Caprinos Eventyrlige Verden BOX DVD ADDED

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Caprinos Eventyrlige Verden BOX DVD ADDED

Post by Åsmund_Utvik »

Title: Caprinos Eventyrlige Verden
Box 1 Dvd 1
Movie 1: Flåklypa Grand Prix
Country: Norway
Region: All
Releasing Studio: Svensk Filmindustri
Case Type: Keep case
Aspect Ratio:1.78:1
Anamorphic?: Yes
PAL or NTSC?:Pal
Soundtracks: Norwegian Dolby Digital 1.0 (original sound), Norwegian Dolby Digital 5.1, Danish Dolby Digital 5.1, English Dolby Digital 5.1, Finnish Dolby Digital 5.1
Subtitles (are they optional? Yes)English, Norwegian, Norwegian HoH
Cuts: No cuts (83:49)
Extras: Booklet By "Remo Caprino" 24 Pages in Norwegian (one i each box)

More About the Movie
-- Historic (3 Pages)
-- Restoration - Comparison of The Movie "Before And After" (8 pages)
--- Play Example of Restoration (5:14)
- Flåklypa Grand Prix 1975 (3:16)
- DVD Production 2005 (4:23)

More About Caprino
- Biographies
-- Ingeborg Gude Folkestad (3 Pages)
-- Ivo Caprino (3 Pages)
-- Remo Caprino (3 Pages)
-- Mario Caprino (2 Pages)
- Filmographies (10 Pages)
- Trailer "Caprino Eventyrlige Verden" (10:43)
- Website with web shop (3 Pages)
(just some info about Carpino’s webPage)

Notes: All PDF, Information Pages are in Norwegian
Easter Eggs:
Amazon ASIN (UK French German USA releases only):
Source:*OWN IT

Box 1 DVD 2
Dive into the Television Archive Historical TV programs (vintage tv-programs from NRK TV) (just a sub directory)
- "Saturday Night" with "Erik Bye" (From the tv-channel NRK 1971) (1 Page Information) (15:22)
- Drag Me Backwards into The Bird Box (From the tv-channel NRK 1976) (1 Page Information) (32:46)
- Ivo Caprino - A movie Wizard (From the tv-channel NRK 1990) (1 Page Information) (60:09)
- "Good Morning Norway" Ludvig Meets Solan Again (From the tv-channel TV2 2003) (1 Page Information) (11:46)

Tv-programs About Il Tempo Gigante:
- "Good Morning Norway" - Eu Kontroll (From the tv-channel TV 2 2001) (2:35)
- "Golden Times" (From the tv-channel TV 2 2004) (2:06)
- "Autofil" (From the tv-channel NRK 2003) (4:33)
(all above in Norwegian no subtitles)

- Advertising for The PC Game (Danish release) (5:00)
(in Danish no subtitles)
- TV commercial for "Il Tempo Gigante" bread (0:46)
(in Norwegian no subtitles)

DVD-ROM: (PDF files) (from the newspaper and Magazines)

- Felgen About the Movie (from the newspaper "Aftenposten" 23.8.1975 (2 Pages)
- Film Octane-explosive success (from the newspaper "Morgenavisen" 29.8.1975 (1 Page)
- The Kind Oof Jubilant Fun (from the newspaper "Morgenbladet" 30.8.1975) (1 Page)
- Tribute to District Norway(From the newspaper "Nationen" 30.8.1975) (1 Page)
- He Created the Living "Reodor Felgen" (From the newspaper "Morgenbladet" 30.8.1975) (1 Page)
- Super-Race (From "Verdens Gang" newspaper 29.8.1975) (1 Page)
- Aukrust /Caprino in Goals with Flåklypa Grand Prix (From the Magazine "Allers" 9.9.1975) (1 Page)
- Fever in On the Premier Day (from the newspaper "Drammens Tidende og Buskeruds Blad" 18.9.1975) (1 Page)
- He Collected on Scrap A Whole Life - And Everything Became "Il Tempo Gigante" (From the newspaper "Fedrelandsvennen» 6.9.1975) (1 Page)
- "Flåklypa"-The Fever Continue (from the newspaper "Sørlandske Tidende" 3.8.1975)
- Nationen Tries Driving "Il Tempo Gigante" (From the newspaper "Nationen" Year: Unknown) (1 Page)
- "Il Tempo Gigante" On the Movie! Virgin trip at "Fornebu" (From the newspaper "Verdens Gang" 12.5.1976) (1 Page)
- "Flåklypa Grand Prix" Ivo and His Dolls Break All Cash Records! (from the Magazine "Hjemmets Journal" Sweden Year Unknown) (1 Page)

