Pulp Fiction - Blu-ray UPDATED

A collection of completed Requests and Submissions as of December 28th 2014. This is for reference only.

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Pulp Fiction - Blu-ray UPDATED

Post by David_Purley »

http://www.dvdcompare.net/comparisons/f ... ?fid=19114

Just to note that in the Pulp Fiction Blu-ray comparison the French BD is listed as having "a few exclusives". Actually that's not accurate, what appears to be exclusive to this disc is actually re-named extras from the other discs. So:

- "Making-Of" featurette (10:50) is actually the Behind-the-Scenes Montages (- Jack Rabbit Slims (4:45) - Butch Hits Marselus (6:04))
- Tarantino and Avary interviewed by Michael Moore (11:33) is actually Independent Spirit Awards Footage (11:29)

The extras are accurately recording the way they are listed on the French disc though, it's just their exclusivity that is inaccurate. This is derived from my copy.
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Re: Pulp Fiction - Blu-ray

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

Updated it. Thank you!