Great Sioux Massacre (1965) - German DVD update

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Great Sioux Massacre (1965) - German DVD update

Post by Tim_Rogerson »


Having compared the German DVD to the Sidonis French DVD, I can confirm that the German DVD is cut by over 7m. It also has a sign substitution which suggests that the source is a Spanish print. Details of the cuts below to add to the entry. Timings at front are German DVD to indicate where missing footage should be.

- After the opening credits the door sign says “Office of the Adjutant General” in the French DVD but “Department Della Guerra” in the German DVD. The subsequent wall sign is the same in both prints.
- 14m03s – after Reno shuts the door, there is a jump cut to Reno sitting at his desk. The French DVD bridges the two shots by an additional shot of Benton and Caroline in which she says “Trust me to work it out” (5s)
- At 14m26s – After Caroline is given some wine at the cocktail party, the German print cuts to Benton and Custer outside the building and Turner arriving. A huge chunk has been removed here which introduces Libbie Custer, shows Benton and Caroline dancing and then Reno enters drunk, embarrasses himself and is forced to exit and Caroline and Benton then discuss Reno outside before Caroline departs and Custer talks to Reno (5m44s missing – 14m30m to 20m14s in the French DVD)
- At 74m31s – a chunk of footage is missing as Custer and his troops march off to fight the Sioux. Missing are various shots of Custer and his forces intercut with shots of Benton riding up to the miners and telling them to pack up and get out (1m31s missing – 80m18s to 81m49s in the French DVD)

I also compared the two prints on my widescreen TV and the German DVD is the same aspect ratio as the French DVD and therefore at 2.35:1 and not 1.66:1 as I indicated before. There is a fraction extra information at the side and top of the frame on the French DVD but only in a very few shots does this reveal anything of note.