Biographies /Books
- "Ivo Caprino" - Portrait of "Askeladden" i norsk film (from the Magazine "Film og Kino" (Year Unknown)(1 Page)
(About Ivo Caprinos book "Ivo Caprino" - Portrait of "Askeladden")
- "Flåklypa Grand Prix" - The Norwegian Film Grand Prix (4 Pages from Unknown Magazine Unknown Year) (3 Pages)
(Review of his book "Ivo Caprino" - Portrait of "Askeladden")
- Il Tempo Gigante On the Road (4 Pages)
(Review of his book "Ivo Caprino" - Portrait of "Askeladden")

- "Flåklypa Grand Prix" (The Script Version 1) (32 Pages)
- "Flåklypa Grand Prix" Storybook (95 Pages)
- "Flåklypa Grand Prix" (The Script Version 2) (43 Pages)

Box 2, DVD 1: Short 1
4 short movies:
Title: Karius og Baktus (Karius and Baktus)
Country: Norway
Releasing Studio: Svensk Filmindustri
Case Type: Keep Case
Aspect Ratio:1.78:1
PAL or NTSC?:Pal
Soundtracks: Norwegian Dolby Digital 1.0 (original sound), Norwegian Dolby Digital 5.1, Danish Dolby Digital 5.1, English Dolby Digital 5.1, Finnish Dolby Digital 5.1, Sami Dolby Digital 5.1
Subtitles (are they optional? Yes) English, Norwegian, Norwegian HoH
Cuts: No cuts (14:32)
- About the Film
-- Historic (2 Pages)
-- Restoration Comparison "Before and After" (8 Pages)
--- Play a Sample (3:42)
-- Credits
--- Karius og Baktus 1954 (5 Pages)
--- DVD Production 2005 (5 Pages)
Easter Eggs:
Amazon ASIN (UK, French, German, USA releases only):
Source:*OWN IT

Box 2 DVD 1: Short 2
Short 2:
Title: Veslefrikk med fela (Little Frick and the Fiddle)
Country: Norway
Region: All
Releasing Studio: Svensk Filmindustri
Case Type: Keep Case
Aspect Ratio:1.78:1
PAL or NTSC?:Pal
Soundtracks: Norwegian Dolby Digital 1.0 (original), Norwegian Dolby Digital 2.0 mono, Danish Dolby Digital 2.0 mono, English Dolby Digital 2.0 mono, Finnish Dolby Digital 2.0 mono
Subtitles (are they optional? Yes) English, Norwegian, Norwegian HoH
Cuts: No cuts (18:42)
- About the Film
-- Historic (2 Pages)
-- Restoration Comparison "Before and After" (8 Pages)
--- Play a Sample (3:42)
-- Credits
--- Veslefrikk med fela 1952 (3 Pages)
--- DVD Production 2005 (5 Pages)
Easter Eggs:
Amazon ASIN (UK, French, German, USA releases only):
Source:*OWN IT

Box 2 DVD 1: Short 3
Short 3:
Title:Et Hundeliv Med Meg (A Dog's Life)
Country: Norway
Releasing Studio: Svensk Filmindustri
Case Type: Keep Case
Aspect Ratio:1.78:1
PAL or NTSC?:Pal
Soundtracks: Norwegian Dolby Digital 1.0 (original), Norwegian Dolby Digital 2.0 mono, Danish Dolby Digital 2.0 mono, English Dolby Digital 2.0 mono. Finnish Dolby Digital 2.0 mono
Subtitles (are they optional?Yes)English, Norwegian, Norwegian HoH
Cuts: No cuts (14:43)
- About the Film
-- Historic (2 Pages)
-- Restoration Comparison "Before and After" (8 Pages)
--- Play a Sample (3:42)
-- Credits
--- Et Hundeliv Med Meg (3 Pages)
--- DVD Production 2005 (5 Pages)
Easter Eggs:
Amazon ASIN (UK, French, German, USA releases only):

