Title: Amazia Special (Feature Film Arahan + 16 Amazia Trailers)
Country: The Netherlands
Region: 2
Releasing Studio: Splendid Film
Case Type: Keep Case
Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1
Anamorphic?: Anamorphic
Soundtracks: Korean Dolby Digital 5.1
Subtitles (are they optional?): Optional Dutch
Cuts: (and if you know it, precise run time) On Case 109 Min. Actual Runtime 1:48:32
Commentaries: no
Extras:16 Trailers
1. The Restless (02:11)
2. Bloody Tie (03:06)
3. Gangfight (02:03) (a.k.a. Bar Legend)
4. Dirty Carnival (02:12)
5. Killerlady (02:24) (a.k.a. My Wife Is a Gangster 3)
6. Art of Revenge (02:14) (a.k.a. Soo: Revenge for a Twisted Fate)
7. Silent Killer (02:13) (a.k.a. No Mercy for the Rude)
8. Blood Rain (01:55)
9. Gangster High (02:39)
10. Dororo (01:16)
11. Haunted Village (01:53) (a.k.a. Arang)
12. State of Violence (02:14) (a.k.a. Holiday)
13. Crime City Cops (01:52) (a.k.a. Wild Card)
14. Heaven's Soldiers (02:31)
15. The Triangle (02:29) (a.k.a. Daisy)
16. Black House (02:09)
Notes: Case incorrectly states there is a Japanese Dolby Digital 5.1 track
Source: I Own the Disc
Arahan (2004) DVD ADDED
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Re: Arahan (2004) DVD ADDED
Thank you, added!