What did you watch today?

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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Samuel_Scott »

Chris_Xa wrote:For me, the original Ring (japanese) film is one of the best horror/terror films, but if we're talking more comedic horror (which I think Drag belongs to), Army of Darkness is amongst the best of that genre.
I agree with both of these. A few Asian horrors I also love are the Ju-On series, Dark Water, Premonition, the Whispering Corridors series, The Eye series... so many great films.

Some other horrors I've loved from the last 15 years or so include Trick r Treat, Dale and Tucker vs Evil (horror comedy), Shaun of the Dead (again, more comedy), Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003 - best horror remake in years), [REC]/Quarantine series, The Mist, The Descent, Dog Soldiers, 28 Days Later, Martyrs, Inside etc etc.
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Jim_Mcdonaugh »

Surely you must have some "benchmarks" though.
The Departed, The Hills Have Eyes (2006 remake), Aliens (the sequel), Die Hard 3, Lethal Weapon 2/3, Under Siege, Heat, The Good Shepherd (didn't like it on DVD, but truly enjoyed on Blu, go figure...) and many more. It's really hard to choose.
if you find Drag Me To Hell so poor, what for you is a much better example - if I may ask?
The Grudge 2 (US) is decent enough, fairly creepy with good F/X. I rewatched it a few days ago (French Blu) and it was really nice. Excellent A/V quality, watched it at 2:00 AM for the extra kicks. :lol: Of course the plot and all the characters are as good as in Steven Seagal movies, but still entertaining.
For me, the original Ring (japanese) film is one of the best horror/terror films, but if we're talking more comedic horror (which I think Drag belongs to), Army of Darkness is amongst the best of that genre.
The Ring... didn't like it at all. The Grudge is way better.
Dark Water, Premonition
Both US versions are terrible.
Some other horrors I've loved from the last 15 years or so include Trick r Treat, Dale and Tucker vs Evil (horror comedy), Shaun of the Dead (again, more comedy), Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003 - best horror remake in years), [REC]/Quarantine series, The Mist, The Descent, Dog Soldiers, 28 Days Later, Martyrs, Inside etc etc.
Pandorum is also good enough. Especially with 7.1 sound (Danish Blu).

[REC] is great, but only the original movie. Parts 2/3 are crap. Quarantine 1 is pointless in its nature, but shot well. The sequel is a total junk.
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Samuel_Scott »

You mention The Departed, which I agree is very good, but have you seen the original trilogy on which it's based, which IMO, are even better?

Infernal Affairs 1-3 from Hong Kong. If you haven't already Jim, give them a go.
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Jim_Mcdonaugh »

You mention The Departed, which I agree is very good, but have you seen the original trilogy on which it's based, which IMO, are even better?
It's HK or Korean, right? I watched it a long time ago, but I don't recall any details, sorry.
Infernal Affairs 1-3 from Hong Kong. If you haven't already Jim, give them a go.
Yap, I watched them, too. But only on DVD where A/V quality wasn't great. It's Ok, not great though.
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Samuel_Scott »

The Infernal Affairs films are the original The Departed. :wink:

Give them another view if you can't remember much!
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Jim_Mcdonaugh »

The Infernal Affairs films are the original The Departed.
Really? My bad then. Sometimes I confuse asian movies, you know.
Give them another view if you can't remember much!
I've got hundreads of movies on Blu-ray laying around to be watched. But I get distracted all the time.

Also watched Rest Stop 1/2 yesterday. But I wish I didn't... what a pile of dog poop!
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Chris_Xa »