Box 2 DVD 1: Short 4
Title: Tim Og Tøffe (Tim and Teddy)
Releasing Studio:Svensk Filmindustri
Case Type:Keep Case
Aspect Ratio:1.78:1
PAL or NTSC?:Pal:
Soundtracks:Norwegian Dolby Digital 1.0 (original sound), Norwegian Dolby Digital 5.1, Danish Dolby Digital 5.1, English Dolby Digital 5.1, Finnish Dolby Digital 5.1
Subtitles (are they optional?Yes)English, Norwegian, Norwegian HoH
Cuts: No cuts (8:53)
- About the Film
-- Historic (2 Pages)
-- Restoration - Comparison of the movie "before and after" (8 Pages)
--- Play a Sample (3:42)
-- Credits
--- Tim og Tøffe (3 Pages)
--- DVD Production 2005 (5 Pages)
Easter Eggs:
Amazon ASIN (UK, French, German, USA releases only):
Source:*OWN IT

Extra on Box 2:
About Caprino
- Biographies – 4 Generations Caprino (just a sub directory/Menu)
-- Ingeborg Gude Folkestad (3 Pages)
-- Ivo Caprino (3 Pages)
-- Remo Caprino (3 Pages)
-- Mario Caprino (2 Pages)
- Filmographies (10 Pages)

- "Ivo Caprinos" The Film Production (10 Pages)
- Trailer "Caprino Eventyrlige Verden" (10:43)
- Website with webshop (3 Pages)
(About the web Pages)

Box 2, Dvd 2: Extra

Dive into the Television Archive's historical television program
- "Ivo Caprino" - "Askeladden" who won thee Whole Kingdom (1 Page info) (From the Tv-Channel NRK 8.2.2001) (38:25)
- Interview on The 80th Anniversary (1 Page info) (From the Tv-Channel NRK 2000) (10:11)
- Who Is Stepping on My Bridge? (1 Page info) (From the Tv-Channel NRK 1995) (14:18)

Commercials (35 short Commercials) (3 Pages info) (With play all: 35:40)
- Perpetuum Mobile (1949) (1 Page info) (3:24)
- The Conscience (1950) (1 Page info) (3:22)
- "Lysalf" (1951) (1 Page info) (3:57)
- Three small squirrels (1952-1960) (1 Page info) (0:51)
(it is not a mistake. It says 1952-1960)

- "Pål Tembel" and the Silica Mystery (1953) (1 Page info) (3:11)
- Arne And Marianne (1953-1960 (1 Page info) (7:29)
- Linox (1956) (1 Page info) (1:35)
- "Bjelleklang" (1956) (1 Page info) (1:47)
- "Stabburets" Liver Pate and Other Food Products (2 Commercials) (1 Page info) (1957) (1:26)
- "Holters" Light (1961) (2 Commercials) (1 Page info) (0:52)
- Spanish oranges (1961) (1 Page info) (1:57)
- Commercials for the Pc Computer Game about "Flåklypa Grand Prix" (1 Page info) 2001 (5:00)
- Commercials For "Il Tempo Gigante-Brødet" 2005 (1 Page info) (0:46)

DVD-ROM Extra:

- Articles (newspaper articles)
-- Three Months on A Three Minute Doll Movie (From the newspaper "Aftenposten" 1950) (1 Page)
-- Arvid Nilsen y (From the newspaper "Aftenposten") (1957) (1 Page)
-- Mother and Son Create Original Norwegian Doll Film (From unknown newspaper) 1951 (5 Pages)
-- "Veslefrikk Med Fela" after "Musikk på Loftet" (from unknown newspaper Year: Unknown) (1 Page)
-- Festive Doll Movies (from the newspaper "Ullern Avis" 23.8.1952) (1 Page)
-- Grandmother with Many Little Ones (From the newspaper "Arbeiderbladet 6.9.1952) (1 Page)
-- "Ingebord Guide Folkestad" (from unknown newspaper 1952) (1 Page)
-- Caprino With Asbjørnsen Film for The World Market (From the newspaper "Dagbladet" 8.1.1958) (2 Pages)
-- "Ivo Caprino" Is the Nordic"Walt Disney" (From the magazine "Dansk Familieblad 23.06.1959) (2 Pages)
-- The Film's Foremost "Doldis" Celebrates (From the newspaper "Aftenposten 17.04.1994) (1 Page)

- "Ivo Caprino" - Portrait Of "Askeladden" i norsk film (From the magazine "Film Og Kino 1994) (1 Page)
- Behind the Adventures (From the magazine "Hjemmets bokforlag» 1995) (3 Pages)

