DVD - R2 - Switzerland - Snowboarder ADDED

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DVD - R2 - Switzerland - Snowboarder ADDED

Post by Christian_Bütikofer »

Title: Snowboarder
Country: Switzerland
Region: R2
Releasing Studio: Impuls Home Entertainment
Case Type: Keep Case
Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1
Anamorphic?: Yes
Soundtracks: German Dolby Digital 5.1, French Dolby Digital 5.1
Subtitles (optional): German HoH, French
Cuts: No cuts (104:37)
Commentaries: -
Extras: (French audio only, exceptions noted)
Making Of
- Die Montagne (2:26)
- Der Swimming Pool (2:25)
- Das Duell (1:36)
- Ethel und Josh (2:18)
- Die Abfahrt (1:19)
Original Theatrical Teaser (1:03)
Original Theatrical Trailer (1:37)
German Theatrical Trailer (1:34)
Picture Gallery (10 pictures)
Bonus Trailers ("Play All" option) (11:49) (all in German, no optional subtitles)
- Open Water (0:50)
- Michel Vaillant (1:36)
- Renegade (original title: Blueberry) (2:02)
- Meet Your Star (original title: Besser als Schule" (1:47)
- Bad Education (original title: La mala educación (1:50)
- Two Brothers (original title: Deux frères) (1:36)
- Mortadelo & Filemon: The Big Adventure (original title: La gran aventura de Mortadelo y Filemón) (2:05)
Notes: -
Easter Eggs: -
Amazon ASIN: -
Source: Own it.

-> The identical release from Germany was issued by Universum Film. ASIN: B00070Q66U
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Re: DVD - R2 - Switzerland - Snowboarder

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

Added. Thanks!
Posts: 2561
Joined: 04 Apr 2016 16:26
Location: Switzerland

Re: DVD - R2 - Switzerland - Snowboarder ADDED

Post by Christian_Bütikofer »

I can't find it in the db. Hidden?