Country: Germany
Region: 0
Distributor: WMM
Case Type: Keep case
Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1
Anamorphic?: No
Soundtracks: English DD 1.0, German DD 1.0
Subtitles (are they optional?): -
Cuts: No (91:00)
Commentaries: -
- Tomas Tang interview (in English with forced German subtitles) (7:38)
- German video version (in German DD 1.0) (87:47)
- Brazilian trailer (2:45)
- Greek trailer (0:46)
- Cover gallery (6:16)
- Filmark filmography (1:36)
- Spanish opening credits with the title "Ninja Condors 13" (0:50)
- Danish opening credits with the title "Ninja, Condors 13" (1:50)
- Alternative opening credits 1 (0:49)
- Alternative opening credits 2 (0:49)
- Movie clip (with Danish subtitles) (0:26)
- Movie clip (with Japanese subtitles) (0:17)
- Movie clip (with Spanish dub) (0:41)
- Movie clip (with Czech dub) (0:28)
- Movie clip (with Turkish dub) (0:19)
- Trailers:
• The Death Diamond (2:50)
• MIssion Thunderbolt (2:50)
• Ninja Force (3:23)
• Golden Ninja Warrior (2:58)
• Ninja Challenge (2:38)
- Onscreen title "Ninja, Condors 13".
- VHS picture quality.
- Reversible sleeve with alternative title "Ninja Condors 13".
- The back cover incorrectly states region 2 and AR 1.78: 1.
Source: My collection ... JA+CONDORS
AR of the main feature (top) and the German video version (bottom).