Sotto falso nome R2 Italy DVD ADDED

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Sotto falso nome R2 Italy DVD ADDED

Post by Rafael_Kuehn »

Title: Sotto falso nome
Country: Italy
Region: 2
Releasing Studio: Medusa Home Entertainment
Case Type: Keep Case
Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1
Anamorphic?: yes
Soundtracks: Italian Dolby Digital 5,1
French Dolby Digital 5.1
Subtitles (are they optional?): Italian HoH, French, optional
Cuts: (and if you know it, precise run time) 104:34 min
Commentaries: none
"Dietro le quinte" making-of documentary (29:31)
interview with actor Daniel Auteuil (20:08)
"Mai visto al cinema":
- "Il passato" deleted scene (02:38)
- "Il segreto" deleted scene (01:25)
- alternative finale (05:47)
photo gallery (03:07)
Italian trailer (01:36)
cast and crew listing
Notes: The making-of is in Italian (mostly) and French (some interviews), with optional Italian subtitles. The Daniel Auteuil interview is dubbed into Italian, with optional Italian subs. All the deleted/alternative scenes are in French, again with optional Italian subtitles.
Easter Eggs:
Amazon ASIN (UK, French, German, USA releases only):
Source:* I own it.

The movie is also available in France under the title "Le prix du desir", though according to amazon it's not in the original aspect ratio ( ... falso+nome). The only English-friendly version seems to be an obscure Korean release under the international title "Strange Crime", but the translation is reported to be of very bad quality and incomplete ( ... ange+crime). Which is a pity, because this is a really unique and beautifully done thriller/drama deserving of a wider audience.
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Re: Sotto falso nome R2 Italy DVD

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

Thanks. Added it!