Jim_Mcdonaugh wrote:
Surely you must have some "benchmarks" though.
The Departed, The Hills Have Eyes (2006 remake), Aliens (the sequel), Die Hard 3, Lethal Weapon 2/3, Under Siege, Heat...
* Aliens: For me in order of best to worse are Aliens SE, #4, Prometheus, #1, #3. But all warrant repeat viewing (bought the quadrilogy), and am awaiting the Prometheus sequel to make my mind up on buying that.
* Die Hard 3: best to worse are #1, #3, 4.0 extended, #2; #5 was very disappointing (saw both; extended 5 got 3.75/10, theatrical 5 got 4/10). Only 1, 3 & 4 are keepers for me; #2 had an ok story but something didn't work for me, and I don't know if it's the direction, script, Willis doing everything single-handed, or something else.
* Lethal Weapon 2/3: Another good quadrilogy; best to worse are #3, #2, #1 (all these are for the extended versions), #4. Another keeper.
* Under Siege One of my poorer films, largely due to its very bad script (with too many holes and unanswered questions, and poor action direction). Unfortunately it was something I had been looking forward to very much, when I went to see it.
* Heat is very good, I agree. Definitely up there with some of the better films. Almost confused it with Red Heat, another of the better action buddy comedies (thanks to the buddy chemistry between the leads, fun direction, ok 80s action script, and pacing).
Samuel_Scott wrote:You mention The Departed, which I agree is very good, but have you seen the original trilogy on which it's based, which IMO, are even better? Infernal Affairs 1-3 from Hong Kong. If you haven't already Jim, give them a go.
Have not seen Departed, only because the original (Infernal Affairs 1) is so great and memorable - and I fear that my knowledge of its twists and turns will affect my enjoyment of Departed (being a remake). Without giving away any spoilers, do my fears have any foundation Sam, or is it different enough to enjoy?
#2 was enjoyable in that it did something different to the first, but was not as good. #3 was a decent end to the trilogy (wish all trilogies had such solid ends...thinking of Xmen3 :( ), and was ok but not great.
Samuel_Scott wrote:...Ju-On series, Dark Water, Premonition...The Eye series...Shaun of the Dead (again, more comedy), Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003 - best horror remake in years), [REC]/Quarantine series...The Descent...28 Days Later...
* Dark Water (japanese) was excellent - 8/10. The terror of The Ring (japanese) with a good story. Have not bothered watching either western remakes.
* Ju-On (The Grudge 1... can't remember if I've seen the korean or japanese version). Found it "scary" enough, but something about it felt a bit pretentious and "cash-in" as I'd seen the Ring before it. The story also left me disappointed, and probably the reason I have not bothered with the remakes & sequels.
* Premonition: very good poster design, but not very scary or horror-ry. More of an ok gothic thriller for me.
* The Eye (HK): Think I've watched it, but the fact I can't remember if I have tells me it was not memorable enough to register.
* Shaun of the Dead - definitely comedy, and one of the best "horror comedies".
* Texas Chainsaw Massacre - have to check it out, but have not seen the original - so which should I watch first: remake or original?
* [REC] 3.5/10, [REC]² 4.25/10 (liked the better storyline). #3 was disappointing; can't remember for sure, but may have found it somewhat pointless. Based on these, am not keen to watch Quarantine either. Seen better, like 28 Days Later which I consider a good reboot/reintroduction of the zombie film (was it the first of the "new wave" of zombie films?)...
* The Descent Something different from the usual "horror" films. Enjoyable, but not great - but not bad either.
My logarithmic scoring system (out of 10): 10 excellent, 8 very good, 6 good, 4 average, 2 poor, 1 atrocious.
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Samuel_Scott »

For The Departed, I would say there are obvious similarities, but the difference in culture and settings makes it different enough.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre - I would always say watch the original first. It's a very important film, but it has aged horribly IMO.
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Jim_Mcdonaugh »

* Dark Water (japanese) was excellent - 8/10.
I have it on HK DVD. I can only rate it 1/10 It's pointless and boring, with the worst acting/dialog ever.
I wanted to sell the DVD for 50 rubles, but no one took it, even for free. And I can't blame them.
The terror of The Ring (japanese) with a good story. Have not bothered watching either western remakes.
Can't remember much of it. Except I wasn't impressed at all.
* Ju-On (The Grudge 1... can't remember if I've seen the korean or japanese version). Found it "scary" enough, but something about it felt a bit pretentious and "cash-in" as I'd seen the Ring before it. The story also left me disappointed, and probably the reason I have not bothered with the remakes & sequels.
The 2003 Jap movie is Ok for a low budget flick. I have Danish DVD with decent A/V quality. In fact, it's the only DVD you go for.
* Premonition: very good poster design, but not very scary or horror-ry. More of an ok gothic thriller for me.
The US version reminds me the movie Stone. It's so empty/senseless, badly directed and acted, without any twists or mysteries, I was truly suprised it even was finished and shown in theaters worldwide.
* The Eye (HK): Think I've watched it, but the fact I can't remember if I have tells me it was not memorable enough to register.
I only watched the US remake with Jessica Alba. She's the worst actress ever. Period. Plus the plot made no sense to me. It may have a few nice F/X, but that's it.
* Shaun of the Dead - definitely comedy, and one of the best "horror comedies".
I love british comedies with Simon Pegg. I really do, but I couldnt finish that one. It reminds me The World's End. Not funny at all.
* Texas Chainsaw Massacre - have to check it out, but have not seen the original - so which should I watch first: remake or original?
A great remake, but the original is awful. Mainly coz the cast was badly chosen. And no memorable moments at all.
* [REC] 3.5/10, [REC]² 4.25/10 (liked the better storyline). #3 was disappointing; can't remember for sure, but may have found it somewhat pointless.
The 3 part is a waste indeed.
Based on these, am not keen to watch Quarantine either. Seen better, like 28 Days Later which I consider a good reboot/reintroduction of the zombie film (was it the first of the "new wave" of zombie films?)...
28 Days/Weeks Later are crap. Very poor. Dreadful to be honest. 2/10 both.
* The Descent Something different from the usual "horror" films. Enjoyable, but not great - but not bad either.
It's Ok on US Blu, not so much on DVD (UK).
It's a very important film, but it has aged horribly IMO.
It's a pathetic rubbish if you watch it nowadays. Back then it was another story.
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Samuel_Scott »

