The Brides of Dracula (Blu-ray) DONE

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The Brides of Dracula (Blu-ray) DONE

Post by Matthew_B_Harrah »

Blu-ray A America - Shout! Factory
Collector's Edition
Scream Factory

* The Film (1.66:1 Widescreen Version)

Subtitles: None
Soundtrack(s): English Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono

Source: I own it!

I really wish Shout! Factory, would use the 1.66:1 version for the main, instead of the 1.85:1, give it shows more image, and is supposedly the proper aspect ratio given that it was filmed in the UK. But this sadly seems to be Shout! Factory's, practice for the last year or so.
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Re: The Brides of Dracula (Blu-ray)

Post by Brent_Reid »

It's a total myth that 1.66:1 was ever a widespread shooting or projection ratio in the UK - or Europe for that matter. But the notion has sadly taken hold amongst certain classic film studios and many, many films are now being released in the wrong aspect ratio.
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Re: The Brides of Dracula (Blu-ray)

Post by Matthew_B_Harrah »

The sad thing with this film, is we seem to have multiple ratio:
The original aspect ratio of the film should be 1.75:1 on UK prints and 1.85:1 on US prints. The 2:1 versions have a more or less common top with the 1.85:1 versions, but matte off some image at the bottom.
Though the DVDBeaver review shows the 1.66:1 ratio with more information. Granted it's really nothing. It's not like Shout! Factory's travesty-handily of the "Poison Ivy" set [yeah, I know, I should get my head out of the filth. :lol: ] But, I just like maximizing the most out of the picture. If I ran things on this and other releases; I would [if when possible] use the open matte process, while preserving the original ratio within. That would work great for films such as this, were we now have several ratios [1.33:1, 2.00:1, 1.66:1, 1.85:1, 1.75:1], but that would be a perfect world, and as we all know; that is not allowed. No matter how much we dream it, wish it, and demand it.
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Re: The Brides of Dracula (Blu-ray)

Post by Brent_Reid »

I planned to stick my own head back in the filth with that Poison Ivy BD set eventually; I have the old US DVD set. You had me worried for a second but on checking, Shout's BD ARs all seem perfectly acceptable. In what way are they a "travesty"?
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Re: The Brides of Dracula (Blu-ray) DONE

Post by Anthony_DiPaola »

Done! Many thanks! :)

Weird Shout! wanted to give the 1.66:1 version lossy audio. It would make more sense to reuse the lossless audio from the 1.85:1 widescreen version. :/
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Re: The Brides of Dracula (Blu-ray)

Post by Matthew_B_Harrah »

Brent_Reid wrote:I planned to stick my own head back in the filth with that Poison Ivy BD set eventually; I have the old US DVD set. You had me worried for a second but on checking, Shout's BD ARs all seem perfectly acceptable. In what way are they a "travesty"?
This link should speak for its self;
There is a reason for why the DVD's had Full Screen and Widescreen versions on each disc. :wink:
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Re: The Brides of Dracula (Blu-ray) DONE

Post by Matthew_B_Harrah »

Anthony_DiPaola wrote:Done! Many thanks! :)

Weird Shout! wanted to give the 1.66:1 version lossy audio. It would make more sense to reuse the lossless audio from the 1.85:1 widescreen version. :/
That's what I saying; they could of created a seamless branch where people could choose which version to watch and have one audio, saving space on the disc at the same time.
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Re: The Brides of Dracula (Blu-ray) DONE

Post by Brent_Reid »

Blimey, I had no idea; it's been years since I watched that set (when I still had a 4:3 AR tube telly!) and I'd forgotten all its transfers were open matte. Anyhoo, a widescreen AR represents the filmmakers' original intent; I cannae believe your desire to see more flesh trumps their artistic integrity... I'm shocked, shocked I tell ye! :lol:

Ahem, having said that, is the OM unrated cut the preferred viewing choice of all the first three films then? Do I not need to bother buying the BD set?

Though again it's years since I've seen it, I remember hanging onto my 1.33:1 US DVD of Terminator 3 because it has a different image harvest from the Super 35 negative. The fact you see more of a nekkid Kristanna Loken had nothing to do with it. :oops:

Is there a list somewhere of such extra-revealing, non-OAR releases, so we know which ones to 'avoid' in future?!
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Re: The Brides of Dracula (Blu-ray) DONE

Post by Matthew_B_Harrah »

Is there a list somewhere of such extra-revealing, non-OAR releases, so we know which ones to 'avoid' in future?!
Sadly, none that I know of, other than, sometimes points them out. But, otherwise you just have to keep a look out on the forums from true fans (which was how I found out the differences in Poison Ivy/Embrace of the Vampire releases, though I can't remember where.) or hope some reviewers point them out (which some do every now and then.).
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Re: The Brides of Dracula (Blu-ray) DONE

Post by Matthew_B_Harrah »

Brent_Reid wrote:a widescreen AR represents the filmmakers' original intent; I cannae believe your desire to see more flesh trumps their artistic integrity... I'm shocked, shocked I tell ye! :lol:
The real question though back in those days; is was the widescreen "theatrical" AR truly the "intended" viewing preference, when at home?

See, yes, the widescreen version is the intended version by most directors for when one is in the theatre. However, in the days of 1.33:1 television sets, some directors would have filmed their features so as to fit within a wide AR (crop off top/bottom), but be truly set for 1.33:1 ratio for home viewing. And that could be debated until the Sun dies, is I'll stop there.

However, it can also be debated the other way around. Like watching a lot of the old Universal TV shows like; Columbo or Battlestar Galactica (which they sadly did for BG, thankfully the deluxe set carries both AR and superior color on the 1.33:1) could be cropped to fit into todays TV's and anyone who none-the-wise wouldn't notice it.

