Looking now and there are still things I am uncertain about that you haven't answered. (Plus some spelling mistakes)
Åsmund_Utvik wrote:
Is there no commentary track?
Åsmund_Utvik wrote:
Extras:Level 1 menu: Creature Presentation (intro with Lloyd Kaufman) (0:52)
Please explain. Is the full title "Level 1 Menu: Creature Presentation" - and it's an intro with Kaufman?
Åsmund_Utvik wrote:-- Executive Washroom submenu (0:48) (clip from movies)
Why does this submenu have a runtime? Is this a mistake?
Åsmund_Utvik wrote:
-Mopboys secrets audio commentarys with Michael Herz (submenu)
Michael Herz or Mark Torgl? And are these optional commentaries or forced commentaries?