Blu-ray-Player: Black is brown/red tinted

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Blu-ray-Player: Black is brown/red tinted

Post by Christian_Bütikofer »

The picture quality of my two Blu-ray-Players is quite different. The Samsung Player's (BD-J5900) black is red/brown tinted whereas my LG player (LG 611) shows a much more natural black. Has anyone an idea which settings this may cause? I have not done any tweaking in the settings on either player. I have a Samsung TV (two different TVs! same result), BD-Wise is off. Has anyone had similar experiences? I guess it has something to do with my settings on the Blu-ray player but so far, always the same result - I suspect something "Samsung" specific is going on... but no clue what exactly).

For illustration here the picture comparison (first LG, second Samsung) from Godzilla (Splendid and Criterion releases -> Criterion picture far superior) and Night of the Demon (French and UK releases) (shots taken from an iPhone):




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Re: Blu-ray-Player: Black is brown/red tinted

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

If you compare two different discs on two different players, there's bound to be differences. Why not compare by playing one disc on both players and screenshotting the difference?
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Re: Blu-ray-Player: Black is brown/red tinted

Post by Christian_Bütikofer »

Will do. Just shows how green I am. I thought/assumed they have the material from the same source. And when I saw that it's pretty similar assumed, it has defenitely something to do with my equipment.
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Re: Blu-ray-Player: Black is brown/red tinted

Post by Alister_Manson »

Could also be different picture settings on your players or TV. Check things like gamma and live colour to make sure everything matches up.
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Re: Blu-ray-Player: Black is brown/red tinted

Post by Ulrich_Christensen »

If I were to play devil's advocate, I'd say that one has a blue-ish tint, while the other has a good black.

Working with light and photography, I learned that colour scales aren't truly universal. It is very possible that the people doing the authoring on one of your discs has a different idea of "black" than the other. If the colours stay the same for each player when the discs are swapped, the colour space calibration is different between the players themselves.

Example: I have some black bed linen and when I view it in one kind of lighting it appears brown-ish dark, but when I view it a different kind of light it has a blue-ish dark tone.
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