Title: (on box) Sweet Karma A Dominatrix Story (the original title, and the title on the film itself, is Justify)
Country: Australia
Region: B
Releasing Studio: Mandala Films
Case Type: Keep
Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1
Anamorphic?: yes, 2D and 3D on same disc
PAL or NTSC?:1080p 24fps MVC
Soundtracks: English 5.1 DTS HD MA
Subtitles (are they optional?): none
Cuts: (and if you know it, precise run time) 76:08 front cover says UNCUT for what that's worth
Commentaries: none
Extras: Trailers for:
Gnaw (01:40 - unlike the other three, this one plays massively windowboxed so must be in SD)
Spiderhole (01:55)
Sick Boy (01:25)
Neverlost (02:23)
Notes: On German non-3D releases it's known as Sweet Karma 2 A Dominatrix Story. The film was of course shot in 2D - the 3D version is a cheap German machine conversion.
Easter Eggs: none
Amazon ASIN (UK, French, German, USA releases only):
Source: I own it, just watched it. The (crappy) 3D is exactly the same style as The Running Man's so I imagine this is a straight port of the German version, which is on Amazon UK with ASIN B00795E35W
Justify aka Sweet Karma A Dominatrix Story Australia ADDED
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