What did you watch today?

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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Chris_Xa »

Jim_Mcdonaugh wrote:
I'm guessing this is still the normal/theatrical version, as opposed to the DC with the deleted scenes included within the film?
That's right, for reason beyond any comprehension, they released only Theatrical Cut.
Think it may have something to do with the director stating somewhere (I've read) that the theatrical releases are his prefered cuts, and that the DCs are actually the studio's cuts. May be some kind of rights issue? Was going to buy the LW1-3 DC DVD trilogy (because of the added DTS also), but then I saw...:
Director's cuts aren't yet available on Blu-ray.
But it will be.
Hope so - been awaiting the DC blu ever since I saw the visual improvement at http://www.caps-a-holic.com/hd_vergleic ... ultiID=215 (from http://www.caps-a-holic.com/hd_vergleic ... ton=Search ). And that's with the VC1; wonder how much better again it might be if they use AVC.
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Samuel_Scott »

Chris_Xa wrote:
Jim_Mcdonaugh wrote:
I'm guessing this is still the normal/theatrical version, as opposed to the DC with the deleted scenes included within the film?
That's right, for reason beyond any comprehension, they released only Theatrical Cut.
Think it may have something to do with the director stating somewhere (I've read) that the theatrical releases are his prefered cuts, and that the DCs are actually the studio's cuts. May be some kind of rights issue?
I don't think it has anything to do with anything other than making extra money from people double dipping.
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Jim_Mcdonaugh »

I don't think it has anything to do with anything other than making extra money from people double dipping.
That's probably it. :lol:
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Chris_Xa »

Jim_Mcdonaugh wrote:
Samuel_Scott wrote:I don't think it has anything to do with anything other than making extra money from people double dipping.
That's probably it. :lol:
You could be right, but the theatrical blu came out in...2006. Isn't 8 years is a long time to await for double-dipping, considering that extended versions (eg The Wolverine) come out appx 6+months after theatrical disk version? Or is it a lot more involved than that?
The reason I thought studio politics/artists rights may have a play is the situation with Clint Eastwood's films (also by WB): Given the consistent lack of extras and (no) commentaries, I'm wondering if Clint has a flat refusal over such things... can't imagine why else with over 20+ of his films, there's comparatively so few extras available for home video.
And then there's other WB franchises: the Superman (Reeve) films (#1's 3hour version still unavailable, #4 40+min extra "dc" still unavailable), DC Comics films (very few series fully available on blu), etc... There's something fishy going on IMO anyway.
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Ain_Uussaar »

Bad Asses (Bad Ass 2: Bad Asses) - Stupid but fun DTV sequel
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Samuel_Scott »

Die Hard 2 (UK Blu) - Not as good as 1 or 3, but much better than 4 and 5. 8/10

Die Hard with a Vengeance (UK Blu) - I think the pair-up with Samuel L. Jackson works wonders here and stops it going stale. 9/10

Police Story (UK DVD) - Tied with Project A as my favourite Jackie Chan movie. 10/10
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Chris_Xa »

Samuel_Scott wrote:Die Hard 2 (UK Blu) - Not as good as 1 or 3, but much better than 4 and 5. 8/10
Die Hard with a Vengeance (UK Blu) - I think the pair-up with Samuel L. Jackson works wonders here and stops it going stale. 9/10
Police Story (UK DVD) - Tied with Project A as my favourite Jackie Chan movie. 10/10
Die Hard 4 is better than 2 for me; my order (best to worst) is 1,3,4,2,5. Not that 2 is bad, but there's something about it that does not come together well, and thus makes it hard to "digest". Agreed re #3 - it's what makes it something "different" (or more a copy of #1). And the best Police Story is #3 (Supercop)... but good luck finding THAT uncut in the original language (been looking for years here).
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Samuel_Scott »

Chris_Xa wrote:but good luck finding THAT uncut in the original language (been looking for years here).
The Hong Kong DVD and HK Blu are the full original cut in the original language. These are all easily found from sites like yesasia.com

I have one of the HK discs somewhere and the UK disc.
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Davy_Lee »

IT CAME WITHOUT WARNING (First Viewing, German dvd) - 7/10

Jack Palance, Martin Landau, sci-fi horror: the ingredients should make fans of both actors happy. I was quite satisfied as I was expecting more screen time of both actors.

Despite the limitations - particularly in the script, it shows several elements that make it above average: the eerie synthesizer score, the alien's p.o.v. camera shot (it's Halloween's Dean Cundey!), the sense of foreboding throughout the film and the flying "pancakes" that suck ! :lol:

It's interesting to realize that this and PREDATOR share some things in common. PREDATOR's scriptwriters must have watched this, taken the ideas and rewritten them:

1. A stranded alien that hunts its preys in a woodland; in PREDATOR, the setting is a jungle.

2. The alien hunts, kills and stores the corpses of its victims in a shack; in PREDATOR, the alien kills and collects the skulls of its victims.

