Alternate German release "Classic Cult Collection" also available. Let us know if you can confirm the specs.
I have ordered this on, and should have it in a few weeks so I'll be able to update this entry. However, in my search for the unofficial release that director Albert Pyun sold directly via email four years ago I came across a German website,, that listed both the Platinum Cult Edition (third listed on the Cyborg comparison page, which I cannot find for sale anywhere) and the aforementioned Classic Cult Edition. It did note some differences between the releases. Since I don't read/speak German I won't be able to directly translate the text on the blu-ray jacket, but I'll do my best. Until then, if anyone's interested, these are the pages for the two (I used Google Translate to translate them into English)
Platinum Cult Edition: ... zTW7ah-ZNA
Classic Cult Edition: ... 1b12Xwaa9Q