Digimon Adventures AKA Digimon, Digital Monsters AKA Dejimon Adobenchâ: Season 1 (TV) (1999-2000)
An animated series based on the popular children's toy "Digimon"Director: Keiji Hayakawa, Mamoru Hosoda, Takahiro Imamura, Tetsuo Imazawa, Takenori Kawada, Hiroyuki Kakudō, Harume Kosaka, Hiroki Shibada, Junji Shimizu, Takao Yoshizawa
Episodes (with Play all option) (144:11)
- “01. And So It Begins...”
- “02. The Birth of Greymon”
- “03. Garurumon”
- “04. Biyomon Gets Firepower”
- “05. Kabuterimon's Electro Shocker”
- “06. Togemon In Toy Town”
- “07. Ikkakumon's Harpoon Torpedo”
Episodes (with Play all option) (143:53)
- “08. Evil Shows His Face”
- “09. Subzero Ice Punch”
- “10. A Clue from the Digi-Past”
- “11. The Dancing Digimon”
- “12. DigiBaby Boom”
- “13. The Legend of the DigiDestined”
- “14. Departure for a New Continent”
Episodes (with Play all option) (143:50)
- “15. The Dark Network of Etemon”
- “16. The Arrival of SkullGreymon”
- “17. The Crest of Sincerity”
- “18. The Piximon Cometh”
- “19. The Prisoner of the Pyramid”
- “20. The Earthquake of MetalGreymon”
- “21. Home Away from Home”
Episodes (with Play all option) (123:18)
- “22. Forget About it!”
- “23. WereGarurumon's Diner”
- “24. No Questions, Please”
- “25. Princess Karaoke”
- “26. Sora's Crest of Love”
- “27. The Gateway to Home”
Episodes (with Play all option) (138:01)
- “28. It's All in the Cards”
- “29. Return to Highton View Terrace”
- “30. Almost Home Free”
- “31. The Eighth Digivice”
- “32. Gatomon Comes Calling”
- “33. Out on the Town”
- “34. The Eighth Child Revealed”
Episodes (with Play all option) (136:43)
- “35. Flower Power”
- “36. City Under Siege”
- “37. Wizardmon's Gift”
- “38. Prophecy”
- “39. The Battle for Earth”
- “40. Enter The Dark Masters”
- “41. Seasick and Tired”
Episodes (with Play all option) (137:47)
- “42. Under Pressure”
- “43. Playing Games”
- “44. Trash Day”
- “45. The Ultimate Clash”
- “46. Etemon's Comeback Tour”
- “47. Ogremon's Honor”
- “48. My Sister's Keeper”
Episodes (with Play all option) (117:51)
- “49. The Crest of Light”
- “50. Joe's Battle”
- “51. The Crest of Friendship”
- “52. Piedmon's Last Jest”
- “53. Now Apocalymon”
- “54. The Fate of Two Worlds”
Original Japanese Opening (1:32)
Original Japanese Closing (1:47) -
Aspect Ratio:1.33:1
Picture Format:Non-Anamorphic
TV System:PAL
Soundtrack(s):English Dolby Digital 2.0 stereo
Case type:Keep Case
Notes:This collection is the English-DUB / English-EDIT version of Digimon Season 1. So, as with most Japanese-to-English anime edits, various scenes, names, titles, dialogue, etc included in the original Japanese versions that were considered unsuitable(etc) for English audiences have been cut or altered accordingly for this English version. (NOTE: there have been further censor cuts or alterations made since, that were not part of the original English-EDITS *see CUTS for more information*).
- Due to the events of 9/11 in the United States in 2001, in Episode 29 “Return to Highton View Terrace” some TV broadcasts cut the scene that involves Joe and the other characters discussing a suspected terrorist bombing. This scene is fully intact and included on this DVD release.
- Due to the events of 9/11 in the United States in 2001, in Episode 48 “My Sister's Keeper” some TV broadcasts cut the scene showing Megadramon and Gigadramon destroying a city from above. This scene is fully intact and included on this DVD release.
- Episodes 1, 2, 19, 25, 37, 39, 45, 54 include the United States “TV-Y7” rating logo in the top left corner of the screen that is visible for a few seconds at the beginning of the episodes, before disappearing. Additionally, at the end of each episode is a short “Saban” company logo (which lasts only a few seconds), but plays before the end-credits of the corresponding episode. Whether the English-DUB episodes were originally meant to be broadcast this way, or if this is an editing error, is unknown. -
Special thanks to Rewind user Ewan_McMahon for providing these specifications.
Have you spotted a mistake in these specifications? If so, let us know via our forums. -
Currently the only release we have specs for.
R2 United Kingdom- Manga Entertainment Ltd - Yes - English dubbed version with edits:
- Episode 9 “Subzero Ice Punch” has alternate "Version 2" dialogue during the scene where Gabumon and Matt are in the cave sheltering from the cold, and Gabumon removes his fur to cover Matt. The two versions of dialogue are as follows (scene length remains the same in both versions):
(Version 1): Gabumon: “Why not? Hee hee. Naked Digimon. Here you go, my friend. You will feel better in no time.”
(Version 2): Gabumon: “Why not? No one’s here to see me. There, here you go, my friend. You will feel better in no time.”
- Episode 39 “The Battle for Earth” is missing the entire recap of the previous episode and the opening sequence (both occur one after the other at the beginning of the episode, with approximately 1:30 missing).
- Episode 45 “The Ultimate Clash” is missing the entire recap of the previous episode and the opening sequence (both occur one after the other at the beginning of the episode, with approximately 1:31 missing).
- Episode 54 “The Fate of Two Worlds” is missing the entire recap of the previous episode and the opening sequence (both occur one after the other at the beginning of the episode, with approximately 1:30 missing).
R2 United Kingdom- Manga Entertainment Ltd - Yes - English dubbed version with edits:
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Comparison added by James-Masaki_Ryan on 29/05/18
Comparison last updated by James-Masaki_Ryan on 29/05/18UPDATE LOG:
29/05/18: Initial entry.
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