Then there's Stanley Kubrick's films. Which would interesting (as to other passed filmmakers) to hear his take, if he were alive today; would he still want open-matte for most of his films or would he push for the original aspect ratio?
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Re: The Brides of Dracula (Blu-ray) DONE

Post by Brent_Reid »

Thanks Matthew, I didn't think there would be or I'm sure it'd be very widely known! How about my other question?
Brent_Reid wrote:Ahem, having said that, is the OM unrated cut the preferred viewing choice of all the first three films then? Do I not need to bother buying the BD set?
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Re: The Brides of Dracula (Blu-ray) DONE

Post by Matthew_B_Harrah »

Ahem, having said that, is the OM unrated cut the preferred viewing choice of all the first three films then? Do I not need to bother buying the BD set?
The Unrated versions in the case of these films are the preferred by most given the little extra T&A / "content", but it really depends upon the viewer, much like other films. PV1 PV 2 PV 3

There is no link for 4, and I have yet it see it myself.
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Re: The Brides of Dracula (Blu-ray) DONE

Post by Brent_Reid »

Third time lucky: I already checked movie-Censorship for the first two but they only compare the widescreen versions. Of course, I'll always default to the extended and/or unrated version of any film.

What I'm asking is, are the open matte versions the 'best' way to watch all Poison Ivys 1-3 or does it just apply to The New Seduction, for the reason stated?

I haven't see 4 either, and was never bothered as it came so long after the others, and with no real connection.
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Re: The Brides of Dracula (Blu-ray) DONE

Post by Matthew_B_Harrah »

What I'm asking is, are the open matte versions the 'best' way to watch all Poison Ivys 1-3 or does it just apply to The New Seduction, for the reason stated?
Yeah, I accidentally misinterpreted question.

Well since it's been almost 10 years since I watch these, in fact I almost watched them-then heard the blu-rays were coming, and held back so had I did I could have bettered enjoyed them. Went through and fast forwarded them:

For PI 2; yes, open matte version will give you additional T&A in at least 4 scenes that would be cropped off.

For PI 1; No, as this film has no real nudity other than side-breast for a moment at the end (which is center screen, so it's not going to be cropped). Now if Barrymore, was not wearing a white blouse with doilies on the top, during the rain-car make-out, then there could be one scene, but she's not, so there you go.
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Re: The Brides of Dracula (Blu-ray) DONE

Post by Brent_Reid »

Thanks again - for some reason, your comments made me laugh out loud! I definitely think you should be the one to start compiling that 'revealing releases' listing! :wink:

How about the third film: to OM or nor to OM?
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Re: The Brides of Dracula (Blu-ray) DONE

Post by Matthew_B_Harrah »

How about the third film: to OM or nor to OM?
Yes, there are more moments like the example shown on movie-censorship, as well as moments where nudity will be on screen longer when watching the open-matte, as the camera shifts around, and certain parts would be cropped-offed at times.
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Re: The Brides of Dracula (Blu-ray) DONE

Post by Brent_Reid »

Thanks for the clarification. Well, I wasn't, er, passionate about these films but they're good, campy fun. It sounds like the Shout set is essential for anyone more bothered about correct AR than extra nudity and as I don't swing either way (!) on these, I think I'll pass.
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Re: The Brides of Dracula (Blu-ray) DONE

Post by Matthew_B_Harrah »

It comes down to people taste and principles.

Like if you got these films for T&A [guilty as charge, as I bought these at Target, as a teenager in 2002 {yes, I have a excel list with a column for date of purchase/arrival}] or for those who watch something [or other genres] like these and would feel ripped-off, if they didn't get what they were expecting/wanting.

Much like Friday the 13th 5-8, were the violence is heavily cut, but viewers are compensated with T&A (except 8), and more interesting story/character development.

However, back to where this conversation originally started; then comes peoples principles.

Such as mine; yes I want the original AR, but I also want the most of the image I can get, even if it's almost nothing added to the feature. Yet, I oppose censorship, so in the case of films like the PI, I would have to go for open-matte.

On an additional note; it's a shame Shout! Factory, didn't include both ratios as their disc aren't loaded with extras, but on a positive note; while scanning through these DVDs the video quality is actually. pretty darn good for DVDs these old [granted I have a Oppo player, that surpasses most players in up-converting].
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Re: The Brides of Dracula (Blu-ray) DONE

Post by Brent_Reid »

Think I may well have said this before but I used to think the same in terms of image: surely more is more, right? But that changed once I got a decent-sized TV, and especially after I started projecting everything. Then I saw just how much incorrect open matte and, to a lesser degree, 1.66:1 transfers of 1.75-1.85 AR widescreen films were ruining their compositions and hence, my overall enjoyment. And that's to say nothing of all the so-called "bloopers" that become exposed by way of things that were never meant to be seen in the first place.

Anyway, you piqued my interest with your comment about the DVD quality. Do you know of any screenshots comparing the OM DVD/WS DVD/WS BD transfers of any or all three films?
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Re: The Brides of Dracula (Blu-ray) DONE

Post by Matthew_B_Harrah »

Anyway, you piqued my interest with your comment about the DVD quality. Do you know of any screenshots comparing the OM DVD/WS DVD/WS BD transfers of any or all three films?
No, sadly, other than our usual culprits (caps-a-holic, DVDBeaver, mondo-digital, cultsploitation, and so-on), but few if any have reviews or comparisons.

Heres the best I could find with two quick searches under Blu-ray and DVD: ... ay/221763/ (720p images though! :( ) ... reenshots/ ... -1992.html (just DVDs menus and title though)
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