Box 3 DVD 1: Short 1
Title: Askeladden og de gode hjelperne (The Ashlad and His Good Helpers)
Releasing Studio:Svensk Filmindustri
Case Type:Keep Case
Aspect Ratio:1.78:1
PAL or NTSC?:Pal
Soundtracks:Norwegian Dolby Digital 1.0 (original), Norwegian Dolby Digital 5.1, Danish Dolby Digital 5.1, English Dolby Digital 5.1, Finnish Dolby Digital 5.1, Sami Dolby Digital 5.1
Subtitles (are they optional?Yes)English, Norwegian, Norwegian HoH
Cuts: No cuts (15:13)
- About the Film
-- Historic (2 Pages)
-- Restoration Comparison "Before and After" (8 Pages)
--- Play a Sample (5:12)
-- Credits
--- Askeladden og de gode hjelperne 1961 (2 Pages)
--- DVD Production 2005 (6 Pages)
Easter Eggs:
Amazon ASIN (UK French German USA releases only):
Source:*OWN IT

Box 3 DVD 1: Short 2
Title: Reve-Enka (The Fox's Widow)
Releasing Studio:Svensk Filmindustri
Case Type:Keep Case
Aspect Ratio:1.78:1
PAL or NTSC?:Pal
Soundtracks:Norwegian Dolby Digital 1.0 (original), Norwegian Dolby Digital 5.1, Danish Dolby Digital 5.1, English Dolby Digital 5.1, Finnish Dolby Digital 5.1
Subtitles (are they optional?Yes)English, Norwegian, Norwegian HoH, Sami
Cuts: No cuts (15:11)
- More About the Movie
-- Historic (2 Pages)
-- Restoration Comparison "Before and After" (8 Pages)
--- Play a Sample (5:13)
-- Credits
--- Reve-Enka 1962 (3 Pages)
--- DVD Production 2005 (6 Pages)
Easter Eggs:
Amazon ASIN (UK French German USA releases only):
Source:*OWN IT

Box 3 DVD 1: Short 3
Title: Sjuende far i huset (The Seventh Master of the House)
Releasing Studio:Svensk Filmindustri
Case Type:Keep Case
Aspect Ratio:1.78:1
PAL or NTSC?:Pal
Soundtracks:Norwegian Dolby Digital 1.0 (original), Norwegian Dolby Digital 2.0 mono, Danish Dolby Digital 2.0 mono, English Dolby Digital 2.0 mono, Finnish Dolby Digital 2.0 mono,
Subtitles (are they optional?Yes)English, Norwegian, Norwegian HoH
Cuts: No cuts (13:03)
- About the Film
-- Historic (2 Pages)
-- Restoration Comparison "Before and After" (8 Pages)
--- Play a Sample (5:13)
-- Credits
--- Sjuende far i huset 1966 (3 Pages)
--- DVD Production 2005 (6 Pages)
Easter Eggs:
Amazon ASIN (UK French German USA releases only):
Source:*OWN IT

Box 3 DVD 1: Short 4
Title:En Dukkedrøm (Musikk på loftet) (Music in the Attic or A Doll's Dream)
Releasing Studio:Svensk Filmindustri
Case Type:Keep Case
Aspect Ratio:1.78:1
PAL or NTSC?:Pal
Soundtracks:Norwegian Dolby Digital 1.0, Norwegian Dolby Digital 2.0 mono, Danish Dolby Digital 2.0 mono, English Dolby Digital 2.0 mono, Finnish Dolby Digital 2.0 mono
Subtitles (are they optional?Yes)English, Norwegian, Norwegian HoH
Cuts: No cuts (18:53)
- About the Film
-- Historic (2 Pages)
-- Restoration Comparison "Before and After" (8 Pages)
--- Play a Sample (5:13)
-- Credits
--- En Dukkedrøm 1950 (3 Pages)
--- DVD Production 2005 (6 Pages)
Easter Eggs:
Amazon ASIN (UK French German USA releases only):
Source:*OWN IT

Extra on BOX 3:
About Caprino
- Biographies – 4 Generations Caprino (just a sub directory/Menu)
-- Ingeborg Gude Folkestad (3 Pages)
-- Ivo Caprino (3 Pages)
-- Remo Caprino (3 Pages)
-- Mario Caprino (2 Pages)
- Filmographies (10 Pages)

- "Ivo Caprinos" The Film Production (10 Pages)
- Trailer "Caprino Eventyrlige Verden" (10:43)
- Website with webshop (3 Pages)
(About the web Pages)

