Blu-ray ALL - Germany - After the Sunset ADDED

A collection of completed Requests and Submissions as of December 28th 2014. This is for reference only.

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Blu-ray ALL - Germany - After the Sunset ADDED

Post by Christian_Bütikofer »

Title: After the Sunset
Country: Germany
Region: ALL
Releasing Studio: Warner Home Video
Case Type: Keep Case
Aspect Ratio: 2.40:1
Codec: AVC MPEG-4
Picture: 1080p
Soundtracks: Czech Dolby Digital 5.1, English DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, German Dolby Digital 5.1, Spanish (Latin) Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround, Portuguese Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround, Turkish Dolby Digital 1.0
Subtitles (optional): Czech, English HoH, French, German HoH, Spanish (Latin), Portuguese, Turkish
Cuts: No cuts (97:26)
Commentaries: Audio Commentary with director Brett Ratner, producer Beau Flynn and editor Mark Helfrich (English only, no optional subtitles -> unlike the DVD!)
Extras: (English only, no optional subtitles - unlike the DVD! - exceptions noted) (all in SD 480i, 29,970fps, exception noted)
"Before, During and 'After The Sunset'" featurette (70:23)
"Interview With A Jewel Thief" featurette (8:08)
The Charlie Rose Show with Brett Ratner, Salma Hayek, Pierce Brosnan and Woody Harrelson (English, optional Czech, English, German, Portuguese, Spanish subtitles) (18:25)
15 Deleted/Alternate scenes (16:48) (English, optional Czech, English, German, Portuguese, Spanish subtitles) (w/ optional commentary, English only, no optional subtitles - unlike the DVD) -> The Deleted scenes are not accessible individually like on the German DVD
Blooper Reel (English, optional Czech, English, German, Portuguese, Spanish subtitles) (4:51)
Special Effects Comparisons (English, optional Czech, English, German, Portuguese, Spanish subtitles) (3:18)
Max and Lola Pretending to Make Love for Stan's Bug (1:25) (English, optional Czech, English, German, Portuguese, Spanish subtitles) -> This was a hidden feature on the DVD
A Practical Joke Ratner Played on Brosnan (0:44) (English, optional Czech, English, German, Portuguese, Spanish subtitles) -> This was also a hidden feature on the DVD
Trailer (2:32) (1080p)
Notes: The third hidden feature from the German, Estonian and Swedish DVDs apparently wasn't ported over.
Easter Eggs: -
Amazon ASIN: B00S5VYVR4
Source: Own it.
Last edited by Christian_Bütikofer on 20 May 2021 10:23, edited 1 time in total.
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DVD R2 - Germany - After the Sunset

Post by Christian_Bütikofer »

Title: After the Sunset
Country: Germany
Region: R2
Releasing Studio: Warner Home Video
Case Type: Keep Case
Aspect Ratio: 2.40:1
Anamorphic?: Yes
Soundtracks: English Dolby Digital 5.1, German Dolby Digital 5.1
Subtitles (optional): English, German, German HoH
Cuts: No cuts (93:26)
Commentaries: Audio Commentary with director Brett Ratner, producer Beau Flynn and editor Mark Helfrich (English, optional German subtitles)
Extras: (English, optional German subtitles, exceptions noted)
15 Deleted/Alternate scenes (w/ optional commentary) ("Play All" option) (16:32)
- Original Reveal Of Lola (0:30)
- Max And Lola Fly Away (0:40)
- Lola Picks A Pocket (0:57)
- The Tennis Lesson (1:49)
- Mooré Threatens Max (1:23)
- Fishing Boat Talk (0:43)
- Original Lola Questions Max (1:06)
- Mooré Threatens Max Again (0:50)
- Carrying Stan Through The Atlantic Lobby (0:35)
- Pre-Dive Discussion (0:58)
- Stan Follows Sophie Into The Wreck (1:09)
- Lola Covers For Max (1:29)
- Aftermath-Stafford And Kowalski Show Up Again (1:23)
- The Wedding (0:46)
- Alternate (Original) Ending (2:13)
Blooper Reel (4:51)
"Before, During and 'After The Sunset'" featurette (70:23)
The Charlie Rose Show with Brett Ratner, Salma Hayek, Pierce Brosnan and Woody Harrelson (18:24)
"Interview With A Jewel Thief" featurette (8:04)
Special Effects Comparisons (3:17)
US Theatrical Trailer (2:18) (English, no optional subtitles)
2 TV Spots (1:01) (English, no optional subtitles)
Notes: -
Easter Eggs (English, optional German subtitles):
1. In the first page of the 'Special Features' menu, highlight the 'Before, During and After Sunset' link and press the right-key to reveal a hidden diamond. Press enter-key to see a Max and Lola pretending to make love for Stan's bug. (1:25)
2. From the Special Features menu, press to the left from “Interview with a Jewel Thief” and get a clip that shows a prank Ratner played on Brosnan. It’s funny, but you’ve already seen it if you watched the "Before, During and 'After The Sunset'" featurette. (0:45)
3. In the 'Set Up Options' menu, highlight the 'Resume Movie' link and press down-key to reveal a hidden diamond. Press enter-key to see the camera's view what Henri is talking with his babes in the beach club when Sophie attempts to visit him. (2:31)
Amazon ASIN: B0007WCDWE
Source: Own it.
Last edited by Christian_Bütikofer on 20 May 2021 10:27, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Blu-ray ALL - Germany - After the Sunset

