Title: Lady Frankenstein AKA La figlia di Frankenstein
Country: Germany
Region: A/B
Releasing Studio: Anolis/Edition Hände Weg!
Case Type: Mediabook
Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1
Codec: AVC MPEG-4
Picture: 1080p
Soundtracks: English DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 Mono, German DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 Mono, Italian DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 Mono (you only can choose Italian via remote control. There is no option in the menu and it's also not listed on the backcover)
Subtitles (optional): German
Cuts: 99:21
Commentaries: Audio commentary by actor Herbert Fux (German, no subtitles)
Extras (everything in HD):
Startup Trailer
- Anti Piracy Ad (German) (2:13) -> You can't skip this one!
Introduction by Mel Welles (cannot be chosen separately in the bonus section, appears before the start of the movie, NOT skippable) (English, optional German subtitles) (2:21)
German Theatrical Trailer (2:52)
"Die Wahrheit über Lady Frankenstein" "The Truth about Lady Frankenstein" (with Mel Welles, Rosalba Neri, Paul Müller, Herbert Fux; in English, German, Italian, optional German subtitles for non German parts) (73:57)
US Theatrical Trailer (2:53)
US TV Spot (0:44)
US TV Spot (0:15)
US Title and End Sequence (3:05)
US Radio Spot (1:01)
US Radio Spot (0:31)
Italian Title and End Sequence (3:05)
"Wie der Lady der Prozess gemacht wurde" (my translation: "The Lady on Trial") (12:33)-> The censorship decision by the Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährende Schriften (https://www.bundespruefstelle.de/) read on camera.
Spukbilder (my translation: "Ghost Pictures") (1:53) -> tongue in cheek "proof" of ghosts haunting the castle during shooting of the film
Italian Super 8 Version (38:54)
Filmmarkt Folder (4 pictures, with text in English, French, German, Italian) (2:59)
German Promotional Material (4 pictures) (1:59)
Belgian Promotional Material (2 pictures with Dutch and French text) (1:12)
American Promotional Material (6 pictures) (3:01)
Picture Gallery (57 pictures) (3:47)
Notes: 32-page booklet with writing by Heinz Klett and Pelle Felsch included (non-removable). Cover B. Limited to 499 copies. Cover A (ASIN: B07B63ZGXP) limited also to 499 copies.
Easter Eggs: If you press the "up" arrow key on the remote in the main menu "Von Älteren lernen - Eine kleine Schule des Lebens" (my translation: "Learning from the Elders - a Little School of Life") (German, no subtitles) (10:01) appears -> I really have NO idea what the purpose of this easter egg is. You see two German guys sightseeing the italian village Bellagio on Lake Como taking pictures all the time and making some sarcastic/funny remarks about the landscape, architecture food in comparison to the city of Cologne
Amazon ASIN: B07B5Y3PH4
Source: Own it.
DVD - Extras 1
Title: Lady Frankenstein AKA La figlia di Frankenstein
Country: Germany
Region: R0 (1-6)
Releasing Studio: Anolis/Edition Hände Weg!
Case Type: Mediabook
Aspect Ratio: -
Anamorphic?: -
Soundtracks: German (some English, Italian, see notes)
Subtitles: - (some German subtitles, see notes)
Cuts: -
Commentaries: -
Startup Trailers -> not skippable
- Edition Hände Weg! (0:28)
- Der geheimnisvolle Filmclub Buio Omega (0:25)
Der katholische Filmdienst (7:05) -> a letter from "Katholischer Filmdienst" about the movie read by actor Herbert Fux
Die Lippenstift-Affäre (English, German, Italian, optional German subtitles) (3:50) -> my translation: "The Lipstick Affair" (tongue in cheek "confessions": actor Herbert Fux returns a "stolen" pen to director Mel Welles, he in turn returns a "stolen" lipstick to Rosalba Neri)
Nicht verwendetes TV-Intro (English, no subtitles) (0:51) -> my translation: "Unused Tv Intro" (it's a short version of Mel Welles introduction listed in the Extras of the Blu-ray release)
Filmography Joseph Cotten (123 pages)
Filmography Mickey Hargitay (25 pages)
Filmography Rosalba Neri (98 pages)
Filmography Mel Welles (74 pages)
Notes: 32-page booklet with writing by Heinz Klett and Pelle Felsch included (non-removable). Cover B. Limited to 499 copies. Cover A (ASIN: B07B63ZGXP) limited also to 499 copies.
Easter Eggs: -
Amazon ASIN: B07B5Y3PH4
Source: Own it.
DVD - Extras 2
Title: Lady Frankenstein AKA La figlia di Frankenstein
Country: Germany
Region: R0 (1-6)
Releasing Studio: Anolis/Edition Hände Weg!
Case Type: Mediabook
Aspect Ratio: -
Anamorphic?: -
Soundtracks: German
Subtitles: -
Cuts: -
Commentaries: -
Startup Trailers -> not skippable
- Edition Hände Weg! (0:28)
- Der geheimnisvolle Filmclub Buio Omega (my translatin: "The Mysterious Filmclub Biuo Omega")(0:25) -> they released this copy, marketed by Anolis. Filmclub means a association of movie lovers who meet from time to time to watch "obscure" movies like this one
Actor Herbert Fux meets Film Club "Buio Omega", 20. November 1999 (German only) (40:00)
Actor Herbert Fux about "Untertanengeist" (mindset of "subservience") (German only) (5:11)
Filmography of Herbert Fux (141 pages, German Text)
Notes: 32-page booklet with writing by Heinz Klett and Pelle Felsch included (non-removable). Cover B. Limited to 499 copies. Cover A (ASIN: B07B63ZGXP) limited also to 499 copies.
Easter Eggs: -
Amazon ASIN: B07B5Y3PH4
Source: Own it.