Box 3 DVD 2: Extra

Dive into the Television Archive's historical television program
- "Ivo Caprino" - "Askeladden" who won The Whole Kingdom (1 Page info) (From the Tv-Channel NRK 8.2.2001) (38:25)
- Interview on The 80th Anniversary (1 Page info) (From the Tv-Channel NRK 2000) (10:11)
- Who Is Stepping on My Bridge? (1 Page info) (From the Tv-Channel NRK 1995) (14:18)

Commercials (35 short Commercials) (3 Pages info) (With play all: 35:40)
- Perpetuum Mobile (1949) (1 Page info) (3:24)
- The Conscience (1950) (1 Page info) (3:22)
- "Lysalf" (1951) (1 Page info) (3:57)
- Three small squirrels (1952-1960) (1 Page info) (0:51)
(it is not a mistake. It says 1952-1960)

- "Pål Tembel" And the Silica Mystery (1953) (1 Page info) (3:11)
(this is spelled like that wrongly Normaly it should say tempel (not tembel)
- Arne And Marianne (1953-1960 (1 Page info) (7:29)
- Linox (1956) (1 Page info) (1:35)
- "Bjelleklang" (1956) (1 Page info) (1:47)
- "Stabburets" Liver Pate and Other Food Products (2 Commercials) (1 Page info) (1957) (1:26)
- "Holters" Light (1961) (2 Commercials) (1 Page info) (0:52)
- Spanish oranges (1961) (1 Page info) (1:57)
- Commercials for The Pc Game about "Flåklypa Grand Prix" (1 Page info) 2001 (5:00)
- Commercials For "Il Tempo Gigante-Brødet" 2005 (1 Page info) (0:46)

DVD-ROM Extra:

- Articles (newspaper articles)
-- Three Months on A Three Minute Doll Movie (From the newspaper "Aftenposten" 1950) (1 Page)
-- Arvid Nilsen y (From the newspaper "Aftenposten") (1957) (1 Page)
-- Mother and Son Create Original Norwegian Doll Film (From unknown newspaper) 1951 (5 Pages)
-- "Veslefrikk Med Fela" After "Musikk på Loftet" (from unknown newspaper Year: Unknown) (1 Page)
-- Festive Doll Movies (from the newspaper "Ullern Avis" 23.8.1952) (1 Page)
-- Grandmother with Many Little Ones (From the newspaper "Arbeiderbladet 6.9.1952) (1 Page)
-- "Ingebord Guide Folkestad" (from unknown newspaper 1952) (1 Page)
-- Caprino With Asbjørnsen Film for The World Market (From the newspaper "Dagbladet" 8.1.1958) (2 Pages)
-- "Ivo Caprino" Is the Nordic"Walt Disney" (From the magazine "Dansk Familieblad 23.06.1959) (2 Pages)
-- The Film's Foremost "Doldis" Celebrates (From the newspaper "Aftenposten 17.04.1994) (1 Page)

- "Ivo Caprino" - Portrait Of "Askeladden" i norsk film (From the magazine "Film Og Kino 1994) (1 Page)
- Behind the Adventures (From the magazine "Hjemmets bokforlag» 1995) (3 Pages)

Box 3 DVD 1
4 shorts
Box 4 DVD 1: Short 1
Title: Gutten Som Kappåt Med Trollet (The Ashlad and the Hungry Troll)
Releasing Studio:Svensk Filmindustri
Case Type:Keep Case
Aspect Ratio:1.78:1
PAL or NTSC?:Pal
Soundtracks:Norwegian Dolby Digital 1.0 (original sound), Norwegian Dolby Digital 5.1, Danish Dolby Digital 5.1, English Dolby Digital 5.1, Finnish Dolby Digital 5.1, Swedish Dolby Digital 5.1
Subtitles (are they optional?Yes) English, Norwegian, Norwegian HoH, Sami
Cuts: No cuts (16:01)
- About the Film
-- Historic (2 Pages)
-- Restoration Comparison "Before and After" (8 Pages)
--- Play a Sample (5:13)
-- Credits
--- Gutten Som Kappåt Med Trollet 1967 (4 Pages)
--- DVD Production 2005 (6 Pages)
Easter Eggs:
Amazon ASIN (UK, French, German, USA releases only):
Source:*OWN IT

