Like Father, Like Son AKA Executioner blu-ray ADDED

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Like Father, Like Son AKA Executioner blu-ray ADDED

Post by Åsmund_Utvik »

Title:Like Father, Like Son AKA Executioner (The)
Releasing Studio:Subkultur Grindhouse Collection Vol.2
Case Type:Keep case
Aspect Ratio:1.85:1 /1.37:1
Codec: AVC MPEG-4
Picture: 1080P
Soundtracks:German DTS-HD Master Audio 1.0, German DTS-HD Master Audio 1.0, English DTS-HD Master Audio 1.0, English DTS-HD Master Audio 1.0
(se pictures for difference. I have NO clue what they means) ... killer.png
Subtitles (are they optional?y):English, German
Cuts: No cuts (82:40) 1.37:1 /1.85:1
(super 8 version plays first before the movie forced (14:59) 1080P, German German DTS-HD Master Audio 1.0 before both version but the one on 1.85:1 seems restored) ... -start.png
Extras:"Like Father, Like Son" Making of 1080P (43:33)
(in English, optional german subtitles)
Interview with Matt Cimber & Jim Lobianco (10:13)
(in English, optional german subtitles)
"Home Movies" 12 private filmaufnahmen av Duke Mitchell (52:02)
(No subtitles)
"An Impressionistic Tribue to Jimmy Durante" Filmiche Huldigung an den 1980 verstorbenen Jimmy Durante
(Comedian, Kompoist, Sänger & Darstellar), Hautprolle: Duke Mitchell (37:06)
(No subtitles)

16mm-Probeaufnahmen "Duke Mitchell als Jimmy Durante" (6:33)
(No subtitles)

Alternative Vor- & Abspann "The Executioner" (7:01)
(No subtitles)
Original-Trailer (2:19)
Duke Mitchell Trailershow (Like Father, Like Son, Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla) (4:10)

"Like Father, Like Son (3) (2:25)
"Massacre Mafia Style (2) (0:36)

"Like Father, Like Son (Der Mafia-Killer) (25:15)
"Duke Mitchell" (15:22)
"Cara Peters" (2:42) ... a-menu.png
Notes:Limite to 1000
Easter Eggs:To the left for "An Impressionistic Tribue to Jimmy Durante click there
1. (1:53) Matt Cimber and Jim Lobianco' featurette and arrow left for a piece in which Matt Cimber discusses the bankruptcy of Movielab and the loss of one of his films (1:52
(No subtitles)

2. (3:17) filmmaker Matt Cimber relates an anecdote about Duke Mitchell's wife (3:16) ... n-eggs.png

3. When you click on setup another eastern egg when you are inside extra
(2:22) the main song in the movie, Buzzy the Christmas Bee

4. to the right for "Cara Peters"
On the 'Cara Salerno' filmography page, there is a trailer for Byron Mabe's "Space Thing" (14:09)
(5 seconds black)
Amazon ASIN (UK, French, German, USA releases only):B073XGFYVV
Source:*Own it

The DVD also features the DVD-ROM .pdf extras: Narration (5 pages), Treatment (7 pages), Treatment 2 (23 pages), Script 1 (120 pages), and Script 2 (83 pages)
Amazon ASIN (UK, French, German, USA releases only):B073XGFYVV
Source:*Own it


Releasing Studio:Subkultur Grindhouse Collection Vol.2
Case Type:Keep case
Aspect Ratio:1.66:1
PAL or NTSC?:Pal
Soundtracks:German Dolby Digital 1.0, English Dolby Digital 1.0, English Dolby Digital 1.0 ... on-lyd.png
Subtitles (are they optional?Yes)English, German
Cuts: No cuts (14:21) super 8 version (forced before main film) (79:15)
Extras:"Like Father, Like Son" Making of 1080P (41:46)
(in English, optional german subtitles)
Interview with Matt Cimber & Jim Lobianco (10:11)
(in English, optional german subtitles)
"Home Movies" 12 private filmaufnahmen av Duke Mitchell (49:53)
(No subtitles)
"An Impressionistic Tribue to Jimmy Durante" Filmiche Huldigung an den 1980 verstorbenen Jimmy Durante
(Comedian, Kompoist, Sänger & Darstellar), Hautprolle: Duke Mitchell (37:05)
(No subtitles)

16mm-Probeaufnahmen "Duke Mitchell als Jimmy Durante" (6:16)
(No subtitles)

Alternative Vor- & Abspann "The Executioner" (6:42)
(No subtitles)
Original-Trailer (2:12)
Duke Mitchell Trailershow
" Like Father, Like Son" (1:55)
"Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla" (2:03)

"Like Father, Like Son
-1 (0:36)
-2 (1:04)
-3 (0:42)
"Massacre Mafia Style
-1 (0:14)
-2 (0:19)

"Like Father, Like Son (Der Mafia-Killer) (8:15)
"Duke Mitchell" (7:30)
"Cara Peters" (1:45)
Easter Eggs:No eastern on the dvd
Amazon ASIN (UK, French, German, USA releases only):B073XGFYVV
Source:*OWN IT
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Re: Like Father, Like Son AKA Executioner blu-ray

Post by Eric_Cotenas »

Does the Super 8 version appear on the DVD or just the Blu-ray?
3. When you click on setup another eastern egg when you are inside extra
(2:22) the main song in the movie, Buzzy the Christmas Bee
Does the Easter Egg appear when you click Setup or an icon on the setup page?
4. to the right for "Cara Peters"
On the 'Cara Salerno' filmography page, there is a trailer for Byron Mabe's "Space Thing" (14:09)
(5 seconds black)
There is no filmography page mentioned in the extras? Does a filmography page open when you click on "Cara Peters" with a photo gallery option on it?
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Re: Like Father, Like Son AKA Executioner blu-ray FAO Åsmund

Post by Åsmund_Utvik »

Does the Super 8 version appear on the DVD or just the Blu-ray? on both

Inside the setup you find the eastern eggs. Not a icon beside the setup

There is no filmography page mentioned in the extras? Does a filmography page open when you click on "Cara Peters" with a photo gallery option on it? Nothing
You get some nude photos from a magazine called man on man and other magazine like Adam
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Re: Like Father, Like Son AKA Executioner blu-ray FAO Eric

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

Eric, what else is there you need to know?
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Re: Like Father, Like Son AKA Executioner blu-ray FAO Åsmund

Post by Eric_Cotenas »

Inside the setup you find the eastern eggs. Not a icon beside the setup
There is no filmography page mentioned in the extras? Does a filmography page open when you click on "Cara Peters" with a photo gallery option on it? Nothing
You get some nude photos from a magazine called man on man and other magazine like Adam

Where in the set-up are the easter eggs?
On the 'Cara Salerno' filmography page, there is a trailer for Byron Mabe's "Space Thing" (14:09)
Your specs list a filmography page but the menu screen only lists "Cara Peters" under "bilgergalerie". When you click on Cara Peters, is the easter egg in the still gallery or is there a filmography page before the pictures?
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Re: Like Father, Like Son AKA Executioner blu-ray ADDED

Post by Eric_Cotenas »

Added, thanks for your patience.