From A Whisper To A Scream Blu-ray ADDED

A collection of completed Requests and Submissions as of December 28th 2014. This is for reference only.

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From A Whisper To A Scream Blu-ray ADDED

Post by Åsmund_Utvik »

Title:From A Whisper To A Scream
Releasing Studio:Turbine
Case Type:Mediabook
Aspect Ratio:1.85:1
Codec: AVC MPEG-4
Picture: 1080P
Soundtracks:English DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 Mono, German DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 Mono
(there is 6 soundtrack but the 6, i dont what is up with that. It have no music, no dialog and no subtitles)
Subtitles (are they optional?y):German (for the german version), German HoH (for the english version)
(2 english subtitles are for music and the effects)
Cuts: No cuts (93:33)
Audio Commentary with director/co-writer Jeff Burr
(in english, with optional English and German subtitles)
Audio Commentary with co-writer/producer Darin Scott and co-writer C. Courtney Joyner
(in english, with optional English and German subtitles)
Audio Commentary with Casting-Director David Del Valle & Co-Autor Mike Malone
(in english, with optional English and German subtitles)
Disc 1:
Intro von Jeff Burr (1:47) [1080P]
(in english with optional English and German subtitles)
- Original Trailer (1:52) [1080i 60]
(in english, no subtitles)
- US trailer (1:00) [1080i 50]
(the audio is missing, so no audio)
- Tv Spots (US) (2:13) [1080P]
- German Trailer (1:41) [1080i 60]
(in german no subtitles)

Cover A limited to 666
Cover B limited to 444
Cover C Limited to 333
Cover D Limited to 555
38 book in german
Easter Eggs:
Amazon ASIN (UK, French, German, USA releases only):Direct from Turbine Webshop
Source:*Own it ... BDINFO.png

Blu-ray 2:

Releasing Studio:Turbine
Case Type:Mediabook
Aspect Ratio:1.36.1
Codec: AVC MPEG-4
Soundtracks:English DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 Mono, German DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 Mono
Subtitles (are they optional?y):English, German
Cuts: No cuts (93:33)
(Open Matte version)
“Return To Oldfield” documentary (117:11) [1080P]
(in English with optional English and German subtitles)
A Decade Under The Innocence: Adventures in Super 8 Filmmaking” documentary (71:27) [1080P]
(in English with optional English and German subtitles)
Photo gallery with optional directors commentary (10:17)
(in English with optional English and German subtitles)
Easter Eggs:
Amazon ASIN (UK, French, German, USA releases only):
Source:*Own it ... BDINFO.png

Disc 3:(blu-ray)
Codec: AVC MPEG-4
Aspect Ratio:1.33:1
Intro (1:07)
(in English with optional English and German subtitles)
Short films: 8mm early work from 1974-1980
Aspect Ratio:
- Teenage Fright (1974, 6:22)
(no music or dialog)
- Agent 005 (1976, 24:54 )
- Life is Semi Precious (1978, 65:30)
-- Trailer (0:33)
- Sorcerer’s Duel (1978, 13:22)
- Let Us Prey (1979, 25:02)
- How i Spent My Summer Vacation (1980, 30:33)
- Wipeout (1981, 11:23)
- The Spoils (1981, 9:32)
- Turnaround (1981, 7:22)
- Child’S Play (1981, 6:30 )

Short films: 16mm early work from
Intro (2:27)
- Dividied We Fall (16X9)(1982, 26:27)
- Dividied We Fall (4X3) (1982, 26:30)
- Behind The Scenes (11:03)
(no dialog, no music)
Note: (Shorts:in English with optional English and German subtitles
All shorts and extra on disc 3 480i19.18 28.12.2021
Exception is mentioned) ... BDINFO.png


1.The Opening 2:01
2.Shall We Dance 1:32
3.Main Title 2:43
4.On the Hook 1:36
5.Stanley 2:04
6.Stanley and Son 1:50
7.Jesse's Boat Ride 1:39
8.Jesse Snoops 1:28
9.Felder's Joy Juice 2:54
10.Jesse Cue 1:28
11.Jesse Cue 2 1:35
12.Boat Panic 0:34
13.Boat Panic 2 0:32
14.Where is it 1:15
15.Jesse Gets the Axe0:40
16.Jesse Finale 0:36
17.The Tears You Weep and the Blood You Shed 2:47
18.Screwy Fingers 1:06
19.Steven Explodes 1:09
20.Like a Faucet 0:50
21.Ami the Pin Cushion 0:56
22.Run 0:13
23.Harmonica 0:52
24.Civil War 0:23
25.Civil War 2 1:51
26.Civil War 3 0:24
27.Civil War 4 0:24
28.Civil War Drums 0:18
29.Gallin and Amanda 2:15
30.Gallin cons Amanda 2:17
31.Gallin cons Amanda 2 0:42
32.Tension the Magistrate 2:05
33.Tension the Magistrate 2 0:48
34.Gallin Flambe 1:34
35.Welcome to Oldfield 1:34
36.End Credits Main Theme 2:41
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Re: From A Whisper To A Scream Blu-ray

Post by Eric_Cotenas »

I’ll take this one.

So there are nine tracks - 3 feature audio, 3 commentaries, and 3 empty tracks?

Also, what are the two SD versions on the other two discs? Both open-matte but different somehow?
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Re: From A Whisper To A Scream Blu-ray FAO Åsmund

Post by Åsmund_Utvik »

you have 6 tracks on disc 1
You have 2 tracks on disc 2

2 for the main movie, 1 without no dialog/no music /no subtitles (i dont know why this one is used for)
and 3 for the commentaries
There is also 6 english and 6 german but only 5 of them is in use.
2 of the english is used for sounds and effects (this is mention in the meny)
So i dont know wha the 6 german and 6 english subtiles are used for

Yes Open Matte with the one version disc open matte
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Re: From A Whisper To A Scream Blu-ray FAO Åsmund

Post by Eric_Cotenas »

Does the open-matte version also have the HoH English and German subtitle tracks like the widescreen version or just the other two?
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Re: From A Whisper To A Scream Blu-ray FAO Åsmund

Post by Åsmund_Utvik »

They are not German HoH or English HoH her
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Re: From A Whisper To A Scream Blu-ray FAO Åsmund

Post by Eric_Cotenas »