Box 4 DVD 1: Short 2
Title: Den standhaftige tinnsoldat (The Steadfast Tin Soldier) ... flmg_dr_16
Releasing Studio:Svensk Filmindustri
Case Type:Keep Case
Aspect Ratio:1.78:1
PAL or NTSC?:Pal
Soundtracks:Norwegian Dolby Digital 1.0 (original sound), Norwegian Dolby Digital 2.0 mono, Danish Dolby Digital 2.0 mono, English Dolby Digital 2.0 mono, Finnish Dolby Digital 2.0 mono, Swedish Dolby Digital 2.0 mono
Subtitles (are they optional?Yes) English, Norwegian, Norwegian HoH
Cuts: No cuts (12:44)
- About the Film
-- Historic (2 Pages)
-- Restoration Comparison "Before and After" (8 Pages)
--- Play a Sample (5:00)
-- Credits
---Den standhaftige tinnsoldat 1955 (3 Pages)
--- DVD Production 2005 (6 Pages)
Easter Eggs:
Amazon ASIN (UK, French, German, USA releases only):
Source:*OWN IT

Box 4 DVD 1: Short 3
Title: Papirdragen (The Paper Kite)
Releasing Studio:Svensk Filmindustri
Case Type:Keep Case
Aspect Ratio:1.78:1
PAL or NTSC?:Pal
Soundtracks:Norwegian Dolby Digital 1.0 (original sound), Norwegian Dolby Digital 2.0 mono, Danish Dolby Digital 2.0 mono, English Dolby Digital 2.0 mono, Finnish Dolby Digital 2.0 mono, Swedish Dolby Digital 2.0 mono
Subtitles (are they optional?Yes) English, Norwegian, Norwegian HoH
Cuts: No cuts (19:31)
- About the Film
-- Historic (2 Pages)
-- Restoration Comparison "Before and After" (8 Pages)
--- Play a Sample (5:00)
-- Credits
---Papirdragen 1963 (3 Pages)
--- DVD Production 2005 (6 Pages)
Easter Eggs:
Amazon ASIN (UK, French, German, USA releases only):
Source:*OWN IT

Box 4 DVD 1: Short 4
Title: Klatremus i Knipe (Scampermouse in a Jam) ... flmg_dr_17
Releasing Studio:Svensk Filmindustri
Case Type:Keep Case
Aspect Ratio:1.78:1
PAL or NTSC?:Pal
Soundtracks:Norwegian Dolby Digital 1.0 (original sound), Norwegian Dolby Digital 5.1, Danish Dolby Digital 5.1, English Dolby Digital 5.1, Finnish Dolby Digital 5.1, Swedish Dolby Digital 5.1
Subtitles (are they optional?Yes) English, Norwegian, Norwegian HoH
Cuts: No cuts (13:03)
- About the Film
-- Historic (2 Pages)
-- Restoration Comparison "Before and After" (8 Pages)
--- Play a Sample (5:00)
-- Credits
---Klatremus i Knipe 1955 (2 Pages)
--- DVD Production 2005 (6 Pages)"

Easter Eggs:
Amazon ASIN (UK, French, German, USA releases only):
Source:*OWN IT

Extra on Box 4, Dvd 1
About Caprino
- Biographies – 4 Generations Caprino (just a sub directory/Menu)
-- Ingeborg Gude Folkestad (3 Pages)
-- Ivo Caprino (3 Pages)
-- Remo Caprino (3 Pages)
-- Mario Caprino (2 Pages)
- Filmographies (10 Pages)

- "Ivo Caprinos" The Film Production (10 Pages)
- Trailer "Caprino Eventyrlige Verden" (10:43)
- Website with webshop (3 Pages)
(About the web Pages)

Box 4, DVD 2: Extra

Dive in fjernsynsarkivet historiske Tv-Program
- Are They Alive, Faithful? (1 Page Information) (From the Tv-Channel NRK 1961) (41:14)
- "Dorthe" Meets "IVO" (1 Page Information) ((From the Tv-Channel TV 2 1998) (24:46)
- "Da CAPO!" (1 Page Information) ((From the Tv-Channel NRK 1993) (13:24)
- The Adorable Little Mice, I And II (1 Page Information) (From the Tv-Channel NRK, 1993) (2:20)

DVD-ROM extra (PDF files)

