Title: Ozu no mahôtsukai AKA Wizard of Oz (The) (1982)
Director: Fumihiko Takayama (Japanese version), John Danylkiw (English version)
IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0084458/
Country: Poland
Region: 0
Releasing Studio: IDG Poland (2012)
Case Type: Keep Case
Aspect Ratio: 1.33:1
Anamorphic?: No
PAL or NTSC?: NTSC-to-PAL port (no speedup)
Soundtracks: Japanese DTS 5.1, Japanese Dolby Digital 5.1, Polish (Voice Over) Dolby Digital 5.1
Subtitles (are they optional?): Polish (for dialogue) (optional)
Cuts: None - Japanese version (78:05)
Commentaries: None
Extras: None
Notes: DVD title: "Czarnoksiężnik z Krainy Oz".
Easter Eggs: None
Amazon ASIN (US, UK, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, or Spain): B0086D4IN8 (UK)
Source: I own this DVD.
The Wizard of Oz 1982 DVD - Poland - Bootleg?
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Re: The Wizard of Oz 1982 DVD - Poland
Looking at the release, there is no barcode on the listed artwork, and there doesn't seem to be a mention of IDG as a distributor. It also says incorrectly the copyright of "1985" from Toho, but no official Toho logos. Seems like a bootleg and we'll have it as reference, but will not be added unless it can be confirmed that this is legitimate.