Tenet (Scandinavian UHD & Blu-ray) UPDATED

A collection of completed Requests and Submissions as of December 28th 2014. This is for reference only.

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Tenet (Scandinavian UHD & Blu-ray) UPDATED

Post by Markus_Lang »

I own the Scandinavian UHD release of Tenet. I can confirm that it is available as a 3-disc Steelbook release (thank you, Father Christmas!), but this is a “Limited Edition,” and there is also a standard Amaray case available for this combination. (I have seen it at stores.)

As for the Blu-ray release, I have seen it at stores and I presume it is a 2-disc set, without any DVD Copy.

There is an image of the backcover available, but it may not represent the final artwork; however, this one mentions specifically that there are only 2 discs: image.
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Re: Tenet (Scandinavian UHD & Blu-ray)

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

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Re: Tenet (Scandinavian UHD & Blu-ray) UPDATED

Post by Markus_Lang »

Now the UHD entry reads, “Case type: Steelbook” and “Also available in a Steelbook.”

This might be formulated: “Case type: [3-disc] Amaray” and “Also available in a Steelbook as a Limited Edition” (or what would be the best way to put this in English).
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Re: Tenet (Scandinavian UHD & Blu-ray) UPDATED

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

Fixed as “keep case”