- "Ivo Caprino" The puppet movies "Walt Disney" (Unknown Source 10.1.1955) (1 Page)
- Victory for Caprino's puppet film (From the newspaper "Nationen" 5.04.1955) (1 Page)
- "Bamsefar" And "Klatremus" On the Movies and In the Tv (Unknown Source 21.1.1956) (1 Page)
- Great Success For "Klatremus" in Stockholm (From the newspaper "Verdens Gang" 29.8.1956) (1 Page)
- Eger-Caprino Make It Fun to Save For Kids (From the newspaper "Nationen" 31.10.1956) (1 Page)
- Asbjørnsens Life Must Be Filmed, Caprinos Million Plans in The Heritage (From the newspaper "Aftenposten" 8.1.1958) (2 Pages)
- Joking Actors at The Puppet Master (From the magazine "Kvinner And Klær" 12.2.1958) (3 Pages)
- Modest Bohemian Fills 70 Year (From the newspaper "Dagbladet 1960) (1 Page)
- Let the Children Watc Unicefs Idea! (From the magazine "A-magasinet" 24.10.1964) (1 Page)
- Well-made Doll Movies on Nordic Tales (Unknown Source 6.2.1973)
- Puppet Master In 40 Years (From the newspaper "Aftenposten 18.1.1989)

- "Ivo Caprino" - Portrait Of "Askeladden" i norsk film (From the Magazine "Film Og kino 1994") (1 Page)
- Once upon a time (From the magazine "Hjemmets Bokforlag, 1993) (3 Pages)
Last edited by Åsmund_Utvik on 02 Aug 2021 15:04, edited 11 times in total.
Posts: 13719
Joined: 23 Jul 2015 15:12

Re: Caprinos Eventyrlige Verden BOX DVD

Post by Åsmund_Utvik »

i have runned this to spell Check several times and i have translated all to english but i could have missed something.

I could also have missing "" some places
Rewind Moderator
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Location: Tokyo, Japan

Re: Caprinos Eventyrlige Verden BOX DVD

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

Åsmund_Utvik wrote: - Flåklypa Grand Prix 1975 (3:16)
- DVD Production 2005 (4:23)
What kinds of extras are these?
Åsmund_Utvik wrote: Manus:
- "Flåklypa Grand Prix" (The Script Version 1) (32 Pages)
- "Flåklypa Grand Prix" Storybook (95 Pages)
- "Flåklypa Grand Prix" (The Script Version 2) (43 Pages)[/qupte]
What does "Manus" mean?
Åsmund_Utvik wrote: Box 2 DVD 1 Short 2:
Title: Veslefrikk med fela

Soundtracks: Norwegian Dolby Digital 1.0 (original), Norwegian Dolby Digital 2.0 mono, Danish Dolby Digital 2.0 mono, English Dolby Digital 2.0 mono, Finnish Dolby Digital 2.0 mono
Is there a difference between Norwegian 1.0 mono and Norwegian 2.0 mono tracks?
Åsmund_Utvik wrote: Box 2 DVD 2 Extra

Mer ekstramateriell
What does this mean and what is in this submenu?
Posts: 13719
Joined: 23 Jul 2015 15:12

Re: Caprinos Eventyrlige Verden BOX DVD FAO Asmund

Post by Åsmund_Utvik »

- Flåklypa Grand Prix 1975 (3:16)
- DVD Production 2005 (4:23)

I have said it about credits different end credits for the Flåklypa Grand Prix
Posts: 13719
Joined: 23 Jul 2015 15:12

Re: Caprinos Eventyrlige Verden BOX DVD FAO Asmund

Post by Åsmund_Utvik »

Is there a difference between Norwegian 1.0 mono and Norwegian 2.0 mono tracks?
That i dont know anything much about. I guess it is a remix and cleaned up
Posts: 13719
Joined: 23 Jul 2015 15:12

Re: Caprinos Eventyrlige Verden BOX DVD FAO Asmund

Post by Åsmund_Utvik »

submenu i just mean a directory or a menu
Rewind Moderator
Rewind Moderator
Posts: 18727
Joined: 27 Jun 2014 16:30
Location: Tokyo, Japan

Re: Caprinos Eventyrlige Verden BOX DVD FAO Asmund

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

Box 2 DVD 2 Extra

Mer ekstramateriell
And what is in this submenu?
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Re: Caprinos Eventyrlige Verden BOX DVD FAO Asmund

Post by Åsmund_Utvik »

it is nothing. Deleted
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Re: Caprinos Eventyrlige Verden BOX DVD FAO Asmund

