In Theatres

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Re: In Theatres

Post by Samuel_Scott »

Noor_Razzak wrote:The Accountant - Critics are sitting on the fence about this one with 50% rating on rottentomatoes and I can see why. The film tries to be more clever than it actually is, twisting the plot, characters, and motivations and most of them you can see coming. There's moments of brilliance but the film really lacks electricity at times and meanders away. Affleck however actually delivers a decent performance as an autistic accountant with impressive skills, the supporting actors play their part, Anna Kendrick does her usual nice girl schtick and Jon Bernthal doesn't stray too far from his grizzled badass self. It had moments but not enough to sustain itself from falling apart. 5/10.
I agree with most of this having just got back. I really liked the humour and also think Affleck did a great job. The action scenes were enjoyable, but like Noor, I saw the twists coming a mile off. Surprised you mentioned Bernthal and Kendrick, but not Lithgow who was my favourite side character
especially his death scene

I'll give it a very solid 3/5.
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Re: In Theatres

Post by Samuel_Scott »

The Arrival - Absolutely superb and I think my favourite film of the year so far. Sci-fi is one of my least favourite genres overall but this was intelligently written, very atmospheric, and almost perfectly cast (Renner was the weak link but still good). This NEEDS an Atmos track when it hits Blu-ray. 4.5/5
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Re: In Theatres

Post by Samuel_Scott »

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them - Wasn't expecting much to be honest as I wasn't a big fan of the whole Potter phenomenon. However, I did enjoy this enough where I will certainly go to the sequel. The imagery is superb and the special effects were spot on, but it was the pacing at the start that I struggled with. Dan Fogler was the surprising talent here, someone who has always been distinctly average in daft comedies. A very solid 3/5.
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Re: In Theatres

Post by Samuel_Scott »

Allied - Took some time to get going, but when it does it is enjoyable enough as a bit of a slow burner. Surprised how poor some of the CGI was (opening scene and the sandstorm) and the supporting cast were better than both the leads. A 3/5.
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Re: In Theatres

Post by Noor_Razzak »

Arrival - finally saw this today. I've become quite the fan of Denis Villeneuve, Prisoners was terrific, as was Sicario and I'm really looking forward to his sequel to Blade Runner. Arrival was another solid film, the story was immensely engaging, the performances where great, and the photography was simply stunning. He's a very talented visual filmmaker and his framing, composition, and use of space makes this film all the more enjoyable. I loved it, right until the end. I won't spoil it, but I saw the ending coming, and once the film got there they drove the point home - dragging it out and overall it felt corny. That's the only negative, it just felt like the filmmakers where treating the audience like idiots towards the end. 7/10.
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Re: In Theatres

Post by Noor_Razzak »

I'm going to the midnight screening of Rogue One tonight... I literally cannot wait to see this. I'll report back after I see it but judging by what critics are already saying it's going to be epically awesome!
Samir: You know there's nothing wrong with that name.
Michael Bolton: There was nothing wrong with it... until I was about 12 years old and that no-talent ass clown became famous and started winning Grammys. (Office Space)
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Re: In Theatres

Post by Noor_Razzak »

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - Going into this I had such high hopes, the trailers were incredible, the cast looked fantastic, and going back to the world of the original trilogy was exciting and I'm happy to say the film delivered on all fronts. The film starts off setting up the story and then begins to move at a quick pace. The film's story develops as our main character is thrust into the rebellion. The world is wholly familiar and Gareth Edwards nailed it right down to the smallest of aesthetics, the entire cast was brilliant, they managed to introduce memorable and lasting heroes into the Star Wars cannon. The action and effects are top notch, the assault in the third act was tense and gritty and you can pretty much count the space battle in this film among the best the series has ever seen. There are some flaws, the film moves fast and some characters aren't given enough time to develop and aside from some very minor quibbles, I'm extremely happy with what Disney are doing with this franchise and I cannot wait to see more Star Wars. 9/10

Samir: You know there's nothing wrong with that name.
Michael Bolton: There was nothing wrong with it... until I was about 12 years old and that no-talent ass clown became famous and started winning Grammys. (Office Space)
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Re: In Theatres

Post by Samuel_Scott »

Noor_Razzak wrote:Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - Going into this I had such high hopes, the trailers were incredible, the cast looked fantastic, and going back to the world of the original trilogy was exciting and I'm happy to say the film delivered on all fronts. The film starts off setting up the story and then begins to move at a quick pace. The film's story develops as our main character is thrust into the rebellion. The world is wholly familiar and Gareth Edwards nailed it right down to the smallest of aesthetics, the entire cast was brilliant, they managed to introduce memorable and lasting heroes into the Star Wars cannon. The action and effects are top notch, the assault in the third act was tense and gritty and you can pretty much count the space battle in this film among the best the series has ever seen. There are some flaws, the film moves fast and some characters aren't given enough time to develop and aside from some very minor quibbles, I'm extremely happy with what Disney are doing with this franchise and I cannot wait to see more Star Wars. 9/10

Just back from this too. A shaky opening 15 minutes quickly turned into a cracking film. I've never been a big Star Wars fan, but The Force Awakens and this are quickly starting to turn me... 4/5
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Re: In Theatres

Post by Noor_Razzak »

