Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (Spain DVD) ADDED

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Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (Spain DVD) ADDED

Post by Matthew_B_Harrah »

Title: Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004) Special Edition
Country: Spain
Region: 2
Releasing Studio: DeAPlaneta
Case Type:
Keep Case
Aspect Ratio:
English Dolby Digital 5.1
Spanish (Castilian) DTS 5.1
Catalan Dolby Digital 5.1
Spanish (Castilian) Dolby Digital 5.1
Subtitles (optional):
Spanish (Castilian)
Cuts: (and if you know it, precise run time)
Running Time: (102:12)
- Spanish Title: “Sky Captain y el mundo del mañana”
- Slipcover in original pressing
- Back misstates 4 hours of extras
Amazon ASIN (US, UK, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, or Spain): B0055KN0DE
Source: ... ent&id=387

* The Film
Cast and Crew (text, 5 pages)
Dubbing Cast and Crew (text, 6 pages)
- Gwyneth Paltrow (7 pages)
- Jude Law (8 pages)
- Angelina Jolie (7 pages)
- Giovanni Ribisi (7 pages)
- Kerry Conran (2 pages)
- “A Touch of Spice” (1:39)
- “Hipnos” (0:47)
- “El asombroso mundo de Borjamari y Pocholo” (1:31)
- “The Motorcycle Diaries” (1:38)
- “The Door in the Floor” (2:24)

"Brave New World" documentary
"Brave New World - Chapter 1" featurette (28:11)
"Brave New World - Chapter 2" featurette (23:18)
"The Art of the World of Tomorrow" slideshow (8:13)
"The World of Tomorrow" original short (6:03)
2 Deleted Scenes:
- "Totonkopf's Totrure Room" (1:12)
- "The Conveyor Belt" (3:55)
Making Of (7:18)
Film's animators featurette (1:20)
- Jude Law (5:53)
- Gwyneth Paltrow (2:14)
- Angelina Jolie (1:23)
- Henry Conran (3:49)
Gag reel (2:31)
Logbook Gallery:
- The World of the Future (23 images)
- The Wings of Sky Captain (quiz game)
- The Zeppelins, Colossus of the Air (15 images)
- The Films of the Film
Gwyneth Paltrow in Madrid:
- Sitges Festival (0:40)
- Interview (6:00)
- Photo Session (2:31)
Theatrical Trailer (1:19)
Last edited by Matthew_B_Harrah on 18 Aug 2021 14:49, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (Spain DVD)

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

What is the difference between this post and the dozens of review based entries you posted here? ... 53&t=42043
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Re: Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (Spain DVD)

Post by Matthew_B_Harrah »

James-Masaki_Ryan wrote:What is the difference between this post and the dozens of review based entries you posted here? ... 53&t=42043
It's the same.
Just changed:
[been doing that for a while, to better mach what's on the site. When you see yes, those are older ones I did awhile back.]

And added to notes:
- Slipcover in original pressing
- Back misstates 4 hours of extras
[Left out at the time because sometimes you put them in and other times-don't, but as I was double checking the review before posting, added them.]

I was going to remove this and the other two entries once added. So not to confuse anybody looking in the future.
Eventually, edit, delete, type in red-bold "Entry Added" or in the case of the links just remove those when done (by me or anyone else).
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Re: Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (Spain DVD)

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

You can't just post two of the same entries in different places hoping someone will add it for you. It is confusing enough as it is already, and you are slightly bending/breaking the rule of the "3 threads per person" with that thread.
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Re: Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (Spain DVD)

Post by Matthew_B_Harrah »

James-Masaki_Ryan wrote:You can't just post two of the same entries in different places hoping someone will add it for you. It is confusing enough as it is already, and you are slightly bending/breaking the rule of the "3 threads per person" with that thread.
Oh-oops :oops: I can go and remove them if you want. At the time they were posted so that if any one happen to be doing one of those titles they could add what I had done. As I thought I couldn't add anymore from reviews at the time. But added them in the "DVD & Blu-Ray Discussion" so they could just be consider references and not considered comparisons. Even though that's what they are, but not official in the sense as they are not in the "Your Comparisons". Ultimately, they were posted there so that the hours spent typing them out didn't go to complete waste. As my thought was that I had to just throw them out. Though I do still have the TextEdit, so the post can be deleted. I just can't find the way to do it, other than post-by-post, but then the blank posts are there.
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Re: Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (Spain DVD)

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

It is best to delete them to be fair.

For "Sky Captain" as an example. There are still improvements to be made with the existing entry that you could help with if you can get the information.
The German DVD is missing information with runtimes and the Amazon link is missing. The review site AreaDVD has runtimes and other info that can be used to update it: ... _DVD.shtml

You could note that the Australian DVD should be identical.

Also note that the original short film is called "The World of Tomorrow" from 2003, and could be suggested to update all entries with this title.