3. Four unwary co-eds encounter the alien and are stalked; in PREDATOR, a group of commandos becomes the target.

4. The alien's weapon of choice is flying creatures that suck their victim's blood; in PREDATOR, the weapon shoots laser and is strapped to the alien's shoulder pad.

And the fact that Kevin Peter Hall, who would later become the alien in PREDATOR, is the alien in this film.

A very low budget sci-fi horror flick with some parts that plod along to fill up the run time and not enough screen time for both leading actors. But it manages to entertain.

Jack Palance and Martin Landau are a must-see for their wacky acting. You should see Palance's facial expression when he shouts at the top of his voice "Ali-eeeen..." and runs toward it at the climax of the film :)
Last edited by Davy_Lee on 20 Apr 2014 08:23, edited 1 time in total.
*N=New to collection :-D, U=Upgrade :), DD=Double Dipping :wink:, R=Replacement for damaged disc :-?

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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Noor_Razzak »

Mortified Nation (Netflix) a terrific documentary about people sharing their actual teenage diaries/journals with a crowd of strangers. It was superb, funny, touching and sometimes sad, but it was always entertaining, 10/10.
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Samuel_Scott »

Heart of Dragon (UK DVD) - An underrated Jackie Chan and Sammo Hung movie. 7/10

Safe House (UK Blu) - Wasn't expecting much out of this but enjoyed it. Some well shot action scenes and Washington has great screen prescence. 7/10
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Chris_Xa »

Samuel_Scott wrote:
Chris_Xa wrote:...Police Story 3 Supercop...good luck finding THAT uncut in the original language (been looking for years here).
The Hong Kong DVD and HK Blu are the full original cut in the original language. These are all easily found from sites like yesasia.com . I have one of the HK discs somewhere and the UK disc.
Can't see the UK on the http://dvdcompare.net/comparisons/film.php?fid=2120 list - is it uncut? And how do you find the image quality on them (ie what do you think of them) - decent, or can they be improved upon?
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Samuel_Scott »

The UK release is a budget piece of crap. Can't remember off-hand what version it is, but will hunt it out eventually.

As for as I know, none of the releases are of particularly good A/V, no matter what release you buy.
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Jim_Mcdonaugh »

As for as I know, none of the releases are of particularly good A/V, no matter what release you buy.
Can't agree more. All HK/US discs are junk.
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Ain_Uussaar »

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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Chris_Xa »

Jim_Mcdonaugh wrote:
Samuel_Scott wrote:The UK release is a budget piece of crap. Can't remember off-hand what version it is.....As for as I know, none of the releases are of particularly good A/V, no matter what release you buy.
Can't agree more. All HK/US discs are junk.
Pity I can't find a review of the HK blu re the A/V quality. Read the review on the Delta & Mega HK releases, and as it was pointed out above their quality is below par; no review on the IVL to advise if it improved either. Oh well. :(

Watched Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox (blu) 6.25/10 : One of the better WB DC universe animations - not so much its animation style, but it was well scripted with decent direction. And as some reviews I've skimmed over advise (compiling the specs for submission), it's one of the "darker" films (in tone). Won't write more in case it spoils anyone's enjoyment, but recommend this be watched without seeing any trailers or reading background info: If the first 20minutes don't grab you, then perhaps not for you. Haven't gone through the extras yet, so stay tuned if interested (probably by tomorrow).
My logarithmic scoring system (out of 10): 10 excellent, 8 very good, 6 good, 4 average, 2 poor, 1 atrocious.
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Samuel_Scott »

Max Payne (UK Blu) - Some good visuals, and I like Mark Wahlberg and Mila Kunis, but the story was lacklustre. 5/10

Trespass (UK Blu) - What was Nicole Kidman thinking lowering herself to star in something with Nic Cage during a time where 90% of his films are becoming complete twaddle (Drive Angry withstanding!)? 4/10

Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (UK Blu) - I'm finding Scrat to be a boring character now, and the story here wasn't as good as the previous films. A few laughs though and not a waste of time. 6/10

Return to House on Haunted Hill (UK Blu) - House on Haunted Hill is a little underrated, but I couldn't get into this one despite being a big fan of Cerina Vincent. 4/10

The Accidental Spy (UK Blu) - It's the shorter international version (longer is available on Blu in HK) and although the story isn't particularly great, it really showcases Jackie Chan's stunt work. Also, Eric Tsang is good in EVERYTHING. 8/10

Short Film:

Surviving Sid (UK Blu) - An Ice Age short which was okay. A couple of good laughs early on. 6/10
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Ain_Uussaar »

World War Z - Extended Cut
Better Off Dead...
Beasts of the Southern Wild
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Samuel_Scott »

Not a lot of time today:

What Happens in Vegas (TV) - 6/10
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Re: What did you watch today?

Post by Vincent_Bouche »

The Attack (TV)
Great movie about a famous arab surgeon working in Israel and discovering his wife is involved in an attack - 7/10.
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