This is why it's so important for people to form their own opinions! They can differ massively. I have a few friends who have similar tastes to me, so if they recommend something I will generally take note, but then I have friends who are completely opposite of me. If they say 10/10, I've usually hated it, if they've said 1/10, I've usually loved it. If they've said 5/10, we're generally in agreement. :lol:

It's always good when you find someone with similar tastes - less disappointments on recommendations.

Anyway, the new Hobbit film is staring at me in 3D... trying my best to hold off until tonight. :lol:
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Jim_Mcdonaugh »

This is why it's so important for people to form their own opinions! They can differ massively. I have a few friends who have similar tastes to me, so if they recommend something I will generally take note, but then I have friends who are completely opposite of me. If they say 10/10, I've usually hated it, if they've said 1/10, I've usually loved it. If they've said 5/10, we're generally in agreement.
Sure, tastes differ. I never force my opinion on anyone. Only state. :-D
It's always good when you find someone with similar tastes - less disappointments on recommendations.
Yap. But I always check it out for myself. I don't care everyone's saying "it's crap, don't waste time on it".
I hate Avatar, The Lord Of The Rings trilogy and Titanic. Those are extremely popular titles, but I always puke thinking about'em. :lol:
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Samuel_Scott »

We all have big titles we hate.

I hate the Star Wars films. I have a lot of respect for their achievements, but I'm just not a fan.
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Jim_Mcdonaugh »

I hate the Star Wars films. I have a lot of respect for their achievements, but I'm just not a fan.
When it comes to SW, I always think about Zack and Miri Make A Porno, about their view on SW. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Samuel_Scott »

The Widower (mini-series) (UK DVD) - John Hannah was great in this, Reece Shearsmith disappointing. Overall, an above average mini-series, especially for ITV. 7/10

Eagle Eye (UK Blu) - I've seen this a few times now, and sure, it's not a great film, but it's non-stop, brash, and a lot of fun - a total popcorn movie. I really like it. 8/10

Speed (UK Blu) - It's Speed. No thoughts required. Has held up very well and Hopper owns it. 9/10

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (3D UK Blu) - Another great entry into the series. I can't wait for the finale. A/V is reference quality. 9/10
I work away a lot but I will reply to all PM's within a few days so please have patience!
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Vincent_Bouche »

Hostages: Season 1 (TV)
Pretty good israelian series, not awesome but a good finale - 7/10
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Ain_Uussaar »

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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Chris_Xa »

