Ilsa Trilogy 3 DVD box set + Ilsa, Tigress... ADDED

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Ilsa Trilogy 3 DVD box set + Ilsa, Tigress... ADDED

Post by Darrel_Griffin »

Box Set: Ilsa die Trilogie (3 disc, 3 movie box set, limited edition)


disc 1: Ilsa, She Wolf Of The SS (1974)
disc 2: Ilsa, Harem Keeper Of The Oil Sheiks (1976)
disc 3: Ilsa, The Tigress Of Siberia AKA Tigress (1977)

Country: Austria
Region: 0
Releasing Studio: XT Video / NSM Records
Case Type: Steelbook with lenticular 3D front cover

NOTE: the details below are for each disc separately:

disc 1: Ilsa, She Wolf Of The SS (1974)

Aspect Ratio: 1.66:1
Anamorphic?: Yes

German Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo (although almost everything is panned centrally, so not much different to a mono track)
English Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono

Subtitles: German (optional)
Cuts: no cuts (92:10)
Commentaries: Commentary by actress Dyanne Thorne, director Don Edmonds and producer David F. Friedman, moderated by humorist Martin Lewis


- "Ilsa, She Wolf Of The SS" (3:45)
- "Ilsa, The Tigress Of Siberia" (2:23)
- "Ilsa, Harem Keeper Of The Oil Sheiks" (2:46)

Easter Eggs: none known

disc 2: Ilsa, Harem Keeper Of The Oil Sheiks (1976)

Aspect Ratio: 1.66:1
Anamorphic?: Yes

German Dolby Digital 1.0 Mono (with reconstructed German audio for torture scene starting at 33:12)
German Dolby Digital 1.0 Mono (with original English audio for torture scene starting at 33:12)
English Dolby Digital 1.0 Mono

Subtitles: German (only for occasional scenes in English on the German soundtracks) (optional)
Cuts: no cuts (89:17)
Commentaries: Commentary by actress Dyanne Thorne, director Don Edmonds and actor Howard Maurer, moderated by humorist Martin Lewis

German Theatrical Trailer (2:46)
US Theatrical Trailer (3:07)
Alternate version of torture scene (2:22, in German, no subtitles)
- "Ilsa, The Tigress Of Siberia" (2:23)
- "Ilsa, She Wolf Of The SS" (3:45)

Easter Eggs: none known

disc 3: Ilsa, The Tigress Of Siberia AKA Tigress (1977)

Aspect Ratio: choice of 4:3 or approx 1.76:1

(the latter option, after upscaling to 1920x1080, has about 25 pixels of black on the left, none on the right, 4 at the top and none at the bottom)

(the 4:3 option is probably open matte - see notes below)

Anamorphic?: No (4:3 version), Yes (1.76:1 version)

German Dolby Digital 1.0 Mono
English Dolby Digital 1.0 Mono

Subtitles: none
Cuts: no cuts (91:41)
Commentaries: none

German Theatrical Trailer (2:23)
US Theatrical Trailer (2:32)
- "Ilsa, Harem Keeper Of The Oil Sheiks" (2:46)
- "Ilsa, She Wolf Of The SS" (3:45)


(NOT FOR INCLUSION IN THE DATABASE: On my latest Blu-ray player (Panasonic DMP-BDT180EB, modified to multi-region for Blu-rays), the only way I have found to play the 4:3 version is to set the player's TV aspect setting to "16:9 full". Otherwise it just plays it in widescreen. I don't think I had this issue on my previous Panasonic player.)

The anamorphic widescreen version is effectively just the 4:3 version zoomed in. Therefore it is cropped top and bottom, and not great picture quality.

(NOT FOR INCLUSION IN THE DATABASE: Is the 4:3 version open matte? I have not been able to determine for certain. However, having checked some scenes, it does seem that all of the relevant actors are in the frame, suggesting that it has not been cropped at the sides and is likely to be open matte. The cropped widescreen option does not seem to lose anything important vertically. IMDb lists the OAR as 1.85:1. I will leave it up to you to decide whether to mark the 4:3 version as open matte, but it definitely has more image vertically, and doesn't lose anything horizontally compared with the widescreen version. The only other possibility I can think of is that the 4:3 version was cropped at the sides, meaning that the 'widescreen' version would have been heavily cropped on all 4 sides. This seems unlikely, as the 'widescreen' picture would then probably feel extremely cramped, and it does not.)

Easter Eggs: none known

NOTE: These final details are for the whole box set:

Amazon ASIN (UK, French, German, USA releases only): B00BUSCQ08
Source: I own a copy

Separate product:

NOTE: The release below might be essentially the same as the Dutch USA Shock release already listed, although by my reckoning, the aspect ratio is approx. 1.73:1, not 1.66:1.

Title: Ilsa, The Tigress Of Siberia AKA Tigress (1977)
Country: Holland
Region: 0
Releasing Studio:

back cover says: Copyright 2002 RHE Home entertainment, Distributed by Donut-media
disc start-up logo says: Shock DVD Entertainment

Case Type: Keep Case
Aspect Ratio: approx. 1.73:1
(after upscaling to 1920x1080, picture has about 27 pixels of black at both left and right of image)

Anamorphic?: Yes
Soundtracks: English Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono
Subtitles: Dutch (optional)
Cuts: no cuts (91:43)
Commentaries: none

US Theatrical Trailer (2:32)
Photo Gallery (50 stills)


Back cover incorrectly states that there are Talent Bios on the disc.

(Although the picture is anamorphic widescreen, it is definitely NOT the whole image. The picture is more or less the same as the widescreen version on the Austrian XT Video box set, and is from the same source, although this Dutch release is marginally higher quality. By contrast, the 4:3 version on the Austrian XT Video box set release has more picture top and bottom, and is probably open matte. Please see notes under that release for more information.)

Easter Eggs: none known
Amazon ASIN (UK, French, German, USA releases only): B000G8NZXU
Source: I own a copy
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Re: Ilsa Trilogy 3 DVD box set + Ilsa, Tigress... 1 DVD

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

Added the Austrian set, working on further updates.
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Re: Ilsa Trilogy 3 DVD box set + Ilsa, Tigress... IN PROGRES

Post by James-Masaki_Ryan »

OK, added the Blu-rays so this thread can now be closed.