Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh - Shameless DVD UPDATED

A collection of completed Requests and Submissions as of December 28th 2014. This is for reference only.

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Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh - Shameless DVD UPDATED

Post by Darrel_Griffin »

I have a copy of UK Shameless DVD release of The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh, but I cannot find these extras that are listed in the database:

Venice Festival Screening with director Sergio Martino (3:00)

Poster & Still Gallery

I cannot see them mentioned in the packaging, nor find them on the disc, so I suspect they aren't on there at all.

It looks like these extras ARE on the US No Shame DVD release, as they are listed both on this site and DVDBeaver, although I don't have a copy of this release myself so I can't independently confirm this.

Perhaps Shameless were planning to include them but ended up not doing so for some reason e.g. disc space / rights issues / cost / omitted in error.

Can anyone else confirm whether or not these extras are on the UK Shameless DVD? If they are not, then the database should be corrected.

Many thanks.
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Re: Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh - Shameless DVD

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

Thanks Darrel,

Could you tell us the runtimes for the following?

Shameless Trailer Park
Starts-up with skippable trailers for "New York Ripper" Blu-ray release, "Almost Human" and "Don't Torture a Duckling"
Easter Egg trailers
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Re: Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh - Shameless DVD FAO Darrel

Post by Darrel_Griffin »

Start-up trailers:

New York Ripper (0:50)
Almost Human (0:58)
Don't Torture a Duckling (1:11)

followed by a page of text with details of Shameless websites (0:06)

All of the above are skippable.

The easter egg instructions are correct, and these trailers are:

Salon Kitty (2:15)
The Nun and the Devil (1:16)

Most of the other details seem to be correct, except:

the Italian Theatrical trailer is 3:04, not 3:02,

the movie runtime is 96:11, not 96:24.

The trailer park contains trailers for ALL of the first 30 Shameless DVD releases:

from: SHAM001 - The New York Ripper

to: SHAM030 - The Strange Vice of Mrs Wardh

These trailers are accessed individually from 3 menu pages in groups of 10.

The trailers are in a sense all grouped together into a single feature with a total runtime of 34:13, but it seems they cannot be viewed all in one go.

When a trailer is selected from the menu, it first goes to a page of text describing the movie with a picture of the Shameless DVD cover, and there is a menu at the bottom of the page with 4 options: play the trailer / return to the trailer park menu / select the next trailer / return to the main menu. If you opt to play the trailer it plays just this section out of the total 34:13, before returning to the trailer park menu (e.g. selecting SHAM011 My Dear Killer plays from 10:10 until 11:28 then returns). I hope that makes sense.

There does not appear to be a 'play all' feature.

Note that this movie also has a Shameless Blu-ray release (already in the database), which I now also own, although I haven't watched it yet. Looking forward to it though, as this is one of my favourite giallos :-D
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Re: Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh - Shameless DVD FAO Darrel

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

Thank you. updated.