Curse of the Devil (1973)UPDATED

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Curse of the Devil (1973)UPDATED

Post by Darrel_Griffin »

Curse of the Devil AKA El retorno de Walpurgis (1973)

Subkultur Entertainment Blu-ray + DVD

This is part 6 of a series:

Paul Naschy - Legacy of a Wolfman #6

(of which Werewolf Shadow is #3)

corrections for:

Blu-ray ALL Germany - Subkultur Entertainment


international and Spanish versions:
Spanish DTS-HD Master Audio 1.0
Spanish DTS-HD Master Audio 1.0 (unrestored)
German DTS-HD Master Audio 1.0

German version:
Spanish Dolby Digital 1.0
German DTS-HD Master Audio 1.0


international and Spanish versions:
English, German (full), German (for scenes in Spanish only)

German version:
English, German

Cuts: no known cuts, 3 versions:

international version (84:23)
Spanish version (84:17)
German version (77:50)

Below is an English translation of the German menu text, detailing the differences between the Spanish (older restoration) and international (2015 restoration) versions:

"The Spanish version is based on an older HD restoration of the negative. The film's internegative was used for the 2015 restoration. The material was processed in a 2k resolution with great effort, whereby we approached the cinema experience at the time as closely as possible. This version contains the international opening credits as well as two very short alternate takes."


Extras are in 1080p.
Incomplete portions in the German dub track are substituted with the Spanish audio track with optional German subtitles for the missing portions.
Includes a 12 page booklet by David Renske (in German).
Case title: Die Todeskralle des grausamen Wolfes
Comes with an O-card slipcover.

(Note it is also apparently a Limited Edition, but I haven't been able to determine how many copies.)

Source: I own it

corrections for:

DVD R0 Germany - Subkultur Entertainment


Spanish version:
Spanish Dolby Digital 1.0
Spanish Dolby Digital 1.0 (unrestored)
German Dolby Digital 1.0

German version:
Spanish Dolby Digital 1.0
German Dolby Digital 1.0


Spanish version:
English, German (full), German (for scenes in Spanish only)

German version:
English, German

Cuts: no known cuts, 2 versions

Spanish version (80:48 PAL) (equivalent to 84:10)
German version (74:37 PAL) (equivalent to 77:44)


Incomplete portions in the German dub track are substituted with the Spanish audio track with optional German subtitles for the missing portions.
Includes a 12 page booklet by David Renske (in German).
Case title: Die Todeskralle des grausamen Wolfes
Comes with an O-card slipcover.

(Note it is also apparently a Limited Edition, but I haven't been able to determine how many copies.)

Source: I own it
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Re: Curse of the Devil (1973)

Post by Eric_Cotenas »

I’ll take this one.
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Re: Curse of the Devil (1973)

Post by Eric_Cotenas »

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Re: Curse of the Devil (1973) UPDATED

Post by Darrel_Griffin »

A few things Eric:

1. Notes on the Versions.

WARNING: This is quite confusing!

On the Subkultur Entertainment set:

After you described the Spanish version as "covered", I went back to compare them, and did a quick scan through the versions to check for scenes with nudity. I think I found them all, although I can't guarantee it.

In terms of nudity, the so-called "Spanish Version" actually has the most, although all three versions have some nudity, with the other versions utilising alternate clothed/covered scenes. The German version also omits some scenes that don't contain nudity. As far as I can tell, the only other differences are the opening credits.

Note that the opening credits are superimposed over an action scene, so the longer runtime of the Spanish credits does not affect the overall runtime - the Spanish credits simply go further into the scene.

The details of the nude and alternate clothed/covered scenes, plus the differences between the versions, are as follows (timings as per 24fps Blu-ray):

so-called "Spanish Version" (84:23) (older restoration with slightly lower picture quality):

00:00 - 03:12 Spanish opening credits, onscreen title "El retorno de Walpurgis"

04:03 - 05:03 (topless and rear female nudity)
14:08 - 14:53 (including some full frontal female nudity)
47:49 - 48:28 (including some full frontal female nudity)
62:07 - 62:56 (topless female nudity)

so-called "International Version" (84:17) (newer 2015 restoration):

00:00 - 02:47 English opening credits, onscreen title "Curse of the Devil"

04:03 - 05:12 (alternate clothed scene)
14:18 - 15:02 (including some full frontal female nudity)
47:58 - 48:38 (including some full frontal female nudity)
62:16 - 63:03 (alternate covered scene - woman covered by bedclothes)

The alternate clothed/covered scenes are respectively 0:09 longer and 0:02 shorter, hence, allowing for rounding errors, the runtime of the "International Version" is 0:06 longer than the "Spanish Version".

