Event Horizon (1997) ADDED

A collection of completed Requests and Submissions as of December 28th 2014. This is for reference only.

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Event Horizon (1997) ADDED

Post by Brent_Reid »

All the Paramount BDs and Special Edition DVDs are clearly vertically stretched. Their AR is much narrower than the intended 2.35:1.

The previous vanilla DVDs don't have a stretched image but are blown up to at least the same ratio as the SEs and heavily cropped on the sides.

The various issues of 84 Entertainment's German Collector's Edition BD correct all the above faults and are actually 2.35:1. Otherwise, it has identical spec to the SEs.
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Re: Event Horizon (1997)

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

What is the aspect ratio?
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Re: Event Horizon (1997)

Post by Brent_Reid »

I don't know; I haven't measured them and all online sources just parrot the sleeve spec. But all the above are on Caps-a-holic.
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Re: Event Horizon (1997)

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

We'll update if someone wants to measure it out.
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Re: Event Horizon (1997)

Post by Brent_Reid »

As you'd expect, every forum thread on this film is dominated by the issue, and I found those measurements:
  • All original Paramount DVDs: 2.31:1 (non-stretched)
    All Paramount SE DVDs and BDs: 2.33:1 (with stretching)
Title: Event Horizon 2-Disc Remastered Collector's Edition
Country: Germany
Region: B
Releasing Studio: 84 Entertainment
Case Type: Mediabook with 24-page booklet
Aspect Ratio: 2.54:1 (sleeve claims 2.35:1)
Codec: (MVC, AVC MPEG-4, VC-1, MPEG-2) AVC MPEG-4
Picture: (1080p/1080i 60/1080i 50 etc) 1080p
Soundtracks: English and German DTS-HD MA 5.1 (rear sleeve mistakenly states audio is Dolby TrueHD)
Subtitles (are they optional?): English, German (yes)
Cuts: (and if you know it, precise run time) None (95:57)
Commentaries: With director Paul W.S. Anderson and producer Jeremy Bolt (with optional English and German subtitles)
"The Making of Event Horizon" documentary (with Play All)
- "Into the Jaws of Darkness" (14:57)
- "The Body of the Beast" (22:48)
- "Liberate Tuteme Ex Inferis" (19:55)
- "The Scale to Hell" (18:42)
- "The Womb of Fear" (26:36)
"The Point of No Return: The Filming of Event Horizon" featurettes (with optional commentary by director Paul W.S. Anderson) (with Play All)
- "The Rotating Corridor" (1:52)
- "The Crew Gathers" (1:14)
- "Shooting Wire Work" (1:36)
- "The Dark Inside" (3:28)
"Secrets" deleted scenes (with optional commentary by Paul W.S. Anderson) (with Play All)
- "Deleted Briefing Scene" (2:49)
- "Extended Medical Bay Scene" (0:54)
- "Extended Burning Man Confrontation" (6:20)
"The Unseen Event Horizon" featurettes (with commentary by Paul W.S. Anderson)
- "The Un-filmed Rescue Scene" (2:57)
- "Conceptual Art" (3:52)
- Theatrical Trailer (2:27) (1080p)
- Video Trailer (1:48)
Notes: Unstretched transfer
Easter Eggs: None
Amazon ASIN (UK, French, German, USA releases only): Cover A: B07D4QMKST / Cover B: B07D389ZCF
Source:*OFDb and others

Title: Event Horizon 2-Disc Remastered Collector's Edition
Country: Germany
Region: 2
Releasing Studio: 84 Entertainment
Case Type: Mediabook with 24-page booklet
Aspect Ratio: 2.54:1 (sleeve claims 2.35:1)
Anamorphic?: Yes
Soundtracks: English and German Dolby Digital 5.1
Subtitles (are they optional?): English, German (yes)
Cuts: (and if you know it, precise run time) None (92:01)
Commentaries: With director Paul W.S. Anderson and producer Jeremy Bolt (with optional English and German subtitles)
Extras: None
Notes: Unstretched transfer
Easter Eggs: None
Amazon ASIN (UK, French, German, USA releases only): Cover A: B07D4QMKST / Cover B: B07D389ZCF
Source:*OFDb and others
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Re: Event Horizon (1997)

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

Thank you, added, and updated.
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Re: Event Horizon (1997) ADDED

Post by Brent_Reid »

You're welcome, but gawd nose how you manage to get it done so quickly!

I forgot to add that each German release was limited to 750 non-numbered copies, but thanks for picking up on it.
I reckon your German RCE BD/DVD transfer notes would read better if you substitute "squeezing" for "unsqueezes".
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Re: Event Horizon (1997) ADDED

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

If it unsqueezes, it would be come taller than the 2.33:1 ratio. Instead the AR is shorter at 2.54:1, so squeezing it down seems correct. Looking at capsaholic, it's just taking the same Paramount master and adjusting the AR, but even if faces look natural in shape, the ratio is obviously non-theatrical.
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Re: Event Horizon (1997) ADDED

Post by Brent_Reid »

I see your point, though the wording applies equally in either direction. It's just the current iteration isn't grammatically correct. At least "squeezes" would work. How about:
  • The transfer is uncropped, but squeezes the vertically stretched Paramount master. Image proportions are now correct but it's in the non-theatrical aspect ratio of 2.54:1.
There is a ton of discussion on all these transfers, but they mostly conclude by saying the De RCE should been cropped on the left to correct the AR. The compositions still look ok to me and I'd have no problem watching it. I certainly couldn't sit through my US BD again. There's a good chance someone like Scream Factory will also correct and re-release it...
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Re: Event Horizon (1997) ADDED

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

Updated to what you had above ↑
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Re: Event Horizon (1997) ADDED

Post by Brent_Reid »

Cheers. Let's hope the next time someone looks at these comparisons it's to add a new corrected release or two! :-D