DVD R2 - Germany - X-Men (Single Disc Release) UPDATED

A collection of completed Requests and Submissions as of December 28th 2014. This is for reference only.

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DVD R2 - Germany - X-Men (Single Disc Release) UPDATED

Post by Christian_Bütikofer »


Since there is a lot wrong concerning this entry, I list it like a new one, seems to be easier for you to update:

Title: X-Men
Country: Germany
Region: R2
Releasing Studio: Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment
Case Type: Keep Case
Aspect Ratio: 2.40:1
Anamorphic?: Yes
Soundtracks: English Dolby Digital 5.1, German Dolby Digital 5.1
Subtitles (optional): English, German HoH
Cuts: No cuts (100:01)
Commentaries: -
Extras: (English, optional German subtitles, exceptions noted)
Extended Branching Version/Scenes (You can watch the movie with these scenes or without)
- Storm Teaching Class (2:15)
- Logan notices Jean and Cyclops / Rogue in classroom with Bobby and Storm (1:37)
- Extended bedroom scene (3:07)
- Bobby walk Rogue to ther dorm room / Xavier and Jean in Cerebro (2:29)
- Xavier and Jean in Xavier's office (0:23)
- "Ready Room" scene (0:34)
Brian Singer Interview
- Why he made X-Men (1:45)
- Bringing X-Men from comic book to the big screen (1:30)
- Directing actors (0:31)
- Learning from actors (1:53)
- The challenges of making a studio film (0:44)
Theatrical Trailers and TV Spots (English, no optional subtitles)
- Theatrical Trailer A (1:07)
- Theatrical Trailer B (2:33)
- Theatrical Trailer C (2:08)
- TV Spot "Human Evolution" (0:34)
- TV Spot "Next Evolution" (0:34)
- TV Spot "One Hero" (0:34)
- TITAN A.E. Trailer (2:08)
X-Men Soundtrack Promo (0:33) (English, no optional subtitles)
Fox Special: "The Mutant Watch" (22:00)
X-Men Featurette (6:13)
Hugh Jackman's Screen Test (1:59)
Animatics (No sound, hence no optional subtitles)
- Animated Storyboard "Train Station Fight Sequence" (0:54)
- Animated Storyboard "Statue of Liberty Fight Sequence" (1:06)
Picture Galleries
- Character Design (103 pictures)
- Production Design (65 pictures)
Notes: Aspect ratio mistakenly labeled 2.35:1. Silver glossy cover (not sure if this was a first pressing gimmick).
Easter Eggs: 1. In the Theatrical Trailers and TV Spots screen, press [Left] on the remote control to highlight the chess figure Knight. Once there press [Enter] on the remote and you will get a clip of a practical joke on the set where suddenly another Marvel comic hero crashes the party (0:35)
2. In the Picture Gallery main screen Push [4], then [5] on your remote control (these numbers are the first two of Wolverine's Dog Tag shown in this screen). Then you get automatically into a hidden menu where you can see 6 design drawings for the characters "The Beast" and "The Blob" which were envisioned to be in the film at an early stage in development. There is also another way to unlock this hidden feature: Go to the "Main Menu" button in the Picture Gallery main screen and press [Up] on the remote control to highlight Wolverine's Dog Tag. Then press [Enter] on the remote control and you get to the same extra menu with the 6 design drawings.
Amazon ASIN: B002G5K58E (the existing ASIN links to the 2 Disc release!)
Source: Own it.
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Re: DVD R2 - Germany - X-Men (Single Disc Release)

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »