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

-- Restoration - Comparison of The Movie "Before And After" (8 sider)
Could you recheck this?
Biographies /Books
- "Ivo Caprino" - Portrait of "Askeladden" i norsk film (from the Magazine "Film og Kino" (Year Unknown)(1 Page)
(About Ivo Caprinos book "Ivo Caprino" - Portrait of "Askeladden")
- "Flåklypa Grand Prix" - The Norwegian Film Grand Prix (4 Pages from Unknown Magazine Unknown Year) (3 Pages)
(Review of his book "Ivo Caprino" - Portrait of "Askeladden")
- Il Tempo Gigante On the Road (4 Pages)
(Review of his book "Ivo Caprino" - Portrait of "Askeladden")

- "Flåklypa Grand Prix" (The Script Version 1) (32 Pages)
- "Flåklypa Grand Prix" Storybook (95 Pages)
- "Flåklypa Grand Prix" (The Script Version 2) (43 Pages)
These extras on DISC TWO, they are all PDF files?
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Re: Caprinos Eventyrlige Verden BOX DVD FAO Asmund

Post by Åsmund_Utvik »

- Restoration - Comparison of The Movie "Before And After" (8 sider)

Could you recheck this?
I dont know what to check. It it just the same 8 pages where the describe before and after ... beidet.png
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Re: Caprinos Eventyrlige Verden BOX DVD FAO Asmund

Post by Åsmund_Utvik »

These extras on DISC TWO, they are all PDF files? Yes pdf files
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Re: Caprinos Eventyrlige Verden BOX DVD FAO Asmund

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

Åsmund_Utvik wrote:- Restoration - Comparison of The Movie "Before And After" (8 sider)

Could you recheck this?
I dont know what to check.
What is "sider"?

More About Caprino
- Biographies – 4 Generations Caprino (just a sub directory)
-- Ingeborg Gude Folkestad (3 Pages)
-- Ivo Caprino (3 Pages)
-- Remo Caprino (3 Pages)
-- Mario Caprino (2 Pages)
- Filmographies (10 Pages)

- "Ivo Caprinos" The Film Production (10 Pages)
- Trailer "Caprino Eventyrlige Verden" (10:43)
- Website with webshop (3 Pages)
(About the web Pages)
These extras are in Box 1 and Box 2? Same extras?
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Re: Caprinos Eventyrlige Verden BOX DVD FAO Asmund

Post by Åsmund_Utvik »

Last edited by Åsmund_Utvik on 02 Aug 2021 04:07, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Caprinos Eventyrlige Verden BOX DVD FAO Asmund

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

First box is added.
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Re: Caprinos Eventyrlige Verden BOX DVD FAO Asmund

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

More About Caprino
- Biographies – 4 Generations Caprino (just a sub directory)
-- Ingeborg Gude Folkestad (3 Pages)
-- Ivo Caprino (3 Pages)
-- Remo Caprino (3 Pages)
-- Mario Caprino (2 Pages)
- Filmographies (10 Pages)

- "Ivo Caprinos" The Film Production (10 Pages)
- Trailer "Caprino Eventyrlige Verden" (10:43)
- Website with webshop (3 Pages)
(About the web Pages)
It's not clear in your description. Which disc are these extras on?
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Re: Caprinos Eventyrlige Verden BOX DVD FAO Asmund

Post by Åsmund_Utvik »

Last edited by Åsmund_Utvik on 02 Aug 2021 04:07, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Caprinos Eventyrlige Verden BOX DVD FAO Asmund

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

So the specs here are wrong? I put them on DISC ONE for boxset 1. ... ?fid=58120

How about for boxset 2?
I was asking about that one as well. Where are those same extras?

I'm going to have to ask you to rewrite your specs above so it will be easier to understand.

・Box title. ("Caprinos Eventyrlige Verden Box 1" for example)
・Film title and specs. If there are multiple films, write all the films and their specs
・Extras for each disc.

If you could write out the disc layout like we do in our entries that would be helpful.

* (film title)

* (film title)

Thank you.
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Re: Caprinos Eventyrlige Verden BOX DVD FAO Asmund

Post by Åsmund_Utvik »

Dvd 1 is ok
Only one small things needs to be change
More About the Movie (this is what it sas on the norwegian version), On the english About the Movie
Same with More About Caprino= About Caprino
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Re: Caprinos Eventyrlige Verden BOX DVD FAO Asmund

Post by Åsmund_Utvik »

i have only rewritten disc 2 to 4 since disc 1 is ok already published