Dances with Wolves UPDATED

A collection of completed Requests and Submissions as of December 28th 2014. This is for reference only.

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Dances with Wolves UPDATED

Post by Matthew_B_Harrah »

R2 Spain - Filmax
Special Edition

* The Film - Extended Version

* The Film - Theatrical Version (173:42)

The Making of Dances with Wolves" 1990 featurette (7:26)
Making of (2:54)
Cast & Crew (2 pages)
- Kevin Costner (7 pages)
- John Barry (3 pages)
Photo Gallery:
- Behind the Scenes (0:48)
- Locations (0:39)
- Kevin Costner (0:45)
- Indians (0:51)
Illustrations: sketches by David Barto
Theatrical Trailer (2:31)

Subtitles: English and Spanish (Castilian)
Aspect Ratio: 2.40:1
Picture Format: Anamorphic
TV System: PAL
English Dolby Digital 5.1
Spanish (Castilian) Dolby Digital 5.1
Case type: Keep Case
- Slipcover in original pressing
- Spanish Title: “Bailando con lobos”


Source: ... ent&id=321
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Re: Dances with Wolves UPDATED

Post by Vincent_Prendergast »

Hi Matthew, I have added this as a new release entry. The existing release was a different release [it turns out it was the "Collector's Edition"]. You'll want to be careful about that, I almost ended up overwriting details of the existing release that were accurate for that release. The amount of details that were different between that release and this release (anamorphic status, audio tracks, subtitle tracks, and case type) were all clues that existing entry was for a completely separate release. In the ZonaDVD review you linked, they talked about the differences between the Special Edition and that edition and linked to a review of the differing Discs One & Two.

If you're submitting details for a release that does not already appear in the database, the post should go in the "Your Comparisons" forum instead of the "Comparison Corrections" forum.
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Re: Dances with Wolves UPDATED

Post by Matthew_B_Harrah »


I thought the comparison was just incomplete/inaccurate since most it matched up, but was missing most of the details. I was even wondering if whoever put it in got their info from Blu-ray com, [] given they state the 2.0 audio. Yet, the case and the Zonadvd review say otherwise.

Maybe the one that was already on here is this one? [] which if that's the case; then we should change it to IDA films. But that's based off the back cover and can't really be used, other than that is the only other Spain 3-disc set, listed on Blu-ray com at this time.
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Re: Dances with Wolves UPDATED

Post by Vincent_Prendergast »

Like I said, the release that was already in there was the Filmax Collector's Edition, it just wasn't labeled as "Collector's Edition." I've updated that release to be labeled "Collector's Edition," and have added the Filmax "Special Edition" as a new entry. The Special Edition was released after the Collector's Edition; both releases are 3 discs with the same extras, but the Special Edition is anamorphic with English 5.1 audio, while the Collector's Edition is non-anamorphic with 2.0 audio. This information is in the ZonaDVD review at the end, where they start comparing it to other releases: a FIlmax 2-disc set (the first 2 discs of the Collector's Edition; I added this release to the database also), the Filmax Collector's Edition, the Filmax Special Edition, and some foreign releases.

Estas son las versiones más significativas de esta película en el mundo:

Ediciones españolas:

Finales de los años '90, montaje de cine en edición de Fox con imagen muy mala y sin respetar el formato original. Este DVD lleva varios años descatalogado.

En el año 2001, aparecieron las dos primeras ediciones de Filmax:

La primera es la de dos discos (montaje del director y montaje de cine) que analizamos hace algún tiempo en zonadvd.

La segunda era una Edición de Coleccionista, que incluía el mismo tercer disco que el de la Edición Especial, en una caja para coleccionistas, con postales y algún póster. Los dos primeros discos son los mismos que la edición sencilla. Su precio de venta de salida fue de 10.000 pesetas (60 €).

Finalmente, el año 2003 Filmax edita la tercera edición (Bailando con Lobos - Edición Especial 3 Discos), que analizamos ahora.
I can't find the Collector's Edition on, but I simply believe that is because it is long out-of-print. There is a photo of it here.
At this time, I suspect that IDA films release to be a bootleg.
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Re: Dances with Wolves UPDATED

Post by Matthew_B_Harrah »

I found the link for the Collector's Edition! :drinking: ASIN : B0053C7ZOO

It took some doing. First, I tried my best to read off the barcode off the link you showed me, sadly couldn't come close to getting last numbers right. but eventually found this site: ... x189251667
Put in; 8420018919293, and viola! ... dvd&sr=1-1
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Re: Dances with Wolves UPDATED

Post by Vincent_Prendergast »

Added, thanks