Corruption (1968) Blu-ray UPDATED

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Corruption (1968) Blu-ray UPDATED

Post by Darrel_Griffin »

Corruption (1968) Blu-ray ... ?fid=24919

Blu-ray ALL America - Grindhouse Releasing

added detail:

Comes with liner notes -> Comes with liner notes booklet

Blu-ray B United Kingdom - Powerhouse Films
Limited Edition
The Indicator Series #234

As a general point for the Powerhouse releases, it might be a good idea to replace all 5 instances of the term "Cut", using the term "Version" instead.
The back of the case and the onscreen menu do use the terms "UK Theatrical Cut" and "US Theatrical Cut", however changing it would help avoid ambiguity with censor cuts etc.:

US theatrical cut -> US Theatrical Version
UK Theatrical Cut -> UK Theatrical Version
US Theatrical Cut -> US Theatrical Version
UK cut -> UK Theatrical Version
US cut -> US Theatrical Version

added detail:

Isolated Music and Effects Track in DTS-HD Master Audio 1.0 (plays over UK Theatrical Version)

runtime correction of extra:

"The British Entertainment History Project (BEHP) Interview with Peter Newbrook: Excerpted from interviews conducted by Alan Lawson and Roy Fowler on 20 February 1985, 17 April 1995 and 15 May 1995" plays as an alternate audio track over the US Theatrical Version of the film (91:04)

(it is silent after that point)

Note that the total runtime of the UK Theatrical Version is 91:31, but it includes a BBFC certificate (0:11) at the start, so the net runtime is 91:20, the same length as the US Theatrical Version
(however, they have other differences - see General Note below)

Blu-ray B United Kingdom - Powerhouse Films
Standard Edition

This can be added - it has the same disc contents as the Limited Edition, but no art cards and no book


UK Powerhouse Films Limited Edition has the most extras, but perhaps it should be declared a draw overall, since the Grindhouse release has some exclusive extras:

Blu-ray ALL America - Grindhouse Releasing Blu-ray exclusive extras:

1974 audio interview with Peter Cushing (7:14)
Alternate Scenes are available as separate items (on the UK Blu-ray they are only available within the different versions of the movie)
Robert Hartford-Davis Filmography & Trailers
Bonus Trailers
Easter Egg #1: A brief 2 min interview clip with Wendy Varnals about the music of the period
liner notes booklet

(I don't know about the image galleries - perhaps they are the same on both releases)

General Note:

There are 3 main versions:

UK Theatrical Version - reduces some of the violence by using shot substitutions, as required by the BBFC
US Theatrical Version - retains all the original violence
Continental Version "Laser Killer" - retains all the original violence except it has an alternate scene with a different actress (Marianne Morris instead of Jan Waters) with stronger violence and topless nudity


- I own the Powerhouse Films Standard Edition
- IMDb:
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Re: Corruption (1968) Blu-ray

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

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Re: Corruption (1968) Blu-ray UPDATED

Post by Darrel_Griffin »

1. Having now watched the movie, along with the alternate scene in the Continental Version, I am pretty sure the alternate scene is with Marian Collins. It is definitely NOT Marianne Morris (IMDb Alternate versions page is incorrect in this regard), as I am familiar with her from the movie Vampyres (1974). She has a very distinctive face, and this actress is not her. So the line should read:

- Continental Version "Laser Killer" - retains all the original violence except it has an alternate scene with a different actress (Marian Collins instead of Jan Waters) with stronger violence and topless nudity

2. The Powerhouse Blu-ray commentary track has 2 versions - one for US version, and another for continental version. They differ for the 2 versions of the scene in the flat: US version (33:12-37:41), continental version (33:12-36:57).
My guess is that these 2 versions are also on the Grindhouse Blu-ray, as the commentary track was presumably originally created for that release, but I don't own it.
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Re: Corruption (1968) Blu-ray UPDATED

Post by Darrel_Griffin »

My updated corrections have not yet been implemented. I have since listened to the Powerhouse commentary track, and they confirm that the Continental version alternate scene's actress is Marian Collins.

Apparently a third version of this scene was shot, also using Marian Collins, with stronger violence similar to the Continental version, but without the topless nudity of the Continental version, probably for the Japanese market. I seem to recall there are stills from it in the Powerhouse extras, but I don't know if the entire scene survives. Maybe it's on an old VHS release somewhere!
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Re: Corruption (1968) Blu-ray UPDATED

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

Updated again.
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Re: Corruption (1968) Blu-ray UPDATED

Post by Darrel_Griffin »

I can't see what changes have been made - does the page need to be resubmitted?

Currently, I can see no mention of the 2 versions of the Powerhouse commentary track, and the general notes section still mentions Marianne Morris, when it should be Marian Collins.
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Re: Corruption (1968) Blu-ray UPDATED

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

I only fixed what was above. I didn't see any mention of the commentary tracks being incorrect. Maybe you should contact Rick Curzon about the issue with this page since I seem to be lost on what the other issues are.
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Re: Corruption (1968) Blu-ray FAO Rick / Darrel

Post by Darrel_Griffin »

Yes, sorry, it did get a bit complicated, because I originally got information from IMDb, but later, after watching the movie and the extras, I realised that IMDb was incorrect (and at the time of writing, still is) regarding Marianne Morris, who as far as I can tell does not appear in any version of the movie.

The details that still needed updating were as per my message dated 19th February 2024.

Point 1 (Morris -> Collins) has now been done.

So that just leaves Point 2, regarding the fact that, on the UK Powerhouse release, there are 2 variations of commentary track. They are mostly the same, but differ during the scene in the flat: US version (33:12-37:41), continental version (33:12-36:57).