Watchmen (2009) UPDATED

A collection of completed Requests and Submissions as of December 28th 2014. This is for reference only.

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Watchmen (2009) UPDATED

Post by Matthew_B_Harrah »

R2 Spain - Paramount Home Entertainment
Special Edition

"Watchmen: Focus Points" featurettes: (36:41)
- "The Minutemen" (3:35)
- "Sets and Sensibility" (3:57)
- "Dressed for Success" (3:05)
- "The Ship Has Eyes" (4:22)
- "Dave Gibbons" (3:23)
- "Burn Baby Burn" (2:14)
- "Shoot to Thrill" (3:16)
- "Blue Monday" (3:01)
- "Attention to Detail" (2:55)
- "Girls Kick Ass" (3:06)
- "Rorschach's Mask" (3:47)

Easter Egg: (I'll just post the original language/translated)
Huevo de Pascua – Vídeo Viral – La Ley Keene
2' 43'', 1.33:1 4/3, Dolby Digital 2.0 Inglés, subtitulado en castellano
Hay un segundo vídeo viral – accesible como "huevo de pascua" una vez se ha entrado en Características especiales (hay que ir a la derecha desde la opción Menú principal). Se titula "La Ley Keene" y muestra un supuesto fragmento de programa televisivo sobre la campaña política para la ilegalización de los vigilantes.

Easter Egg – Viral Video – The Keene Law
2' 43'', 1.33:1 4/3, Dolby Digital 2.0 English, subtitled in English
There is a second viral video – accessible as "Easter Egg" once you have entered Special Features (Go right from the Main Menu option.) It is entitled "The Keene Law" and shows an alleged fragment of television program about the political campaign for the illegalization of the vigilantes.

ASIN : B0053CAN52

Source: ... ent&id=965
Main Player:Oppo UDP-203 Regional Player:LG BH200 TV:P75QX-H1
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Re: Watchmen (2009)

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »
