DVD R0 - America - Assault! Jack the Ripper UPDATED

A collection of completed Requests and Submissions as of December 28th 2014. This is for reference only.

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DVD R0 - America - Assault! Jack the Ripper UPDATED

Post by Christian_Bütikofer »

Region Code: R0

About the Film
- About Nikkatsu (2 pages)
- About the Film (4 pages)
Original Trailer (Japanese, no optional subtitles) (2:00)
Bonus Trailers (Japanese, no optional subtitles)
- "The Watcher In The Attic" (2:43)
- "Naked Rashomon" (1:44)
- "The Sins Of Sister Lucia" (1:06)
- "Female Prisoner: Caged" (1:37)
More from Mondo Macabro Trailer ("Snake Sisters", "The Warrior, Silip - Daughters of Eve", "The Queen of Black Magic", "Mystics in Bali", "The Blood Rose", "The Bollywood Horror Collection", "Snake Dancer", "The Devil's Sword", "Lifespan", "Don't Deliver Us from Evil", "Satan's Blood", "Virgins from Hell", "For Your Height Only", "French Sex Murders", "The Deathless Devil", "Living Doll", "Satanico Pandemonium", "Panic Beats", "Clonus", "The Killer must Kill Again", "The Mansion of Madness", "Alucarda", "The Diabolcal Dr. Z", "Aswang", "The Living Corpse", "Blood of the Virgins", "Seven Women for Satan", "Lady Terminator", "Crazy Love", "Mill of the Stone Women", "Dangerous Seductress", "Girl Slaves of Morgana Le Fay - Special Edition") (7:43)
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Re: DVD R0 - America - Assault! Jack the Ripper FAO Christia

Post by Anthony_DiPaola »

So are these the actual extras on the Mondo disc or are these additional extras that were neglected to be included in the listing?
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Re: DVD R0 - America - Assault! Jack the Ripper FAO Christia

Post by Christian_Bütikofer »

Only these weren't listed:

About the Film
- About Nikkatsu (2 pages)
- About the Film (4 pages)

Everything else is a correction/addition to existing extras/entries:

Region Code is wrong (not R1).

The extras I didn't touch are there ;-).
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Re: DVD R0 - America - Assault! Jack the Ripper FAO Christia

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

Anthony seems to have forgotten about this, so I went ahead and updated it.