewDeep »

The opening music of Prometheus and also in some scenes during rest of the film - a homage to the Star Trek theme? Note for note similarity!!
In addition to the overall feel of the overall background score being Trek-ish, it's like "inserts" of "space, the final frontier" theme from Star Trek have been deliberately made in some scenes, most noticeably during the opening sequence.
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Re: Prometheus - Star Trek

Post by NewDeep »

I am not alone :-D
Now for me straight from the opening shot of the light emerging and
highlighting the edge of earth at the beginning of the film (which
reminds me of the opening from 2001 a space odyssey where the light
outlines the shape of the planet that centers the opening frames of that
movie, and that's not the only reference to that film here) you can see
that this film is made to be in the vein of golden aged sci-fi, the
opening music sounds vaguely reminiscent of star trek (another classic
of science fiction and an ingrained part of modern sci-fi culture
(personally not a big fan but there you go), which helps to give that
feeling of wonder and exploration that formed the basis of that show and
will be the backbone of Prometheus) it was also a jerry goldsmith
penned theme if i'm not mistaken, (goldsmith also coincidently was the
composer on alien and key parts of his score can also be heard
integrated here in this film) and is referenced in the opening few bars
crisscrossing different sci-fi landmarks from Alien to star trek backed
up with some visual nostalgia from 2001 providing a nice tip of the hat
to these well established landmarks.
from ... ar-trek/p2
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