Lucky Stars set UPDATED

A collection of completed Requests and Submissions as of December 28th 2014. This is for reference only.

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Lucky Stars set UPDATED

Post by Scott_Napier »

For the comparison: the Taiwanese version on the Eureka Blu-ray is Mandarin language, not Taiwanese. [I worked on the release.]


The review for the set states that Miramax did nothing with it. Although there was no home video release by them, I think they still have streaming (and possibly TV) rights (I once bought it on iTunes).
The review has an incomplete sentence: "special edition in"
The review states "The subtitle translations are flatout odd in some cases, with Hung's character previously called "Teapot" in the first film and "Fastbuck" in the follow-ups, now named "Francolin Greens" and the other characters named after herbs in the latter two films, and Fung's character called Rhinohide in some versions."

Sammo Hung's character is only called Teapot in 'Winners & Sinners'. The other two "sequels" aren't actually related to the other two films (despite them being packaged together and some of the cast).

I believe "Fastbuck" was the name in the English version (largely dispensing with the Chinese medicinal ingredients the characters are named after, incidentally). That name isn't even mentioned in the subtitles.

See this: ... tcount=687
"a hybrid Cantonese dialogue/Japanese music LPCM 1.0 track,"

This was the soundtrack released in Japan at the time (not a new creation).
The review states "Subtitle options are the same, with a second track translating the Cantonese dialogue and Japanese song lyrics and Chinese text for the English track."

Can you explain this? Seems confusing.
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Re: Lucky Stars set

Post by Eric_Cotenas »

I’ll take this one.
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Re: Lucky Stars set

Post by Eric_Cotenas »

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Re: Lucky Stars set UPDATED

Post by Scott_Napier »

Hi Eric,

The version of 'Twinkle' for Taiwan (and possibly Singapore) still states Taiwanese as the language (it might just be standard Mandarin).

Do you have evidence of a theatrical release for 'Twinkle'? There's nothing on the BBFC's website. I don't believe Media Asia have ever released anything theatrically in the UK; they were only the sales agent of the three films (on behalf of Star TV) years ago.

Are you sure the Scandinavian Blu-ray used the upscale? It should be noted that 1080p Fortune Star masters were delivered to clients such as Splendid; the problem was, they weren't 1080p scans.

Again, I think 'Fastbuck' was only ever a name used in the English-language versions. Some releases with electronic subtitles may carry these over if they were dubtitles, but I think the theatrical ones used Kidstuff. See this (3:34):

Incomplete sentence: "input from ()"

There are now Caps-a-Holic entries for 'Winners' and 'My Lucky Stars'.
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Re: Lucky Stars set UPDATED

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

Is it mistakenly listed on the packaging or menu as "Taiwanese"? Highly doubt that it would be a Taiwanese dub since Taiwanese (Hokkien) is a local dialect that is never used for dubbing or major media in Taiwan.
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Re: Lucky Stars set UPDATED

Post by Eric_Cotenas »

Fixed. I'll leave it to someone else to find out if the Scandinavian edition was an upscale.