Fences - Denzel Washington directs and stars in the Pulitzer Prize winning play adaptation. Denzel and co-star Viola Davis both won Tony awards for the Broadway revival of this play and that chemistry and brilliant acting are carried over onto the silver screen. The film deals with some heavy subject matter, it's often intense, and challenging. The film is shot much like a play, with long takes and mostly taking place in a handful of locations - mostly the Troy's (Denzel Washington) working-class home. The film plays out as a journey of discovery for the audience - we're thrown into the Troy's life head first and learn about him and his family as the film progresses. It's a wonderfully acted film but it's certainly not for everyone. 7/10.
Samir: You know there's nothing wrong with that name.
Michael Bolton: There was nothing wrong with it... until I was about 12 years old and that no-talent ass clown became famous and started winning Grammys. (Office Space)
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Re: In Theatres

Post by Samuel_Scott »

Passengers - There is a lot wrong with it, but plenty of good ideas and some decent moments. A let down, but worthy of a 2.5/5.
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Re: In Theatres

Post by Noor_Razzak »

One More Time With Feeling - this is a meditative documentary about singer/songwriter Nick Cave and looks at his recording process for his newest album all while he's dealing with a deeply personal trauma that has affected his family. It's an experimental, etherial, transcendental documentary, it doesn't follow a straight narrative but rather each scene allows viewers to discover the meaning. It's quite unique and artistic, and if you're a fan of Nick Cave very much worth checking out. 8/10.
Samir: You know there's nothing wrong with that name.
Michael Bolton: There was nothing wrong with it... until I was about 12 years old and that no-talent ass clown became famous and started winning Grammys. (Office Space)
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Re: In Theatres

Post by Noor_Razzak »

Silence - I've long been a fan of Martin Scorsese, there's very few American filmmakers with as much gravitas as Scorsese. His frames are works of art, his style unquestionably unique, his vision incomparable. Few would argue otherwise, and Silence is another masterpiece in the filmmaker's resume. It's much unlike any of his previous films, especially his "other" religious film, The Last Temptation of Christ. The film runs at a deliberate pace, much unlike the film's trailer - which presents the film as if it has a much faster pace or urgency. The story unfolds slowly as we follow the two priests through this foreign land of mystery and most certainly danger. The film is occasionally brutal, the acting is impressive, and the film looks phenomenal. It can drag on a bit, the film does run 161 minutes and can be a challenge for some viewers. I was immersed in it for sure and for the most part enjoyed it for what it is, but unsure if it would warrant repeated viewing. 7/10.
Samir: You know there's nothing wrong with that name.
Michael Bolton: There was nothing wrong with it... until I was about 12 years old and that no-talent ass clown became famous and started winning Grammys. (Office Space)
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Re: In Theatres

Post by Samuel_Scott »

Live by Night - I think this one is getting a little bit of a raw deal from critics. Sure, Affleck's directed better films (Argo and The Town), but this is an interesting gangster film set during prohibition that has some very good set pieces and a great supporting cast. Affleck is much more talented man than many give him credit for. 3.5/5
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Re: In Theatres

Post by Samuel_Scott »

xXx: Return of Xander Cage - Absolutely ludicrous action scenes. Hilariously OTT all of the time. However, it was a lot of stupid fun thanks to a decent secondary cast. Donnie Yen can still hack it as an old man, and Nina Dobrev's character had the perfect humour the film needed. No 3D where I am unfortunately, but I'm not ashamed to say this may go on the 3D 'to buy' list. 3/5
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Re: In Theatres

Post by Samuel_Scott »

Hacksaw Ridge - Loved it. Way it changes into the action was a shock to the system. Great story, superbly cast. A very rare 5/5 from me. Definitely recommend going to see this if you get the chance.
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Re: In Theatres

Post by Samuel_Scott »

Split - Pretty solid throughout, but James McAvoy's performance really was perfect. I loved the ending too. One of my favourite little endings in some time. 3.5/5
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Re: In Theatres

Post by Ain_Uussaar »

It has been many years since I saw a film in cinema. But today attended a special screening of November (2017)
With Q & A with director and 2 members of cast. Too bad that I didn't like the movie :( 2/10
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Re: In Theatres

Post by Samuel_Scott »

That's a shame. I tend to go on a Monday day time, which is when the well behaved people attend, if anyone else is in the screen at all! I often just see the same 3-4 folk.
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Re: In Theatres

Post by Noor_Razzak »

Split - I loved this, I haven't loved a film by M. Night in years... not since Unbreakable to be honest and this one hit all the right notes and oh boy what an ending! McAvoy nailed the role(s), the film had me on the edge the entire time. 9/10.
Samir: You know there's nothing wrong with that name.
Michael Bolton: There was nothing wrong with it... until I was about 12 years old and that no-talent ass clown became famous and started winning Grammys. (Office Space)
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Re: In Theatres

Post by Noor_Razzak »

John Wick: Chapter 2 -This is a largely entertaining sequel to the 2014 surprise hit that seemingly came out of nowhere. Keanu is back reprising the title character, the story is simple, the acting isn't all that great but the action, gunplay, violence is all in top form although can be a little repetitive. 6/10.
Samir: You know there's nothing wrong with that name.
Michael Bolton: There was nothing wrong with it... until I was about 12 years old and that no-talent ass clown became famous and started winning Grammys. (Office Space)
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