Fast Times at Ridgemont High DVD UPDATED

A collection of completed Requests and Submissions as of December 28th 2014. This is for reference only.

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Fast Times at Ridgemont High DVD UPDATED

Post by Darrel_Griffin »

Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)

Universal UK DVD (PAL) (and presumably ALL of the PAL DVDs)

Judging by the runtime, which is almost identical to that of the R1 NTSC DVD, this release appears to be effectively like an NTSC -> PAL conversion.

The release is quite an early one (2003), and has an 'analog' look to it (e.g. a chequerboard pixel effect round the edges of objects). I am not an expert on transfers (e.g. telecine), but the transfer might have been done directly from 24fps -> 25fps using an analog telecine process (i.e. expanding 24 frames to 25 frames, maintaining the original runtime), rather than the 30fps -> 25fps of an NTSC -> PAL conversion. There is occasional 'ghosting' on some frames (i.e. where adjacent source frames have been blended), but probably not as much as I would expect from a regular NTSC -> PAL conversion, and the blended images appear to be a blending of whole source frames, rather than a combining of 2 fields from adjacent source frames. The latter results in jagged edges of objects, which do not appear to be present in this transfer.

A possible reason why the transfer was done this way, instead of the more common PAL speedup (approx. 4%), is that the soundtrack includes a lot of pop songs, and speeding up the film would also increase the tempo of these songs by approx. 4%, and possibly also the pitch (depending on whether or not pitch correction is used). Some people who are familiar with the songs would notice this, especially the increase in tempo.

Note that the same presumably applies to all the other PAL releases currently listed.

I am not sure how this should be worded in the database. To keep things simple, and since I cannot be sure how the transfer was done, it might be best to just add the following in the "Notes:" section of each PAL DVD release:

This is an NTSC -> PAL conversion.


This appears to be an NTSC -> PAL conversion.

and maybe put the following for the runtime in the "CUTS:" section at the bottom of the page for each PAL DVD release:

(89:33 NTSC -> PAL).

source: I own the Universal UK DVD
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Re: Fast Times at Ridgemont High DVD

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

Thanks. Updated.
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Re: Fast Times at Ridgemont High DVD UPDATED

Post by Darrel_Griffin »

You updated most of the PAL releases, but missed out the R2 United Kingdom!
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Re: Fast Times at Ridgemont High DVD UPDATED

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »
