R1 America- Universal Pictures - No cuts.
R1 America- Universal Pictures - Arnold Schwarzenegger Comedy Favorites Collection - No cuts (111:08 NTSC).
R2 United Kingdom- Universal Pictures - The scene after Kimble's first day at school when he goes back to the motel room has 1 minor edit. He says the kids are horrible and the scene fades out, when he should go on to say "they're like little terrorists".
R4 Australia- Columbia Tristar Home Entertainment - No cuts.
However MELONFARMERS http://www.melonfarmers.co.uk/hitsk.htm ... garten_cop says something about this only being a rumour. Also I have watched several online versions of that scene, and each one does not seem to include the missing line (though I suppose they all might have been the same identical UK cut version, I'm not sure).
Anyway, can anyone confirm that the American/Australian (+ possibly any other non-UK versions) DVD(and/or)Blu-Ray has this line intact. I wonder if maybe it might be the same shortened line in every country release? Meanwhile, I noticed the only UK DVD comparison currently listed has a screen ratio 1.33:1, whereas the link to Amazon-UK on the MELONFARMERS page http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASI ... farmers-21 has this listed as ratio 16:9 - 1.85:1. So looks like it was re-released in the UK on DVD in 2007/2008(ish), but this re-release is not currently listed on the comparison page. So can anyone update the page with this version too? Also, maybe check about the missing line in this re-release version if possible. One way or another - looks like the comparison page might need updating somewhere.