If you could go the extra mile for us, that's what we're looking for. Please also look at the entries for Saving Private Ryan and U571 as well.
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Re: Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (Spain DVD)

Post by Matthew_B_Harrah »

James-Masaki_Ryan wrote: For "Sky Captain" as an example. There are still improvements to be made with the existing entry that you could help with if you can get the information.
The German DVD is missing information with runtimes and the Amazon link is missing. The review site AreaDVD has runtimes and other info that can be used to update it: ... _DVD.shtml
R2 Germany - Paramount Home Entertainment
* The Film
Audio Commentary by producer Jon Avnet
Audio Commentary by writer/director Kerry Conran, production designer Kevin Conran, animation supervisor Steve Yamamoto and visual effects supervisor Darin Hollings

"Brave New World" documentary
"Brave New World - Chapter 1" featurette (28:13)
"Brave New World - Chapter 2" featurette (23:36)
"The Art of the World of Tomorrow" gallery (8:21)
"The World of Tomorrow" original short (6:03)
Deleted Scenes (5:10)
Gag Reel (2:32)

Running Time: (102:15)
Last edited by Matthew_B_Harrah on 18 Aug 2021 14:49, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (Spain DVD)

Post by Matthew_B_Harrah »

R4 Australia - Paramount Home Entertainment
* The Film
Audio Commentary by producer Jon Avnet
Audio Commentary by writer/director Kerry Conran, production designer Kevin Conran, animation supervisor Steve Yamamoto and visual effects supervisor Darin Hollings

"Brave New World" documentary
"Brave New World - Chapter 1" featurette (28:13)
"Brave New World - Chapter 2" featurette (23:36)
"The Art of the World of Tomorrow" gallery (8:21)
"The World of Tomorrow" original short (6:03)
Deleted Scenes (5:10)
Gag Reel (2:32)

Running Time: (102:15)
Main Player:Oppo UDP-203 Regional Player:LG BH200 TV:P75QX-H1
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Re: Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (Spain DVD)

Post by Matthew_B_Harrah »

Found the HD-DVD, while searching to see if there are other edition elsewhere. While I have gone through all of Zonadvd, DVDs and Blu-ray reviews, there is no HD-DVD list. So, you have to look those titles up through search or in this case: ... k&region=z

Title: Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (HD DVD) (2004)
Country: Spain
Region: 0
Releasing Studio: DeAPlaneta
Case Type:
Keep Case
Aspect Ratio:
1080p 24fps
English Dolby Digital Plus 5.1
Spanish (Castilian) DTS 5.1
Spanish (Castilian) Dolby Digital Plus 5.1
Catalan Dolby Digital Plus 5.1
Subtitles (optional):
Spanish (Castilian)
Cuts: (106:28)
(.1) Audio Commentary by producer Jon Avnet
(.2) Audio Commentary by writer/director Kerry Conran, production designer Kevin Conran, animation supervisor Steve Yamamoto and visual effects supervisor Darin Hollings
"Brave New World" documentary
"Brave New World - Chapter 1" featurette (28:11)
"Brave New World - Chapter 2" featurette (23:18)
"The Art of the World of Tomorrow" slideshow (8:13)
"The World of Tomorrow" original short (6:03)
2 Deleted Scenes:
- "Totonkopf's Totrure Room" (1:12)
- "The Conveyor Belt" (3:55)
Making of (7:18)
Film's animators featurette (1:20)
- Jude Law (5:53)
- Gwyneth Paltrow (2:14)
- Angelina Jolie (1:23)
- Henry Conran (3:49)
Gag Reel (2:31)
Gwyneth Paltrow in Madrid:
- Sitges Festival (0:40)
- Interview (6:00)
- Photo Session (2:31)
Theatrical Trailer (1:19)
- Spanish Title: “Sky Captain y el mundo del mañana”
- Case misstates Spanish (Castilian) DTS-HD Master Audio and having the extra “Logbook Gallery” which it does not.
- Barcode: 8421466639818
Amazon ASIN (US, UK, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, or Spain): Unable to find hence the barcode.
Source: ... ent&id=710
Last edited by Matthew_B_Harrah on 19 Aug 2021 03:42, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (Spain DVD)

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

- Case misstates Spanish (Castilian) DTS-HD Master Audio and disc does not “Logbook Gallery”
What is the logbook gallery?
In addition, specs for the US Paramount HD-DVD?
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Re: Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (Spain DVD)

Post by Matthew_B_Harrah »

James-Masaki_Ryan wrote:
- Case misstates Spanish (Castilian) DTS-HD Master Audio and disc does not “Logbook Gallery”
What is the logbook gallery?
Logbook Gallery:
- The World of the Future (23 images)
- The Wings of Sky Captain (quiz game)
- The Zeppelins, Colossus of the Air (15 images)
- The Films of the Film
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Re: Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (Spain DVD)

Post by Matthew_B_Harrah »

James-Masaki_Ryan wrote:
In addition, specs for the US Paramount HD-DVD?
Searched, so far none give times. The best is really nothing. As it would add a few more run-off times.
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Re: Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (Spain DVD)

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

- Case misstates Spanish (Castilian) DTS-HD Master Audio and disc does not “Logbook Gallery”
Sorry, I meant what does it mean? You're missing a verb.
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Re: Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (Spain DVD)

Post by Matthew_B_Harrah »

James-Masaki_Ryan wrote:
- Case misstates Spanish (Castilian) DTS-HD Master Audio and disc does not “Logbook Gallery”
Sorry, I meant what does it mean? You're missing a verb.
Okay, made it more clear.
- Case misstates Spanish (Castilian) DTS-HD Master Audio and having the extra “Logbook Gallery” which it does not.
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Re: Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (Spain DVD)

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

Matthew_B_Harrah wrote: DISC TWO
"Brave New World" documentary
"Brave New World - Chapter 1" featurette (28:11)
"Brave New World - Chapter 2" featurette (23:18)
These are just two chapters of a documentary. No need to separate them as featurettes. Also, with this layout it seems the documentary and featurettes are separate. Please don't do this as it makes it confusing.
Matthew_B_Harrah wrote: - "Totonkopf's Totrure Room" (1:12)
Matthew_B_Harrah wrote: Film's animators featurette (1:20)
This seems to be the "Secret Behind the Scenes Look at the Animation Department" featurette
Matthew_B_Harrah wrote: - The Films of the Film
This is a gallery of movie posters of real films that appear in the movie. The way you wrote it is confusing. "Films within the Film" is better worded.

Now added. Gracias