Dragon lord scandinavian blu-ray UPDATED

A collection of completed Requests and Submissions as of December 28th 2014. This is for reference only.

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Dragon lord scandinavian blu-ray UPDATED

Post by Åsmund_Utvik »


As said, one finds always only English audio: This has probably caused a problem, since obviously at first only the Asian alternative version was scanned in HD. In this version, there is not only some additional material that was never dubbed, there are also many scenes missing from the international and export version. Even the order of scenes was changed. All the dialogues in English have now simply been adapted to the alternative version - and everything non-English that seemed "superfluous" has been rigorously cut out again.

What remains is an 83-minute torso, the most heavily edited release worldwide. The editor was also downright sloppy, because many moments missing in the international / export version are in it and shortly after that a shot cuts off with a rough jumpcut right in the middle. It seems that when they put on the sound, it was often only noticed later that something just didn't fit anymore instead of using the correct shorter version as a reference. A job done quite horribly, which is probably not even the fault of the Scandinavian label, but how it was already delivered to them by Fortune Star. Hands off anyway.
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Re: Dragon lord scandinavian blu-ray

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »
