I Drink Your Blood Blu-ray UPDATED

A collection of completed Requests and Submissions as of December 28th 2014. This is for reference only.

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I Drink Your Blood Blu-ray UPDATED

Post by Darrel_Griffin »

I Drink Your Blood - Blu-ray ALL America - Grindhouse Releasing

Some tweaks and typo corrections, plus an additional Easter egg.
I have rearranged the Easter eggs in the order they appear in the menus.
Note 1: Please retain the links for the 2 bonus movies, and update the entries on their pages too.
Note 2: Both versions of "I Drink Your Blood" include an opening banner for Grindhouse Releasing. The net runtimes without these are exactly the same as for the German Blu-ray.
Note 3: Please retain the "Special thanks" credit for Matthew, as he did most of the work for this entry.


*The Film (Theatrical X-Rated Cut)
*The Film (Director's Cut)
(1.) Audio commentary on both versions by director David E. Durston and Bhaskar Roy Chowdhury (2003)
(2.) Audio commentary on the theatrical version by actors Jack Damon and Tyde Kierney (2016)
Deleted Scenes (6:04; with optional commentary by David E. Durston and Bhaskar Roy Chowdhury)
- Grandpa's Acid Freak-Out (1:43)
- Andy and Sylvia (1:33)
- Original Downbeat Ending (1:50)
- Petey Confesses (1:04)
Out-Takes (3:11, upscaled SD)
"Mahoning Drive-In Show" featurette (Lehighton, PA., October 2, 2015) (5:48)

- "The I Drink Your Blood Show with Your Host David Durston" (28:53, SD)
- "David Durston: Going for the Jugular" (59:52, SD)
- "I Drink Your Blood Reunion" (New Beverly Cinema, Hollywood, March 25, 2003) (34:59, SD)
- "David Durston and Lynn Lowry: Cinema Wasteland, Cleveland, October 1, 2004" (17:11, SD)
- "David Durston: Cinema Wasteland, Cleveland, October 3, 2004" (3:49, SD)
- Trailer (2:49)
- Radio Spot (with still image) (0:59, SD)
- Still Galleries
-- Production Stills (35 images)
-- Cast & Crew (41 images)
-- Theatrical – U.S. (43 images)
-- Theatrical – Foreign (31 images)
-- Video Releases (32 images)
-- Blood-Horrors (49 images)
- Bios & Filmographies (text)
-- David E. Durston (8 pages)
-- Bhaskar Roy Chowdhury (4 pages)
-- Jerry Gross (19 pages)
- German Super 8 Versions
-- Haus Des Blutigen Schreckens (15:59, SD, in German, no subtitles)
-- Die Satansbande (23:45, SD, in German, no subtitles)
Bonus Features:
- "I Eat Your Skin" (1971)
-- "I Eat Your Skin" feature film (81:21)
-- "Swamp Man: William Grefé 2nd Unit Director of I Eat Your Skin" featurette (18:14)
-- "They Came from the Swamp: The Films of William Grefé" trailer (3:41)
- "Blue Sextet" (1971)
-- "Blue Sextet" feature film (89:26)
-- Audio commentary by Producer / Co-Star Jack Damon
Grindhouse Releasing Prevues (with Play All option):
- "An American Hippie In Israel" (3:02)
- "Pieces" (0:32)
- "Cannibal Holocaust" (1:25)
- "Cannibal Ferox" (2:45)
- "The Tough Ones" (3:30)
- "Scum of the Earth" (2:13)
- "The Beyond" (3:26)
- "Cat in the Brain" (1:58)
- "Corruption" (1:50)
- "The Swimmer" (2:43)
- "The Big Gundown" (2:13)
- "Ice House" (1:39, SD)
- "Massacre Mafia Style" (2:18)
- "Gone with the Pope" (2:00)
Credits (2 text pages)


First 3000 copies come with an "Offical I Drink Your Blood Horror Hypo" (syringe pen). Includes an 8-page booklet with liner notes by David Szulkin, Tyde Kierney and John Damon.
All extras and Easter eggs are in HD, and in English with no subtitles, unless otherwise stated.

Easter eggs:

"Sanitation - Rodent and Insect Control" (9:22) [On main menu highlight "Play" click down, a blood splat will appear]

"The Bela Lugosi Story" unused David E. Durstan interview segment (3:44, SD) [After clicking "Interviews", highlight "David Durstan: Going for the Jugular" click left, a skull will appear]

"Song Dedicated to the Film" performed by David E. Durstan (2:19, SD) [On main menu highlight "Extras" click left, a severed head will appear]

"Cult Movies Awards" (March 9, 2002) (9:33, SD) [On Bios & Filmographies: David E. Durston page 7, top of the page "Video Play" in red.]

"Stigma" - 3 Radio Spots (with 4 still images) (1:24) [On Bios & Filmographies: David E. Durston page 8, "Video Play" in red.]

"The Evil King Cobra Dance" (6:12, SD) [On Bios & Filmographies: Bhaskar Roy Chowdhury page 2, top of the page "Video Play" in red.]

"Africa Blood and Guts" (1970) trailer (2:25, SD) [On Bios & Filmographies: Jerry Gross page 18, top of the page "Video Play" in red.]

"Zombie" (1979) trailer (1:32, SD) [On Bios & Filmographies: Jerry Gross page 19, bottom of the page "Video Play" in red.]

Audio Interview with David E. Durston about producer Jerry Gross (with "I Drink Your Blood" stills gallery) (7:08, SD) [After clicking "Bios & Filmographies", highlight "Jerry Gross" click left, a syringe will appear]

"Elvira: Midnight Madness" Intro / Outro for "I Eat Your Skin" (3:45, SD) [After clicking "Bonus Features", highlight "Play Movie" ("I Eat Your Skin") click left, a jewel Elvira dagger will appear]

source: I own it
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Re: I Drink Your Blood Blu-ray IN PROGRESS

Post by Anthony_DiPaola »

I'll take this.

UPDATE: Finished! Many thanks. :)