Jim_Mcdonaugh wrote:Surely you must have some "benchmarks" though.
The Departed, The Hills Have Eyes (2006 remake), Aliens (the sequel), Die Hard 3, Lethal Weapon 2/3, Under Siege, Heat...
Aliens: For me in order of best to worse are
Aliens SE, #4,
Prometheus, #1, #3. But all warrant repeat viewing (bought the quadrilogy), and am awaiting the
Prometheus sequel to make my mind up on buying that.
Die Hard 3: best to worse are #1, #3, 4.0 extended, #2; #5 was very disappointing (saw both; extended 5 got 3.75/10, theatrical 5 got 4/10). Only 1, 3 & 4 are keepers for me; #2 had an ok story but something didn't work for me, and I don't know if it's the direction, script, Willis doing
everything single-handed, or something else.
Lethal Weapon 2/3: Another good quadrilogy; best to worse are #3, #2, #1 (all these are for the extended versions), #4. Another keeper.
Under Siege One of my poorer films, largely due to its very bad script (with too many holes and unanswered questions, and poor action direction). Unfortunately it was something I had been looking forward to very much, when I went to see it.
Heat is very good, I agree. Definitely up there with some of the better films. Almost confused it with
Red Heat, another of the better action buddy comedies (thanks to the buddy chemistry between the leads, fun direction, ok 80s action script, and pacing).
Samuel_Scott wrote:You mention The Departed, which I agree is very good, but have you seen the original trilogy on which it's based, which IMO, are even better? Infernal Affairs 1-3 from Hong Kong. If you haven't already Jim, give them a go.
Have not seen
Departed, only because the original (
Infernal Affairs 1) is so great and memorable - and I fear that my knowledge of its twists and turns will affect my enjoyment of Departed (being a remake). Without giving away any spoilers, do my fears have any foundation Sam, or is it different enough to enjoy?
#2 was enjoyable in that it did something different to the first, but was not as good. #3 was a decent end to the trilogy (wish all trilogies had such solid ends...thinking of
), and was ok but not great.
Samuel_Scott wrote:...Ju-On series, Dark Water, Premonition...The Eye series...Shaun of the Dead (again, more comedy), Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003 - best horror remake in years), [REC]/Quarantine series...The Descent...28 Days Later...
Dark Water (japanese) was excellent - 8/10. The terror of The Ring (japanese) with a good story. Have not bothered watching either western remakes.
Ju-On (The Grudge 1... can't remember if I've seen the korean or japanese version). Found it "scary" enough, but something about it felt a bit pretentious and "cash-in" as I'd seen the Ring before it. The story also left me disappointed, and probably the reason I have not bothered with the remakes & sequels.
Premonition: very good poster design, but not very scary or horror-ry. More of an ok gothic thriller for me.
The Eye (HK): Think I've watched it, but the fact I can't remember if I have tells me it was not memorable enough to register.
Shaun of the Dead - definitely comedy, and one of the best "horror comedies".
Texas Chainsaw Massacre - have to check it out, but have not seen the original - so which should I watch first: remake or original?
* [REC] 3.5/10, [REC]² 4.25/10 (liked the better storyline). #3 was disappointing; can't remember for sure, but
may have found it somewhat pointless. Based on these, am not keen to watch
Quarantine either. Seen better, like
28 Days Later which I consider a good reboot/reintroduction of the zombie film (was it the first of the "new wave" of zombie films?)...
The Descent Something different from the usual "horror" films. Enjoyable, but not great - but not bad either.
My logarithmic scoring system (out of 10): 10 excellent, 8 very good, 6 good, 4 average, 2 poor, 1 atrocious.