Vincent_Bouche wrote:Hostages: Season 1 (TV) Pretty good israelian series, not awesome but a good finale - 7/10
For some reason I thought you meant Prisoners Of War, which I've seen up to the end of season 2. Do like that the US version/remake (Homeland) went a different direction, so I can enjoy both series. As for Hostages, do you mean Bnei Aruba ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3242480 ) - and if you do, is the US version different enough so I can enjoy the original?
Jim_Mcdonaugh wrote:
Samuel_Scott wrote:I hate the Star Wars films. I have a lot of respect for their achievements, but I'm just not a fan.
When it comes to SW, I always think about Zack and Miri Make A Porno, about their view on SW. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I know many abhor episodes 1-3... but do you both feel like that toward the "originals" (ep4-6)?
Samuel_Scott wrote:Anyway, the new Hobbit film is staring at me in 3D... trying my best to hold off until tonight. :lol:
Is that the extended #2 or theatrical #2? And speaking of 3D (assuming you watched it at a home theatre), don't your eyes go "swimming" in the home-3D environment - or do you have something decent, that does not tire your eyes after 10minutes?
Jim_Mcdonaugh wrote:
* Premonition: very good poster design, but not very scary or horror-ry. More of an ok gothic thriller for me.
The US version reminds me the movie Stone. It's so empty/senseless, badly directed and acted, without any twists or mysteries, I was truly suprised it even was finished and shown in theaters worldwide.
It's a remake? That can't be right... see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premonitio ... 07_film%29 .
Jim_Mcdonaugh wrote:
* Shaun of the Dead - definitely comedy, and one of the best "horror comedies".
I love british comedies with Simon Pegg. I really do, but I couldnt finish that one. It reminds me The World's End. Not funny at all.
What did you think of their only other film collaboration, Hot Fuzz?
Jim_Mcdonaugh wrote:28 Days/Weeks Later are crap. Very poor. Dreadful to be honest. 2/10 both.
28 Weeks Later was one of the lesser sequels, but the first (28 Days Later) did many things right: a deserted London (never thought how eerie such a city would feel when bereft of life and movement), zombies that don't just walk at you (what do you do against someone that runs after you, and there's no way to even begin to reason with), a good ending (take your choice), and more. Compared to what (zombie films) came before, it was quite refreshing. Speaking of the series, did #3 (28 Months Later?) come out yet?
Samuel_Scott wrote:For The Departed, I would say there are obvious similarities, but the difference in culture and settings makes it different enough.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre - I would always say watch the original first. It's a very important film, but it has aged horribly IMO.
Thanks for the tips.

Watched Superman Unbound (blu) 4.5/10: Ok animation, average direction and script; good animation reintroduction to Brainiac. Extras include below average commentary, digital comic excerpt; ok Kandor History Bottle City, Brainiac Technology Terror.
My logarithmic scoring system (out of 10): 10 excellent, 8 very good, 6 good, 4 average, 2 poor, 1 atrocious.
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Samuel_Scott »

Chris_Xa wrote:I know many abhor episodes 1-3... but do you both feel like that toward the "originals" (ep4-6)?
All 6 of them. I preferred the LEGO Star Wars stuff, and the Family Guy stuff by far.
Is that the extended #2 or theatrical #2? And speaking of 3D (assuming you watched it at a home theatre), don't your eyes go "swimming" in the home-3D environment - or do you have something decent, that does not tire your eyes after 10minutes?
The theatrical - extended isn't out for months and months yet. My 3D set-ups are mid-range. Used the projector (Epson EH-TW6100) rather than the TV (Panasonic TX-P65VT50B, though I also have a cheap LG 3D TV) I have to say though, I've never really had a problem viewing in 3D. It seems to depend on the person just as much as the equipment.
It's a remake? That can't be right... see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premonitio ... 07_film%29 .
The original film is from 2004. The Sandra Bullock one is an American remake.
Speaking of the series, did #3 (28 Months Later?) come out yet?
On hold I believe.

Anyway, just watched since my last post, a couple of Disney live-action films on NowTV.

Blank Cheque - Not as good as I remembered it being as a kid. 5/10

The Big Green - Your typical underdogs sports kids thing from Disney really. I swear, Patrick Renna was Disney's go to fat kid in the 90s. 5/10
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Chris_Xa »

Samuel_Scott wrote:
Is that the extended #2 or theatrical #2? And speaking of 3D (assuming you watched it at a home theatre), don't your eyes go "swimming" in the home-3D environment - or do you have something decent, that does not tire your eyes after 10minutes?
The theatrical - extended isn't out for months and months yet. My 3D set-ups are mid-range. Used the projector (Epson EH-TW6100) rather than the TV (Panasonic TX-P65VT50B, though I also have a cheap LG 3D TV) I have to say though, I've never really had a problem viewing in 3D. It seems to depend on the person just as much as the equipment.
Can watch cinema 3D with no problems (and by that reasoning, home projector 3D should similarily be ok). But in front of the active 3D TV screens, my eyes feel googly/wobbly after a few minutes.
It's a remake? That can't be right... see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premonitio ... 07_film%29 .
The original film is from 2004. The Sandra Bullock one is an American remake.
Erm... the wikipedia article above writes "...Contrary to popular belief, the film is not a remake of the 2004 Japanese horror film Premonition and is its own original story..." - are they wrong?
...28 Months Later...On hold I believe.
Ah good, haven't missed it.
Anyway, just watched since my last post, a couple of Disney live-action films on NowTV...
Whenever I hear Disney live films, The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes often comes to mind. :) Wasn't until years later (initially saw it as a young kid) when I saw a repeat, that I realised who the star was.
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Chris_Xa »

PS: on an unrelated note to this thread, does anyone here have any contacts with anyone over at DvdVerdict?
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