"German Version" (77:49):

00:00 - 02:47 English opening credits, apart from the onscreen title of "Die Todeskralle des grausamen Wolfes" over a blank red background (which nevertheless appears to be original, not a newly recreated shot, as it has a lot of grain and scratches)

04:03 - 05:12 (alternate clothed scene)
14:18 - 15:02 (including some full frontal female nudity)
43:58 - 44:37 (including some full frontal female nudity)
58:15 - 59:02 (alternate covered scene - woman covered by bedclothes)

It also omits some scenes that don't contain nudity, as follows (timings as per "International Version" at 24fps):

25:05 - 25:20 (0:15)
35:14 - 37:16 (2:02)
43:19 - 45:04 (1:45)
63:03 - 64:32 (1:29)
71:54 - 72:57 (1:03)

These omitted scenes total 6:34, hence the runtime of the "German Version" is 6:34 shorter than the "International Version".

Note the DVD in this Subkultur Entertainment set includes the so-called "Spanish Version" and "German Version" as described above (apart from having PAL 25fps timings).

The two alternate clothed/covered scenes are probably what are being referred to in the menu text, which translates as: "two very short alternate takes", and therefore these are probably the only differences apart from the opening credits.

The extra feature "Alternate Clothed Scene" (2:07) consists of the clothed/covered versions of these same two scenes.

I don't understand why for the 2015 restoration they didn't use the other nude scenes. Even if the source used for the new restoration didn't include them, they could have taken these scenes from the older restoration instead, without too much drop in picture quality.

I also own a BCI / Deimos Entertainment DVD (I bought it 2nd hand, and it seems to be a bit of a hybrid item, as bizarrely it came in an Anchor Bay case, but the disc is BCI / Deimos). I guess mine is an older version, as it has some motion issues. It seems that they did a 25fps to 24fps conversion by omitting 1 frame in 25. This means that 24p is available, but there is a jump once a second, especially noticeable on panning shots. Anyway, the relevant point to this topic is that the version on this release has the English opening credits with the onscreen title "Curse of the Devil", but it includes all of the nudity.

So this is all pretty confusing... I don't really know what to suggest in terms of how this is written up in the database, but certainly the so-called "Spanish Version" on the Subkultur Entertainment Blu-ray and DVD is NOT a "covered" version, and apart from the different opening credits it seems to be the same as the version on the BCI / Deimos Entertainment DVD, while the so-called "International Version" on the Subkultur Entertainment Blu-ray seems to be some kind of hybrid of clothed and unclothed.

2. Blu-ray Soundtrack Corrections

On the Blu-ray, the first set of soundtracks are for both the so-called "International Version" AND "Spanish Version".

Also, for the "International Version", the unrestored Spanish soundtrack is: Spanish DTS-HD Master Audio 1.0 (unrestored). Currently it incorrectly states: Spanish Dolby Digital 1.0 (but note that for the German version, the Spanish soundtrack IS Dolby Digital 1.0, so this does not need correcting).

So altogether the soundtracks should read:

International and Spanish Versions:
Spanish DTS-HD Master Audio 1.0 (restored)
Spanish DTS-HD Master Audio 1.0 (unrestored)
German DTS-HD Master Audio 1.0

German Version:
Spanish Dolby Digital 1.0
German DTS-HD Master Audio 1.0

3. Blu-ray Subtitles Corrections

On the Blu-ray, the first set of subtitles are for both the so-called "International Version" AND "Spanish Version".

So altogether the subtitles should read:

International and Spanish Versions:
English, German (full), and German (for Spanish scenes only)

German Version:
English and German

4. DVD Soundtrack Corrections

On the DVD, the first set of soundtracks is for the so-called "Spanish Version" (note the DVD does not contain the so-called "International Version").

So altogether the soundtracks should read:

Spanish Version:
Spanish Dolby Digital 1.0 (restored)
Spanish Dolby Digital 1.0 (unrestored)
German Dolby Digital 1.0

German Version:
Spanish Dolby Digital 1.0
German Dolby Digital 1.0
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Re: Curse of the Devil (1973) FAO Eric

Post by Eric_Cotenas »

Updated long ago.
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Re: Curse of the Devil (1973)UPDATED

Post by Darrel_Griffin »

Hi Eric -

My previous post on this was a while ago, so I just had to re-read it to remind myself, but anyway the corrections I noted have not been implemented yet - please refer to my previous post.

Points 2, 3 and 4 are all straightforward corrections to soundtrack and subtitle details.

Point 1 is more complicated, as it provides some details about the different versions on the Subkultur release, including the fact that the so-called "Spanish Version" is not a clothed/covered version as currently stated in the database (on both the Blu-ray and the DVD pages), and in fact it has more nudity than the so-called "International Version". I must admit I don't understand why a "Spanish Version" of a 1973 movie would have nudity in it, given that at that time Generalísimo Franco would presumably not have allowed it, but perhaps the version presented is a later Spanish version, rather than the one that was released in Spain in 1973.

Anyway, hopefully my previous post makes some kind of sense to you! Any questions, please ask.