Title: Medical Center: The Complete Sixth Season (1974-1975)
Country: United States
Region: Region 0
Releasing Studio: Warner Archive Collection
Case Type: standard DVD case
Aspect Ratio: 1.33:1
Anamorphic?: Non-anamorphic
Soundtracks: (If a silent film, also state score composer and performer): English Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono
Subtitles (are they optional?): None
Cuts: (and if you know it, precise run time) None (referring to "Notes", the episodes I think have been sourced from tape masters, with the fade-outs shorter than they would be if the episodes had had a restoration job).
Commentaries: None
Extras: No
Notes: initial copies (the first thousand?) had pressed discs, After these copies were sold, the set was sold with DVD-R discs. All 24 episodes in this set have NOT had a restoration job.
Easter Eggs: None
Amazon ASIN (US, UK, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, or Spain): https://www.amazon.com/Medical-Center-C ... 157&sr=1-5
Source: My own copy (it has pressed discs).
Disc One:
- Play All (203:03)
- "Adults Only" (50:44)
- "The Demi-God" (50:44)
- "The Faces of Peril" (50:36)
- "Three-Cornered Cage" (50:56)
Disc Two:
- Play All (202:35)
- "The Shattered Mask" (50:46)
- "May God Have Mercy" (50:44)
- "The Prisoners" (50:17)
- "The Bribe" (50:46)
Disc Three:
- Play All (202:59)
- "Tainted Lady" (50:43)
- "Heel of the Tyrant" (50:44)
- "Three on a Tightrope" (50:48)
- "The Midwife" (50:43)
Disc Four:
- Play All (203:12)
- "Kiss and Tell" (50:49)
- "Saturday's Child" (50:47)
- "The Hostile Heart" (50:47)
- "No Way Home" (50:47)
Disc Five:
- Play All (203:04)
- "Captives" (50:53)
- "The Rip-Off" (50:47)
- "Crown of Thorns" (50:45)
- "The Invisible Wife" (50:37)
Disc Six:
- Play All (203:02)
- "If Mine Eye Offends Me" (50:46)
- "Survivors" (50:45)
- "Aftershock" (50:46)
- "Half a Life" (50:44)
Also, "The Prisoners" has a shorter runtime because the end credits cut off and went back to the episodes menu screen, just before the first guest cast credits were shown. At a guess, around 10-15 seconds shorter than it should have been (I'm guessing my copy of Disc Two was faulty, just with this one episode).
Medical Center: The Complete Sixth Season (1974-1975) ADDED
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