Title: Antichrist (The) AKA L'Anticristo AKA The Tempter (Blu-ray) (1974) (Imprint #359)
Country: Australia
Region: All
Releasing Studio: Imprint
Case Type: Keep Case
Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1
Codec: AVC MPEG-4
Picture: 1080p24
English LPCM 2.0 Mono
Italian LPCM 2.0 Mono
Subtitles: English, English (for Italian version), English HOH
Cuts: No cuts - 112:05 (Italian export version)
Audio commentary with author/editor-in-chief of Diabolique magazine Kat Ellinger and artist/author Madeline LaDespencer (2024)
Audio commentary with Author/Critic Lee Gambin and Critic Sally Christie (2022)
"Deliver Her From Evil" - interview with actor Remo Girone (in Italian with optional English subtitles) (12:05)
"The Divine and the Diabolical in Alberto de Martino's The Antichrist" - video essay by film critic Rachel Nisbet (22:26)
"Too Vulgar a Display of Power: The Enduring Phenomenon of Exorcist Rip-offs" - video essay by film critic Andy Marshall-Roberts (29:52)
"Sacred and Profane: The audio recollections of Alberto de Martino" - interview conducted and recorded by Eugenio Ercolani (in Italian with burnt-in English subtitles) (11:05)
"The Antichrist: Raising Hell" 2002 interview with director Alberto de Martino and composer Ennio Morricone (in Italian with optional English subtitles) (10:19)
"Shout at the Devil" - archival interview with camera operator Adolfo Troiani (in Italian with optional English subtitles)
"The Tempter" - alternate opening credits (1:12)
"The Tempter" - TV spot (0:31)
Notes: Limited edition of 1500 in exclusive slipbox. Extras are in 1080p with English audio unless stated otherwise.
Source: Own disc
The Antichrist (Blu-ray Australia) ADDED
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