UHD - France - The Great Wall ADDED

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UHD - France - The Great Wall ADDED

Post by Christian_Bütikofer »

Title: The Great Wall
Country: France
Region: ALL
Releasing Studio: Universal Pictures Home Entertainment
Case Type: Keep Case
Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1
Codec: HECV
Picture: 2160p
Soundtracks: English / Mandarin Dolby Atmos, French Dolby Atmos, Czech / Mandarin Dolby Digital 5.1, Polish Dolby Digital 5.1 (Voiceover), Portuguese (Brazil) / Mandarin Dolby Digital 5.1, Spanish Dolby Digital (Latin) 5.1
Subtitles (optional): Czech, Czech*, Danish, Dutch, English HoH, English*, Finnish, French, French*, Greek, Mandarin, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Brazil)*, Spanish (Latin), Spanish (Latin)*, Swedish
Cuts: No cuts (103:04)
Commentaries: -
Extras: -
Notes: First pressing comes with a slipcover. Subtitle tracks with (*) only translate on screen texts and if not translated in dub audio track then also parts where Mandarin is spoken. English second subtitle track is different: If it is selected then original theatrical intro texts and subtitles are shown instead of player generated regular subtitles. If you choose not to have any subtitles, then no intro texts with backstory at the beginning of the film is displayed in any form (you can only choose this by remote control, if you choose "no subtitles" in the menu, you always get the original theatrical intro text). Aspect ratio mistakenly declared 2.40:1 on cover.
Easter Eggs: -
Source: Own it.

Blu-ray: The same content as the listed entry on http://www.dvdcompare.net/comparisons/f ... id=42244#3

Addition to Notes the US UHD: First pressing comes with a slipcover.
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Re: UHD - France - The Great Wall

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

Thank you. Added.