Post by Åsmund_Utvik »

Title:After the Sunset
Releasing Studio:Svensk Filmindustri
Subtitles (are they optional?Yes)
Cuts: No cuts (93:26)
15 Deleted/Alternate scenes (w/ optional commentary director Brett Ratner, producer Beau Flynn and editor Mark Helfrich) (total 16:32)
- Original Reveal Of Lola (0:30)
- Max And Lola Fly Away (0:40)
- Lola Picks A Pocket (0:57)
- The Tennis Lesson (1:49)
- Mooré Threatens Max (1:23)
- Fishing Boat Talk (0:43)
- Original Lola Questions Max (1:06)
- Mooré Threatens Max Again (0:50)
- Carrying Stan Through The Atlantic Lobby (0:35)
- Pre-Dive Discussion (0:58)
- Stan Follows Sophie Into The Wrenck (1:09)
- Lola Covers For Max (1:29)
- Aftermath-Stafford And Kowalski Show Up Again (1:23)
- The Wedding (0:46)
- Alternate (Original) Ending (2:13)
Visual Effects Comparisons (3:17)
Theatrical Trailer (2:18)
2 TV Spots (1:01)
Easter Eggs (Finnish optional subtitles):
1. In the first page of the 'Special Features' menu, highlight the 'Before, During and After Sunset' link and press the right-key to reveal a hidden diamond. Press enter-key to see a Max and Lola pretending to make love for Stan's bug. (1:25)
2. From the Special Features menu, press to the left from “Interview with a Jewel Thief” and get a clip that shows a prank Ratner played on Brosnan. It’s funny, but you’ve already seen it if you watched the "Before, During and 'After The Sunset'" featurette. (0:45)
3. In the 'Set Up Options' menu, highlight the 'Resume Movie' link and press down-key to reveal a hidden diamond. Press enter-key to see the camera's view what Henri is talking with his babes in the beach club when Sophie attempts to visit him. (2:31)
Notes:Subtitles extra (Finnish)
Source:*OWN IT
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Re: Blu-ray ALL - Germany - After the Sunset

Post by Christian_Bütikofer »

Thanks Asmund for chipping in: The detailed deleted scenes in English I only had them in German language and tried to translate them by myself - I took them from your entry now ;-). (I was like 50% correct in my translation ;-)). By the way: I hope to post "The Girl in the Spider's Web" soon, both French and German UHD releases. So if you plan to post the Scandinavian one...;-)
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Re: Blu-ray ALL - Germany - After the Sunset

Post by Åsmund_Utvik »

i will if i have it
Almost all norwegian rls have english menu so easy for me
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Re: Blu-ray ALL - Germany - After the Sunset

Post by Christian_Bütikofer »

You are very welcome, Asmund ;-). I thought so that you have the original English description ;-). Tnx! Btw: I have the first Season of "Fortitude*... if you have it ;-)? In Germany/Switzerland, that's all we get so far... seems to be a very good series.
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Re: Blu-ray ALL - Germany - After the Sunset

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

Added them. Thank you.
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Re: Blu-ray ALL - Germany - After the Sunset ADDED

Post by Christian_Bütikofer »

Is the blu-ray also there? I only find the dvds if I look up "After the Sunset".