Blu-ray ALL France - Night of the Demon AKA UPDATED

A collection of completed Requests and Submissions as of December 28th 2014. This is for reference only.

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Blu-ray ALL France - Night of the Demon AKA UPDATED

Post by Christian_Bütikofer »

Blu-ray: ... ?fid=25732

Startup Trailer (skippable)
- Gun Grazy (English audio, French text) (2:04)
Notes: French title: "Rendez-vous avec la peur." The book is called "Le Versant crépusculaire", written by Michael Henry Wilson. Region Code for the Blu-ray mistakenly labeled "B".

To the Language options:
In the menu it says that the US version is only available in English with forced French subtitles.
No such warning is given for the UK version. But it is noted in the language menu, that English would be subtitled by default.

The US/UK versions are available in English with forced French subtitles (this was the case with my LG 611 Blu-ray player). Optional French subtitles are available with my Samsung BD-J5900 Blu-ray player.

DVD: ... id=16890#2

Soundtrack: English Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono, English DTS 2.0 Mono, French Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono
Subtitles: French (forced) for English audio. French audio offers NO subtitles.
Startup Trailer (skippable)
- Gun Grazy (English audio, French text) (1:57)
Internet links (,,,, Facebook, Twitter)
Notes: French title: "Rendez-vous avec la peur." The book is called "Le Versant crépusculaire", written by Michael Henry Wilson.

To the Language options: French subtitles are always forced on the English track, either with a Samsung BD-J5900 Blu-ray player or an LG 611 Blu-ray player, so I guess it's safe to assume that they are always forced for all players.
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Re: Blu-ray ALL France - Night of the Demon AKA Curse of the

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »
